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  • Hi Everyone,

    One of the things about the WooCommerce shortcodes is that they store part of the result in a WP Transient. Something from the WooCommerce 2 to WooCommerce 3 update causes that transient to not work with WC3. My guess would be with the update to using taxonomies for featured products and product visibility.
    Surprisingly these are not cleared out when performing the WC2 to WC3 database update.

    Anyway, all that is needed is to clear out the Woocommerce transients.

    I used the following query directly on the database, but please only use it this way if you understand what it’s doing. Change your database prefix as well.
    DELETE FROM wp_options WHERE option_name LIKE ‘_transient_wc%’
    (Insert ` tags around the table and field names, as they are used as “code” tags here)

    Alternatively there are some Delete Transient plugins that will wipe all transients for you. Deleting only expired transients will not work as the offending transient has not expired (or else it would be replaced and featured products will work).

    I hope this helps.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by scdan. Reason: Fixing broken code tags and DB Query
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by scdan.

    I had this issue because my taxonomies had hyphens in them instead of underscores.

    When determining if a user has permissions, CPT-onomies uses a regular expression to pull the name of the taxonomy.

    /cpt-onomies/manager.php – line 834
    $taxonomy = preg_replace( '/assign\_cpt\_onomy\_([a-z\_]+)\_terms/i', '\1', $this_cap );

    So your taxonomy slug must only contain lowercase a-z and underscores as per the convention outlined on

    Once I updated my custom post type and moved over the posts they were no longer showing up as disabled checkboxes.

    Hope this helps someone!

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