Thanks a lot! I discussed the wishlist option with my client before but I think it’s off the table.
Exactly my thoughts! I figured if I was able to able to modify WooCommerce in a way to allow 0 items in the cart, the next big thing would be the effects on the checkout.
As far as I can tell the minimum cart quantity is deeply embedded into WooCommerce. It appears to be limited on the product pages as well as altered during the add-to-cart and update-cart steps. Also opening the cart seems to remove all the items of quantity 0 (which I tested bei manually setting an item’s quantity of a session to 0 in the database). The real challenge as far as I’m concerned is to find all the functions and files involved.
Do you – or does anyone else – happen to know, if it might be possibly to achieve the intended behavior with writing a plugin? Or will this only be possible by editing/overwriting the WooCommerce files directly?
Thanks a lot!