Forum Replies Created
Ok , i haven’t work yet on the right of user and access to translation, admin access are necessary.
for the right i don’t know , but you can translate woocommerce with falang
here is the documentation
Hi, when you say shop manager it’s a plugin or it’s woocommerce ?
Hi, i have reproduce this problem on a test site , i will see to fix this for the next release, i keep you informed.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Falang multilanguage for WordPress] Footer pattern is not translatedHi, This theme can’t be translated with Falang , i haven’t found the way to translate this template part
i have installed a demo site with twenty twenty four but i can’t see how the template part can be translated , it’s possible to translate the post/page but the menu configured by default is not possible to translate it.
i’m sorry but you have to use another translation tools. This template based on the block editor are not easy to translate.
The update of the Falang version will allow to translate the gutenberg block in the translate post/page but for a full site with the block editor , i have no nice solution actually
i will check this too
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Falang for Elementor Lite] Doesn’t workThe version with a message if this experimental is set is published now
I don’t see the screenshot but it’s exactly the screenshot i need
You create a page with the slug ‘myblog’ , in this page you have a list of articles => how is make this article list ?
this article are from the category ‘myblog’
but you say “?if the slug name of a category is the same with the slug name of any page then i will get an error when permalink of articles has the custom structure: /%category%/%postname%/.“
i have try with the woodmart default template and data, i have a fashion categorie , i have create a fashion page with the same slug and add a menu item
work with %postanme% but not with /%category%/%postname%/.” You are right
i will look what’s wrong
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Falang for Elementor Lite] Doesn’t workHi, Can you check this parameter in Elementor :
Elementor / Settings / Features
The experimental feature need to be disabled, it’s seem it’s make a problem with Falang for Elementor, i will publih a version with a message when this option is enabled.
I have finished confire my site like yours
i have a page BlogSupport with your code inside, i have make a menu item with this page linked the url locally is
front-end default language i have this
the link for readmore (in russian)
for the translation page in french, the first link is
ok and can you post here the view code of this block page, to put it directly locally, i don’t use the block editor, i don’t like it.
The idee is to reproduce locally the problem to find a fix.
How is set this page ? it’s a block editor page ?
you send me the screen capture of the falang settings not the settings / general
if you can put your user in english i don’t read the language , it’s seem russian
can you show this blog page to reproduce the settings on my local server to see what’s wrong , my category blog page don’t have this problem
Hi, it’s not normal, can you put screen capture of
- Permalink configuration
- Setting/General tab
What is this blog list ? a page ?
Ok, i will post a message when it’s done , the number version will be 1.4 or 2.0 depending on the change necessary