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for the display , it’s due to my last version , it’s easy to fix
in the file wp-content\plugins\falang\public\class-falang-public.php? line 114 add the load_string…. line
if ($this->current_language = $this->get_current_language()) {
$this->load_strings_translations($this->current_language->locale);and comment it in the line 197 like this
public function init() {
// $this->load_strings_translations($this->current_language->locale);
if (get_option('permalink_structure')) {For the string not saved can you put here the content ,so i can test with the same content locally
translated in front-end or saved ?
if it’s not translated in front-end , it’s probably the problem i’m working on
Can you remove in the original the circle before privacy , it’s seem a specif caractère , this can be the probem
For another user (paid version) i have see a bug probably due to my last update, the string can be saved but it’s not always displayed , the problem was with a widget text.
What do you mean by not saved ? it’s possible to have the content to check locally
Falang ready the wpml-config.xml file to discover the string to translate, if some string are missing from a plugin or theme it’s possible to updaet or make your own wpml-config.xml file
it’s something i have done for the affiliate manager plugin look the documentation here :
to complete my previous post Falang don’t work fine with full gutenberg site. the alternative text is copied in the page
<!-- wp:image {"id":1737,"sizeSlug":"large","linkDestination":"none"} -->
<figure class="wp-block-image size-large"><img src="" alt="the original alt text" class="wp-image-1737"/><figcaption class="wp-element-caption">the caption</figcaption></figure>
<!-- /wp:image -->the next feature i will put in falang to translate with the block editor will solve this but actually you have tho change it manually in the falang translation page. When you change the alt in the media page ,it’s not changed in the page and i haven’t see how to sync this.
Exemple of the translation in the falang page tested
Thanks i have reproduce the problem, and see a problem when you switch on the media translation page.
yes if you set manual excerpt file , falang will work with it,
but you use a wpbakery element perhaps this element will not work, i haven’t worked yet with this plugin for wpbakery
do you have a link for this elements ?
Try to put in the post “Museo dell Aria di san pelagio” a manual exerpt and translate it with falang to see if it’s work
if it’s done by your theme , i can’t test locally ? or it’s a free template or it’s possible to have this wpbakery shortcode.
it’s perhaps more a Falang for WPBakery support
Do you use the Falang for WPBakery plugin ? can you try with 1 blog element to make a manual excerpt and a translation
exerpt is always complicated , it’s manual exerpt or automatic exerpt based on content, how do you diplay this page ?
i have try to put it in the Falang for WordPress (Pro) version but it was not working , i have to look why
i have installed locally the plugin but i have make a documentation on this problem a few months before
i have tested it and it’s work locally, i have 3 language en/fr/de , i put this code
function tribe_rewrite_canonical_url ($resolved, $url, $cl_rewrite_tribe ){
if (isset($resolved)){
$resolved = str_replace('(/?:en/|fr/|de/)/?','',$resolved);
return $resolved;
add_filter( 'tribe_rewrite_canonical_url', 'tribe_rewrite_canonical_url', 10, 3 );i can probably make a filter for this directly in falang because if you add a language it’s need to be changed.
Hi, i have to build a test site with this calendar , it’s perhaps due to an update of the event calendar not falang, i haven’t see language switcehr on your site
Actually in the Falang code all is based on the manage_options?permission , By default, the manage_options permission is only given to Super Users and Administrators.
look at the documenation here
a plugin exist to manage the permission , you can add the manage_options to the shop manager
i have to look if a better capability and add a translator role