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  • Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: E-mail to post
    Thread Starter SB_beginner


    Ok so I finally managed to figure out a fix for this issue and thought I would share it in case anyone else has the same problems.

    In the file wp-mail.php there is a line of code (Line 70):

    $content.= $line;

    This basically adds all the lines of the body of the message together. The thing is the $line has CR & LF added to the end of it. Therefore change the code to:

    $content.= preg_replace('/\r\n/','',$line);

    this removes the CR & LF from the end of each line. It’s important to note that this is only the desired outcome in HTML format. If you’re sending plain text e-mails then you may want CR & LF and this will remove them. HTML formatting is taken care of by the HTML tags.

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: E-mail to post
    Thread Starter SB_beginner


    Ok so I’m using thunderbird now but it still re-formats the HTML code that I send via e-mail.

    This is what I send

    <p>Hello world. This is a test e-mail post. I have no idea how well it will work therefore I need to test it more. hsdjkhsddb sdbjd dsdgs dsdgsdsd weytwywua nlaikeya aylaabs dyud shayeg a ggret a gstre akeooete alooet a anate a aieuyebsbnbst auaghjb dybdte andhdte amhdte djdgteb sd dudedteye smdo</p>

    and this is what it becomes.

    <p>Hello world. This is a test e-mail post. I have no idea how well it
    will work therefore I need to test it more. hsdjkhsddb sdbjd dsdgs
    dsdgsdsd weytwywua nlaikeya aylaabs dyud shayeg a ggret a gstre akeooete
    alooet a anate a aieuyebsbnbst auaghjb dybdte andhdte amhdte djdgteb sd
    dudedteye smdo</p>

    It splits the code across multiple lines which is not what I want. I can understand this happening in plain text but HTML has all the formatting and it’s being broken by the get() routine.

    Anyone have any ideas on a work around?

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: E-mail to post
    Thread Starter SB_beginner


    Two reasons first off I’m just testing at the moment
    Second I’m using it to update many blogs from the same e-mail, including blogger blogs. The blogger ones a displaying fine without any problems but it seems that wp splits the e-mail into lines which I really don’t see the point of doing as when sending HTML it’s dangerous as it breaks the formatting and code which is the whole point of HTML.

    Any ideas on a solution?

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: E-mail to post
    Thread Starter SB_beginner


    I haven’t tried SuirrelMail yet.

    I have a new issue now. The e-mail is being split into lines which can make the blog entry look odd. I’ve been looking in the get() function in the class-pop3.php file and it looks like the e-mail is split into an array of lines with no consideration for where it’s splitting the line. For instance lets say you want to add an image in your blog post from HTML e-mail like so <img src=""/> then it’s possible that this will be split across two lines breaking the code. Has anyone else had this issue and do they have a work around. I read somewhere that lines of text should be limited to n characters per line but what’s the use in that.

    anyone have any ideas?

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: E-mail to post
    Thread Starter SB_beginner


    I just tried using horde instead and it’s fixed the problem.

    Thanks anyway

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: E-mail to post
    Thread Starter SB_beginner


    roundcube, the free webmail client that comes with cPanel

    Thread Starter SB_beginner


    Finally figured this out. There was an index.html page created on my server. Don’t know how or why it got there. This was the page that was being displayed and it was not using the index.php file. This gave the illusion that the page was cached when actually it wasn’t.

    I suspect my hosting provider may have created this index.html page somehow but I don’t know why. Maybe my site is too popular or it could be that it’s too slow loading the index.php. We’ll see if it creates a new on in the next few days.

    Thread Starter SB_beginner


    Ok so I just tried loading the page on my phone and it’s the same. So I can only assume my host has cached the page. I guess I’ll have to contact them to find out why.

    Thanks for your help.

    Thread Starter SB_beginner


    Thanks esmi. I tried that and it had no affect. I don’t have any caching plugins installed. Is it possible my hosting provider could have cached my home page? It’s odd because the ads that I have on there are on a loop, but every time I load the page it shows the same ones. Therefore I think it might be my host that has cached my home page. Is this possible? and if so how do I sort it out?

    Thread Starter SB_beginner



    I’ve also just noticed that if I link to a blog entry it also shows the cached version of my homepage. Can anyone help me here. I’m tearing my hair out trying to figure out what’s going on.

    Thanks in advance

    Thread Starter SB_beginner


    Ignore it. I had home page selected, just selected front page and it’s working again. Sorry to have troubled you.

    Thread Starter SB_beginner


    I’m a novice here so please forgive me if I do something stupid. I turned on debug and these errors display at the top of the page

    Notice: Undefined variable: wpmu_version in /home/content/16/6740916/html/wp-content/plugins/kb-advanced-rss-widget/versions/wp-2-8.php on line 27

    Notice: register_sidebar_widget is deprecated since version 2.8! Use wp_register_sidebar_widget() instead. in /home/content/16/6740916/html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3303

    Notice: register_widget_control is deprecated since version 2.8! Use wp_register_widget_control() instead. in /home/content/16/6740916/html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3303

    Notice: Undefined index: kbrss in /home/content/16/6740916/html/wp-content/plugins/kb-advanced-rss-widget/versions/wp-2-8.php on line 735

    Regarding the better RSS plugin I just get nothing displayed and there are no errors displayed where I have placed it.

    Thanks for your help.

    Thread Starter SB_beginner


    Sorry yes just change the number to the page/post you want to link to

    Thread Starter SB_beginner


    you need a plugin that allows you to insert php into pages and posts. I use PHP Execution plugin.

    Once you have the plugin installed you can replace your links with

    <a href ="<?php echo get_permalink(269); ?>">New page</a>

    Obviously you need to know the numbers for each of your pages and posts.

    Thread Starter SB_beginner


    I’ve found out how to do it. It’s a bit of a pain but it works.

    Goto your dashboard, load the posts or pages section, hover over the post/page title and you’ll see the number in the link on the status bar at the bottom.

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