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Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Bento] Contributions (News) in 2 columnsHello Andreas, there’s currently no such layout in Bento; you can try creating a similar setup using the bundled content builder.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Bento] Bento 2.0 Expansion PackHello, thank you for your continued interest in Bento! Right now we’ve taken the Expansion Pack offline for some overhauls/updates; there’s no specific dates yet, but we’re planning to re-introduce it as a paid add-on to the theme in the near future. Thanks for understanding!
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Bento] Bento Expansion Pack been Take off?Hello @perickr, thank you for choosing Bento! We’ve temprorarily removed the demo pages connected to the Expansion Pack, but all support for existing users is of course still valid – in case you have any issues with the Expansion Pack, don’t hesitate to get in touch at support[at]!
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Bento] Не могу загрузить логотип!Добрый день! В последнее времени обновлений темы не выпускали, поэтому причина скорее всего в Вашем сервере – проверьте настройки php и обновите WordPress до последней версии. Также может помочь временное отключение всех активных плагинов для проверки возможного влияния кого-то из них на данный функционал.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Bento] Bento Theme – Upper AreaHello Andreas, thanks for choosing Bento! I’ll be replying in English here if you don’t mind, so that the posts are useful to the maximum number of people ??
For adding header images, please see the “Extended header” Bento feature in this part of the official theme manual. If instead you need a slider, you can check out the “Hero” widget of the bundled Content Builder!
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Bento] project type menuAccording to the website’s source code the Expansion Pack does need to be updated ?? could you please send me an email to support[at] – I’ll send you the link. Cheers!
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Bento] project type menuHello Tiago, please try updating both Bento itself (to ver. 2.3.1 via “Appearance –> Themes”) as well as the Bento Expansion Pack plugin using the link from your purchase confirmation email – the issue should go away. In case you face any troubles, please email me via support[at]
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Bento] translate startpage call-to action buttonsAh, now I see! Since those aren’t hardcoded strings, you’ll need to use the string translation option, see e.g. this thread for more details.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Bento] translate startpage call-to action buttonsHey Sven, thanks for choosing Bento! The CTA buttons have their own settings instead of hard-coded strings for more convenience, so you can go to “Appearance –> Customize” admin section, click the “Homepage Settings” tab on the left, and use the “Primary call-to-action button text” and “Secondary call-to-action button text” fields to alter the button text.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Bento] Changing menu options on the left1. It’s supposed to be on the right, but for small adjustments you can use the ‘right’ CSS property, like so:
.header-side .primary-menu .sub-menu .menu-item-has-children > a::after { right: 10px !important; }
2. Try adding this:
.header-side .header-menu .current-menu-parent:hover > a {color: # 990033 !important; }
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Bento] No HomepageHello @memetrader, thanks for choosing Bento! You can create pages in WordPress using the “Pages –> Add New” admin section. This is part of the WP core and therefore theme-independent – more info e.g. here.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Bento] Trying to link masonry image to URL of a pageHello David, thanks for choosing Bento! From your live URL it seems you’ve already solved this one, but just in case – in order to create a masonry which links to each individual post/project/product, you can create a static page and assign it a Grid template, as per this part of the Bento manual. The grid settings that appear afterward, below the text editor area, will allow you to set up the grid to display only projects.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Bento] Changing menu options on the leftHello @ivanvasilich, thank you for choosing Bento! This forum is in English, since such answers are more likely to benefit the widest user base of the theme.
Regarding your questions:
1. There’s no setting to change it in Bento right now, but you can use this CSS:
.header-side .primary-menu .sub-menu li a { font-size: 12px !important; }
2. Try this snippet: .header-side .primary-menu .sub-menu .menu-item-has-children > a::after { content: “\f347” !important; }
3. Try this:
.header-side .header-menu .current-menu-item > a, .header-side .header-menu .current-menu-parent > a {color: # ff0000; }
4. You will need to add a link to the font itself, e.g. see this guide for more info.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Bento] Call to Action Popup on iPhone 5/SEHello Tim, the issue seems to be due to the height of the popup’s content – it tries to fit everything into the small screen, centering the frame, and so the top and bottom parts get cut off. We will look into ways to add a universal fix (if there’s any) to the next theme update(s) – meanwhile, you can simply add some CSS to reduce the popup’s padding and therefore giving its content more space, e.g. by pasting this snippet into the “Additional CSS” tab of the Customizer:
.bnt-popup-box { padding: 20px !important; } .bnt-popup-no-so .bnt-popup-inner { padding: 40px !important; }
Regarding the landscape mode – the popup’s content is just too much to fit into a 320px vertical – you could e.g. consider combining the name fields into a single one (“Full name”), which should allow the popup to fit?
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Bento] pb with menuThanks! Now I see the essence of the question ?? to paraphrase so that I’m sure we are talking about the same thing: the “Audits & Conseils” menu item links to a page, but that page is not accessible via the menu because clicking on that parent menu item opens the submenu.
If that’s the question – I’m afraid this is intended (i.e. correct) behaviour in Bento – when you use the side-menu, clicking on a parent menu item opens the submenu is there is one, so it can’t have any more effects, like opening another page, since that would be confusing to the visitor.
What I can recommend is moving the page into a separate page and add it as a new submenu item under “Audits & Conseils”.