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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: Image Widget] Fix Image Widget in WordPress 3.0-RC1I’m still having the no image problem on a local MAMP test install of WP 3.0 and 2.9.2 remotely.
I tried the plugin unsuccessfully on my custom Thematic install (in both local WP 3 and remote WP 2.9.2 installs), a new blank Thematic install, and on a virgin Twenty Ten theme (both latter on local WP 3.0).
This tells me it’s not theme issue and is between the plugin and WP 2.9.2 and 3.0.
Specifically, I can install the Image Widget plugin and then add it to my aside, but when I click the Add Image link, the pre-existing image in the Media Library I select does not show.
The link text says “Change Image” but no thumbnail shows.
If I click widget Save button, the link reverts to “Add Image” with no thumbnail showing.
Regardless, no image is showing on the live site.
I’m using most of the fields such as the Title, Caption, Link, Align: Left, Alt Text.
I have also deactivated all plugins except Image Widget in local WP 3.0 to no avail (didn’t try that in remote 2.9.2 install since it’s a live public site).
I notice also that I can’t enter both the Height and the Width fields. If I enter a number into both, either one will be erased upon saving which seems confusing.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Custom Post Types Menu an the Menu EditorWell, this certainly seems like a hack, especially since it would potentially create extra bits like Pages that aren’t being used for what Pages are for and thereby confusing lay users (a.k.a. clients for whom I’m trying to create simply publishing solutions).
I’m noticing the same issue and it seems like a huge oversight in the fundamental use of Menus and Custom Post Types in WP 3.
Another illustration is in a project I’m starting with multiple vintners in a local wine tasting collective.
I want to create a Custom Post Type for “Vintners”. Within this section are multiple posts about the different vintners involved in the collective.
Once the vintners are all added to the “Vintner” Custom Post Type, I should be able to drag it to a custom Menu in the same way that I can add a Page or a Category. It really should be that simple and seems so obvious that most WP users would want that.
As a bonus, I want to add a custom hierarchy of Taxonomies for the different wines each vintner specializes in. For example:
Red Varietals
– Merlot
– Cabernet
– etc.
White Varietals
– Chardonnay
– Viognier
– etc.Whenever a vintner is added to the Vintners Custom Post Type, the terms may be checked for each.
Once these terms are established as Taxonomy for the Vintners Custom Post Type, I want to be able to drag the terms about to create second and third level drop menus beneath Vintners. It would look like this in the site’s menu:
– Red Varietals
— Merlot
— Cabernet
— etc.
– White Varietals
— Chardonnay
— Viognier
— etc.Ideally, I could create a “Vintner” Custom Post Type and click a checkbox for its designation in the Menus section to automatically include all of its Taxonomies in the menu.
This way clients can take over publishing and create their own Taxonomies that get added to the parent menu automatically so that no one has to manually go into the Menus and add new terms after creating them in Custom Post Type section.
I have been testing this plugin with much satisfaction. It’s quite simple and useful.
On multi-day events, I would like to add my vote and a further suggestion in its display. Extended events look and read better as a graphic line that extends across the calendar day blocks. Events Calendar / Scheduler does this:
The easier-but-uglier way to implement this is to simply repeat the title of the event in the calendar block for each day. The problem with this is that it clutters very quickly and makes for a messy calendar no one wants to decipher.
An extreme example might be a playhouse with 2 or 4 week runs on a single play event. Each calendar day of that run then shows the same title crowding repeatedly with itself and any other events that might be displayed on the same day or days. A popular WP plugin that does this is Events Calendar:
Thanks for considering and looking forward to any improvements in this elegant plugin.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Tag Cloud Does Not Display in Ascending Alphanumeric OrderOh yes, here’s an example of the box near the top of the center content column:
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Anyone know a newsletter plugin?I’ve tried both Post Notification (perfect but is no longer working for me after hours of trying to fix) and Subscribe2 (too limited). MailPress also doesn’t seem to support a couple key needs of mine such as delayed bursts of messages to avoid tripping my host’s SPAM restrictions.
Does anyone know of an email subscriber list plugin that satisfies the following minimal requirements:
- Works in WP 2.8.6, PHP 5.x
- Delayed bursts of emails (number of messages / seconds between)
- Does not require users to have WP account in the blog to subscribe (sometimes called public subscriber list)
- Sends full text messages of each new post
- HTML or plain text messages
- Allows users to subscribe or unsubscribe themselves from a form on the blog
- Imports/exports CSV file for list management
- OPTIONAL (but very nice): Supports subscribers to opt in to categories when signing up
- OPTIONAL (but also highly useful): Sidebar widget for signing up (or supports php code to add into sidebar.php file)
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Tags Drop List as Navigation in Category PageOne potential plugin solution and an imperfect solution have since come up:
1) The WP Smart Sort plugin seems to be a solution for sorting based on any number of custom fields in posts, but I’ll be buggered if I can figure out how to use the thing. Currently I’m using categorized posts for descriptions of each merchant in a neighborhood business association. Categories are such things as Retail, Wine & Dine, etc. Each post also utilizes (hopefully) a single word Tag that acts as a sub category or type nav block of merchants in the parent Category (like Retail). Example for Tags on merchants in Retail category are Thrift, Clothing, etc.
The Retail page then uses a custom template file with three sections and two loops:
A) First loop for top static content that is entered into the page body field in the Admin section which is a nice place for intro text
B) Tags display from just the posts that are in the Retail category
C) Second loop for displaying those posts that are categorized as RetailMajor problem here (besides IE6 and 7 refusing to render this as a multiline inline list without bullets like ALL other browsers do without problems) is that clicking a Tag link works to send the viewer to a page with just posts that match the tag, though the Tags sub category block disappears instead of persisting like the WP Snap! alphanumeric sorting plugin did.
Also, it’s not a drop list. Since there aren’t that many merchants and their respective Tags, it’s not too much of an issue. Still would like a drop list though viewers are less likely to see and use what’s enclosed in a drop list I suppose.
Here’s the Retail custom template code:
<h1><?php the_title(); ?></h1> <?php if (have_posts()) : while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?> <?php the_content(''.__('Read the rest of this entry <span class="meta-nav">»</span>', 'sandbox').''); ?> <?php link_pages("\t\t\t\t\t<div class='page-link'>".__('Pages: ', 'sandbox'), "</div>\n", 'number'); ?> <?php endwhile; endif; ?> <?php rewind_posts(); ?> <?php query_posts('category_name=retail&orderby=title&order=asc'); ?> <div id="categorySubNav"> <ol id="tagsSubNav"><li>Sort by Type:</li><?php query_posts('category_name=retail&showposts=-1&orderby=title&order=asc'); if (have_posts()) : while (have_posts()) : the_post(); $posttags = get_the_tags(); if ($posttags) { foreach($posttags as $tag) { $all_tags_arr[] = $tag -> name; //USING JUST $tag MAKING $all_tags_arr A MULTI-DIMENSIONAL ARRAY, WHICH DOES WORK WITH array_unique } } endwhile; endif; $tags_arr = array_unique($all_tags_arr); //REMOVES DUPLICATES //echo '<pre>'.print_r($tags_arr, true).'</pre>'; foreach ($tags_arr as $tag) { echo '<li><a href="/tag/'.$tag.'">'.$tag.'</a></li>'; } ?></ol> </div> <?php if (have_posts()) : while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?> <div class="post" id="post-<?php the_ID(); ?>"> <h2><?php the_title(); ?></h2> <div class="entry"> <?php the_content(''.__('Read the rest of this entry <span class="meta-nav">»</span>', 'sandbox').''); ?> <?php link_pages("\t\t\t\t\t<div class='page-link'>".__('Pages: ', 'sandbox'), "</div>\n", 'number'); ?> </div> </div> <?php endwhile; endif; ?>
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Future Events Calendar That Uses Posts for ContentNote that I did find one barebones solution:
Simple Upcoming Events ONLY displays a chronological list in the sidebar via a widget. There’s no calendar display.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Future Events Calendar That Uses Posts for ContentAnother idea that occurred to me is that a WP Calendar of posts for the sidebar (and full page version if available) with the ability to limit display to a specific category such as Events might work.
It would be too simple but might be a good stopgap measure until something better comes along. Of course, it still has to support showing in the calendar on the date of the event and NOT the date of Post publication.
I don’t see any post calendar modification that do this in the WordPress plugin archive though…
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Pages that Show Their Title and Text Plus a Category’s PostsThat seems to be close, however it puts only the titles of the Category posts at the top of the page with the Page’s title and body content below.
I can probably figure out how to add the full body text below each post title, but I’m not proficient enough with PHP to get the Page title and body content ABOVE the category posts.
I also could not figure out where to place the WP SNAP! hook in order to get it to show below the Page title and body text and above the Category posts listing.
Any one have a clue as to how to adjust the code from the above link?
<?php // on a page, get category that has slug equal to the page slug, display posts in that category if ( is_page() ) { $page_name = $posts[0]->post_name; //or use $posts[0]->post_title $category = get_term_by('slug',$page_name,'category'); if ($category) { $args=array( 'category__in' => array($category->term_id), 'post_type' => 'post', 'post_status' => 'publish', 'showposts' => -1, 'caller_get_posts'=> 1 ); $my_query = null; $my_query = new WP_Query($args); if( $my_query->have_posts() ) { echo 'List of Posts'; while ($my_query->have_posts()) : $my_query->the_post(); ?> <p><a href="<?php the_permalink() ?>" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link to <?php the_title_attribute(); ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a></p> <?php endwhile; } } } wp_reset_query(); // Restore global post data stomped by the_post(). ?>
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: WP-Table Reloaded: Merge CellsHmm, though I’m not a programmer, wouldn’t it be possible to simply add a text field for each cell in the admin section that places any code string within the td tag referenced? It could be like the existing “Custom Data Field” input, only it allows for any code string to be entered for the cell td tag in question.
Otherwise, it could just be a small number field that is hardcoded to colspan only so that I only type in a number to represent the cols spanned. A second field could be hardcoded to rowspan too.
This way I could put anything like
(or just “4” in the hardcoding case) in the first cell and that would be added as an attribute to the frontend code within the td tag for that cell.Incidentally, this would be flexible and allow me to add a colspan attribute to any cell for just spanning 2 cells from cell 1 to 2, but not 3 and 4. Or, spanning 3 cells from 2 to 4 or whatever since each field would have its own colspan (or rowspan) designation.
Of course, any remaining td cell output would have to be omitted from the frontend. In other words, if I spanned 4 cols on the first cell, the plugin would have to be smart enough to not add 3 more empty td tags for that row.And, ideally, it would be reflected in the admin data entry section too so that either the entry fields are combined into one field (in the case of spanning 4 cols) or at least the remaining fields are disabled. Of course, the admin fields could simply remain as is and the user must be mindful of their own colspan code and not add any data to remaining cell fields for the row.
Yup, these projects always get complicated! Anyhow, thanks for listening.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Resizing images at Upload ErrorsI too am looking for a plugin or other method that will permanently resize image uploads to a max size. This way even the original is no larger than, say, 600 pixels in either height or width.
The reason why I want this for my friend is two fold: 1) She’s not savvy enough (and shouldn’t have to be) to resize images before she uploads. 2) It saves server space and bandwidth.
I know that WordPress automatically creates 3 sizes of images upon upload. This is great but it still keeps the original image at whatever size it was uploaded at.
Unfortunately, the original is the default file referenced used when uploading images through WordPress. I’ve installed SlimBox for modal windows of larger images and, therefore, the original becomes the preview’s link image. But, the original is usually way too big for the screen!
If the author wants to link to the WordPress created Large image (which can be set to the desired 600 pixel size), she has to manually discover and type in the “…[width]x[height].jpg” numeric suffix that WordPress adds to the resized Large image filename.
It’s too complicated and would be solved by restricting the original image upload to the max size.
I found an older plugin called “iMax-Width v1” but it didn’t seem to work. I’m using the latest 2.7.1 and PHP 5.
Any ideas on how to get permanent resizing on image uploads? Thanks!
Forum: Alpha/Beta/RC
In reply to: [Plugin: NextGEN Gallery] Squished ThumbnailsHey, yeah! I did find similar code in my style.css doc for the Maple Leaf template:
img {
max-width: 100%;
}I killed it and it seems to work perfectly well on both Safari and Windows Chrome.
I wonder what it’s for…? Maybe to keep images that are larger than the content column width from displaying beyond that width…? Oh well.
Like a few others in this looooong thread, I fixed this problem by only changing one thing: I somehow had “/wp-content/uploads” instead of the default “wp-content/uploads” in the Settings -> Miscellaneous -> “Store uploads in this folder” field.
Funny thing though: all the while I was getting the errors, I kept getting complaints about no access to the wrong date folder (2008/11). It should have been complaining about no access to the current year and month (2009/03).
Once I removed the initial “/”, the upload worked and, sure enough, it put the file into 2008/11. Yet, it created a new folder in 2009/03 but didn’t put it there in favor of 2008/11!
Strange. It’s annoying and will probably cause me some future neck-pain but at least it’s working.
Forum: Alpha/Beta/RC
In reply to: [Plugin: NextGEN Gallery] Squished ThumbnailsIndeed, the squished thumbnail problem does NOT exist in both the default theme and the Classic. BTW, the theme I’m using is called “Maple Leaf” available at
This makes me think there’s something in my theme’s CSS that is affecting NextGen (like maybe an a: or hover: class). This is not the case though. I looked at the various divs that NextGen creates to display thumbnails and they are all uniquely labeled and should not conflict with my theme’s CSS. I also removed a bunch of CSS bits that might affect it with no changes.
One consistency I did find in Safari is that simply loading a gallery page with thumbnails will nearly always show the squish problem. However, if I click the [Slideshow] link to switch over the the Flash viewer, and then switch back by clicking the [Picture List] link, the thumbnails nearly ALWAYS show up correctly.
Yet, this is only on Safari. Goggle’s Chrome always shows them squished regardless.
Very puzzling. I’m at a loss of where to start eliminating code to see if anything affects it.
Forum: Alpha/Beta/RC
In reply to: [Plugin: NextGEN Gallery] Squished ThumbnailsBTW, the same problem is happening in Google’s Chrome browser. I assume that since both Safari and Chrome are using the WebKit rendering engine, therein lies the problem: something about the coding in NextGen for the thumbnails is incompatible with WebKit.
Seeing as how Chrome is already garnering a user base (cnet reported recently that it’s already the fourth most used browser to visit their sites), and seeing as how Safari is well established, maybe this display problem can be tackled sooner rather than later… maybe? C|:-}