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Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Can I move files from /blog to the root?I’m giving up. On Yahoo that is. I have spent days now trying to update my permalinks to no avail. I have visited countless articles online about Yahoo’s lack of customization. If I cannot access the .htaccess file I cannot fix my permalinks, it’s obvious.
Why did they even partner with WP in the first place!?
Over it. Thanks to all for helping me try.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Can I move files from /blog to the root?Chris K, yesterday I changed the permalinks to “month and name” however I get a ‘page not found’ on every single post and the about page. So I reverted back to default.
Today, I deleted the page “ABOUT” but it is still there even after clearing cache/cookies, logout/login, etc!! This is leading me to believe that there’s something overriding it in the Blix theme. To test this I added a new page called “CONTACT” and upon preview it does not add a new tab to the nav it just looks like this with “ABOUT” still present.
I’m completely stumped. What section would I find the code to be changed? How do I make the friggin’ thing go away so that I can start over? Much thanks.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Can I move files from /blog to the root?I deleted it all together and the ‘about’ link/tab is still up there, and of course it is still empty. I added a new one, same thing, content in the preview…no content upon site view.
I’m going to paste the code of my header.php with the About page added back in. Could it be that the theme I am using is outdated or needs to be further customized? I seem to have read that somewhere looking for a solution to this. Perhaps I am missing something from this line of code?
<!-- navigation ................................. --> <div id="navigation"> <form action="<?php echo bloginfo('home'); ?>" method="get"> <fieldset> <input value="<?php echo wp_specialchars($s, 1); ?>" name="s" id="s" /> <input type="submit" value="Go!" id="searchbutton" name="searchbutton" /> </fieldset> </form> <ul> <li<?php if (is_home()) echo " class=\"selected\""; ?>><a href="<?php bloginfo('url'); ?>">Home</a></li> <?php $pages = BX_get_pages(); if ($pages) { foreach ($pages as $page) { $page_id = $page->ID; $page_title = $page->post_title; $page_name = $page->post_name; if ($page_name == "archives") { (is_page($page_id) || is_archive() || is_search() || is_single())?$selected = ' class="selected"':$selected=''; echo "<li".$selected."><a href=\"".get_page_link($page_id)."\">Archives</a></li>\n"; } elseif($page_name == "about") { (is_page($page_id))?$selected = ' class="selected"':$selected=''; echo "<li".$selected."><a href=\"".get_page_link($page_id)."\">About</a></li>\n"; } elseif ($page_name == "contact") { (is_page($page_id))?$selected = ' class="selected"':$selected=''; echo "<li".$selected."><a href=\"".get_page_link($page_id)."\">Contact</a></li>\n"; } elseif ($page_name == "about_short") {/*ignore*/} else { (is_page($page_id))?$selected = ' class="selected"':$selected=''; echo "<li".$selected."><a href=\"".get_page_link($page_id)."\">$page_title</a></li>\n"; } } } ?> </ul> </div><!-- /navigation -->
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Can I move files from /blog to the root?ok, quick update.
Figaro- Thank you. I followed your video for updating the database upon moving from sub to root, but I did sub to sub instead. (I had already moved my /blog files to a new subdirectory /wordpress prior, hence why my permalinks and site weren’t functioning right)
I followed your instructions for export. Then I changed all instances of to except for the Blog name, which is just I did this in the .sql dump file and imported everything back into the database. So now my DB is up-to-date with my subdirectory change, no?
All my links are working great besides one…my ‘ABOUT’ page. The ‘write’ tab shows it there and it appears in the preview but not upon site viewing. Does anyone else see it?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Can I move files from /blog to the root?Whooami-oh wow…that would be great! The person I spoke to at Yahoo didn’t let me know that
Figaro- Just double checking, I need to change all instances of the old ‘/blog’ sub directory in my database to the new ‘/worpress’ directory?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Can I move files from /blog to the root?Iridiax- I switched back to default and then cleared my cache and cookies and the links are FINALLY working. However, does this mean I am stuck with default permalinks for life? I’m afraid to change anything else now. :/
Figaro- AMAZING video. I am bookmarking your site.
Thank you all. I believe I am resolved after all this.
Whew…time for a drink…haha…
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Can I move files from /blog to the root?Just got off the phone with Yahoo. They said their “hands are tied” because I am not allowed to alter or upload a .htaccess file.
They suggest I delete my blog and start over!!Currently, the only thing working on my site is my homepage. All my permalinks are down and I cannot, repeat cannot, change or even find the .htaccess file. This is all due to me moving my files to another directory as described here
Does anyone know a way around this? I am begging you.
I do not want to delete and start over, it seems ridiculous.Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Can I move files from /blog to the root?Anyone?
I have no .htaccess file on my FTP and I have SHOW HIDDEN FILES active. None of the links on my site are working anymore after moving my /blog files to /wordpress in my directory. I have been following these instructions
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Can I move files from /blog to the root?Do I need to change anything in phpMyAdmin so that all the links on my page will work again?
Also I noticed a discrepancy between the two instructions:
This one calls for the blog address to be and the wordpress address to be // (this is what I followed)
-In the box for WordPress address (URL): change the address to the new location of your main WordPress core files. Example:
-In the box for Blog address (URL): change the address to the root directory’s URL. Example: https://example.comAnd this one calls for the addresses to be the SAME:
-In the box for WordPress address (URI): change the address to the new location of your main WordPress core files.
-In the box for Blog address (URI): change the address to the new location, which should match the WordPress address (URI).which one is correct for my situation?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Can I move files from /blog to the root?Thank you, understood. I did read up on that a bit and since I am using Yahoo Small Business hosting I am denied from adding that file to my root or anywhere for that matter! Trust me, I tried it using FileZilla.
If I don’t need to mess with an .htaccess file then why is my site not functioning correctly if I followed this link’s instructions?
Do I need to change any coding within my “pages” to make them appear again an function under the new /wordpress directory? Seems as if some parts of the site are reverting back to the /blog directory.Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Can I move files from /blog to the root?DOH! Everything looked fine but now I am getting that funky white/blue screen with the page not found error when I click on one of my pages ‘about’.
I moved everything to the /wordpress folder. I also updated and edited the index file just like the link instructed to do. However I could not find a .htaccess file in my directory. Could this be part of the problem? I’m not really that familiar with Permalinks and what functions they serve.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Can I move files from /blog to the root?I will work with those links above. Thank you much!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: please helpjumped the gun on that reply.
I successfully downloaded and installed phpMyAdmin and followed the video to fix the log in and it WORKED! Thank you so,so much.Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: please helpthank you kindly for the link. But I’ve never used myphpadmin and don’t understand how to install it. I downloaded the zip and I see the files but do I upload them to my ftp? Can I access said databae through my host Yahoo?
Also, how come some people’s site’s don’t have the /blog? I would prefer my url’s home page to be not Is there a way to do this? I feel like I have 2 sites going
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Meta Tag Code not showing upbump….anyone??