17 years, 5 months ago
Just have a look at There you can check your site with the HTML validator and fix all outdated parts.
Hm, i can’t find any problems …
IE 6.0: Opera 9.23: Firefox 2:
The only problem I found is you bookmark link.
Fixed: <h3><a rel="bookmark"><?php the_title(); ?></a></h3>
<h3><a rel="bookmark"><?php the_title(); ?></a></h3>
Just use the following codes and change the common options in/at (? xD) Options -> Permalinks to Default.
<?php next_posts_link('« prev page') ?> <?php previous_posts_link('next page »', '-') ?>
Works well for me.
Pretty cool theme, but everything is a little bit too big
If you use my script, you’re able to change the value in the admin panel
Options -> Reading -> Blog Pages
Edit: Ok, can’t find another way. Sorry.
It would be usefull, if you post a link to your blog.
There are many mistakes. I would say you fix them first using W3C validator
Hm, I havn’t tested it yet, but why shouldn’t it work? I don’t think there’s a difference between HTML in a header and in a body ^^
Original theme? There’s no original theme or what do you mean? Do you mean the forums’ theme?
Link to your blog?
There are some ways to do this
1. -> OR 2. ->
17 years, 6 months ago
You could make a javascript to hide them. but with wordpress only it’s not possible i think.
Any Demo link?
Put the adsene box into a div element and set float to right / center / left.
It should be irrelevant. Maybe you hadn’t closed anything.