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  • Topsy’s Info at WP-Tops-Settings Page:

    “Automatically notifies Topsy when you publish or unpublish a blog entry. This has two benefits: First, it ensures that the Retweet Button will create retweets with just the post title, not including your blog title. (For example: “RT @TopsyRT My Latest Blog Post” instead of “RT @TopsyRT My Latest Blog Post — Blog”.) Also, if you delete or unpublish a post, it will be immediately removed from Topsy’s index.

    If you don’t want Topsy to be updated when you publish or unpublish things, you can turn this off. However, your retweets will all have your blog title in them, as well as the article title.”

    I think u turned off that option and u should look whats happening if u r turning it on…
    after turning it on, u have to edit an article of ur blog and republish it for test reasons.

    Now, u forbidd topsy to tweet ur Blog title. Normally it should tweet the title of ur article only.
    I looked at Topsy widgets source code and i saw that topsy takes the title of the article (post_title) to tweet it.
    So, if it dont tweet the title of ur article now, there MUST be another Plugin which manipulates your article titles

    Turn off one plugin after another to test if topsy works right. Thats the way how u could identify the plugin which manipulates those titles.

    Dont forget to edit and republish an article instantly before u test
    the retweet/tweet button.
    Reason:The Topsy widget has to sent some informtion about editing to its server and ur article must be refreshed without the wrong working plugin.

    U also have to take care that there is no caching plugin active while u r testing.

    Good Luck and inform me via email if anything worked what i said or if my description was inunderstandable ??

    Male Adress:
    sarogahtyp “adt[ web dot de

    Dont set up yourself!

    Just use 10 minute mail to register…

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