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  • Thread Starter Dipak


    Hi Hans,
    Thanks for the prompt reply!

    Yes, I understand the updated NGG has made it difficult to run the WP-Greet code. I have managed to rollback the NGG plugin.

    Yes, please consider a simple gallery instead.

    I wonder – why other library and dependency again, if you could think of making it independent! I mean – can we have a directory as Gallery and each sub-directory under will be an album/ greeting container and each greeting/ image will take to the SEND-CARD page.

    I understand – this would be easy for users like me to say, but will be a difficult to implement.

    With all the great wishes,

    Thread Starter Dipak


    1. I was wondering – there is no function as “nggcf_get_gallery_field” in “wp-greet/wpg-form.php”!

    Do you have a custom function [in functions.php] which is being called?
    Try deleting and re-installing the wp-greet plugin. [At your own risk!]

    2. JavaScript Error: The WP3.5+ has some reference to new jQuery.
    Solution: Ref; My answer above:

    I updated the required script [jQuery UI, jQuery UI Widget, jQuery UI Mouse, jQuery UI Slider and jQuery UI Datepicker] with latest version of jQuery UI – v1.9.2 from and the problem is solved!!

    Please include the “jQuery UI – v1.9.2” to the next version[wp-greet v3.2]

    Thread Starter Dipak


    Hey Hans,
    The problem is with older version of jQuery UI v-1.8.16.

    I updated the required script [jQuery UI, jQuery UI Widget, jQuery UI Mouse, jQuery UI Slider and jQuery UI Datepicker] with latest version of jQuery UI – v1.9.2 from and the problem is solved!!

    Please include the “jQuery UI – v1.9.2” to the next version[wp-greet v3.2]

    You may consider this issue/ topic as resolved.

    Happy New Year!
    – Dipak

    Thread Starter Dipak


    Further, the error highlighted by Firefox error console is:

    this._mouseSliding=true;j._handleIndex=g;e.addClass("ui-state-active").focus();b=e.offset();this._clickOffset=!d(".ui-slider-handle")?{left:0,top:0}:{left:a.pageX-b.left-e.width()/2,"borderTopWidth"),10)||0)-(parseInt(e.css("borderBottomWidth"),10)||0)+(parseInt(e.css("marginTop"),10)||0)};this.handles.hasClass("ui-state-hover")||this._slide(a,g,c);return this._animateOff=true},_mouseStart:function(){return true},_mouseDrag:function(a){var b=

    Thread Starter Dipak


    I tried disabling all the plugins except the required [WP-Greet/ NextGen Gallery and No Category base].

    Only issue is – with the Time-Date picker SLIDER. It doesn’t move and when tried returns the error.
    Please see the link below – where I tried capturing the screens = plugin details – slider problem and the error.

    Screenshot =


    Thread Starter Dipak


    Oops, I forgot to mention that the Date-picker – Time Slider has the issue now. It’s now sliding to adjust the time.

    Error: TypeError: e is undefined
    Line: 1


    Thread Starter Dipak


    Hey Hans,
    Merry Christmas!

    Thanks for the prompt reply and great work! The updates are perfectly working with WP3.5 and other plugins.

    Thanks again for the great plugin and work.


    Thread Starter Dipak


    We tracked the bug, due to “CONCATENATE_SCRIPTS” and is set to FALSE in wp-config.php

    Now, there is error while inserting a LINK into post.
    This can be resolved by disabling/ de-selecting the FUTURE SEND GREETINGS.

    Error details:
    Error: TypeError: e is undefined
    Source File: /wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery.js,qver=1.8.3.js
    Line: 1

    Error: TypeError: e(…).uniqueId is not a function
    Source File: /wp-includes/js/jquery/ui/jquery.ui.dialog.min.js,qver=1.9.2.js
    Line: 1


    Thread Starter Dipak


    Here are the plugins:
    All in One SEO Pack
    Better Related Content
    Coming Soon Pages [Free]
    Email newsletter
    Exclude Pages from Navigation
    Google XML Sitemaps
    Math Comment Spam Protection
    MS Customized Registration Email
    NextGEN Gallery
    Post Tabs
    SEO Rank Reporter
    Sidebar Login
    Social Media Counters
    W3 Total Cache
    WP No Category Base
    WS Audio Player



    I had similar problem and it was related to “Adminimize” plugin. Deactivated the plugin and it works all!

    Hope this helps someone.

    – D

    Thanks a ton for this! I was trying to add the KEYWORDS to Category pages. Your code helped.

    To get the KEYWORDS for Categories, I updated the above code as:

    $cat = $wp_query->get_queried_object();
    $category_id = $cat->term_id;
    if (function_exists('get_terms_meta'))
        $keywords = get_terms_meta($category_id, 'cat_keywords');
    	echo("<meta name='keywords' content='".$keywords[0]."' />\n");

    … and its working!

    – D

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