I had this problem earlier as well and after some tweaking I found the thing that caused the problem here. It might be helpful for you:
In the WP database there might be multiple wp_X_options tables (X being a number, for each different sub-site). All of these need to have their “home” and “siteurl” options set to the same one that the wp_options has as well as the site_blog.
Example of OLD config:`
wp_core database
Table: wp_2_options
siteurl = https://site.com/help
home = https://site.com/help
Table: wp_options
siteurl = https://site.com
home = https://site.com
Table: wp_blogs
blog_id = 2, site_id = 1
domain = https:/site.com`
After changing all of the “https:/site.com” to my actual site (this, for me, is the same as what the “DOMAIN_CURRENT_SITE” is set to in wp-config.php) it finally worked.