Forum Replies Created
Hello and thank you for such a thoughtful and articulate response.
Yes, the issue does occur only for users who have 2FA configured.
In the meantime, I have investigated further and have come to understand what it is due to:
the site handles English language translation with WPML, and sets the language to another domain (
Among the settings, there is a checkmark on “auto sign-in and sign-out users from all domains” and, in addition, it is set to “pass arguments via GET (url)”.
Unchecking the “auto sign-in and out from all domains” option eliminates the issue related to logging out immediately after logging in, BUT at this point, Elementor no longer works properly: you can no longer open the English version pages and templates to edit them. So, unfortunately, the problem is still not solved.
Changing settings by selecting “pass arguments via POST” or “disable this feature” does not change the behavior of Elementor.
However, it seems to me that the main problem is getting WP 2FA to work with WPML authentication synchronized across all language domains.
Thanks for your help.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Contact Form 7] CF7 5.4 problem with W3TCAt the moment I’ve deactivated w3tc js minifing option but this is not a realistic solution as well.
Could we have any feedback about it?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Contact Form 7] How to defer Recaptcha v3 for Contact Form 7?well, I took off the forms I had in my widgets, and set up the code above, but I’m still getting recaptcha__en.js “unused javascript” warning from pageSpeed, as reported by @jefsuperkraft; no matter if form appears or not in the page. I’ll need an alternative as well, i guess.
thank-you for your kind answers.Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: html, text and image widget doesn’t work anymoreI’ve found out what the problem was: after upgrading, widget page automatically setted to accessibility mode.
In this mode Video, Text, image, custom html, Audio and Gallery widget do not work anymore. Is that a normal behaviour?Thank-you.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: html, text and image widget doesn’t work anymorethank-you.
Meanwhile, I’ve updated to php 7.4, so I guess it’s not because of the php version.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Contact Form 7] How to defer Recaptcha v3 for Contact Form 7?-thank you.
Unfortunately, I have some forms in a page, and others in a widget :\Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Contact Form 7] How to defer Recaptcha v3 for Contact Form 7?I also have the same problem;
in pages where I do have forms and recaptchaV3, pageSpeed reports that recaptcha__en.js is unused javascript and suggest to remove it.
I’m searching for solutions as well, it really slows down the performance of the pages. ??Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Smart Cookie Kit] Little layout issue with youtube videoHi Nicola,
I resolved adding some css lines for responsive youtube video in my custom css, thank-you. I don’t know if it’s the best solution, but worked for me ??Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Smart Cookie Kit] Problemi con CF7 + Recaptcha v3Ciao Nicola,
grazie davvero, anche perché il plugin di BestWebSoft (a pagamento) poi ha problemi con W3TC..insomma è un gatto che si morde la coda. Per il momento mi sono limitata a disabilitare recaptcha.
Grazie anche per l’indicazione sulle policy del sito.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Smart Cookie Kit] Problemi con CF7 + Recaptcha v3Contact form smette di funzionare sia con la sua integrazione nativa con recaptcha v3, sia se recaptcha viene implementato con CF7 Invisible Recaptcha.
Come suggerito qui un anno e 9 mesi fa, mi rimane da provare l’utilizzo di (reCAPTCHA) by BestWebSof, anche se l’integrazione con CF7 è disponibile solo a pagamento nella versione PRO.
Spiace che non sia ancora stato risolto il problema; preferirei fare una donazione agli autori di SCK piuttosto che andare a pagare per un plugin sostanzialmente inutile :((
Peccato doppio perché sotto tanti altri aspetti il SCK sembra funzionare molto bene.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Smart Cookie Kit] Youtube videoCiao, ho avuto lo stesso problema e l’ho anche scritto (in inglese) un mesetto fa in un post in questo forum (a cui però nessuno ha risposto).
Io ho notato che, dopo aver accettato i cookies, non viene caricata la giusta classe che dovrebbe rendere il video responsive; quello che ho fatto per metterci la pezza è stato aggiungere due righe di css nel foglio di stile del tema child per aggiungere la modalità responsive. Ho solo aggirato il problema e non so neanche se sia tanto corretto, ma tant’è ??
- This reply was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by saramenc.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Customizr] Lazy Loading option issueThink I’ve resolved, it is maybe a Gutemberg problem.
:I’ve afterwards found this explanation of the problem: so I’ll get rid of that snippet. For quote…maybe you’re right, I’ll check just to understand but as I directly copied and pasted the code from Customizr snippet page think they are the right ones. But sure I made some mistake.
No, didn’t work, unfortunately. :\