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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [EWWW Image Optimizer] How to get this wrking with S3 and Cloudfront_Yes, you are right. My mistake, I meant to say CloudFront and not CloudFlare. However, if it wouldn′t be too difficult, I′d like to first upload to S3 and then sent it to CloudFront.
Can you explain the exactly what and where the hooks are located to do something like this? I will surely appreciate your help, although I imagine you’ve most like put it into the documentation somewhere.
Although at this point things are difficult for me to find after just recently recovering from back surgery and trying to continue to make headway on my site. Never thought I’d struggle so much with the simplest of things. Just thinking hurts. Haha.
Great program, much appreciated, have been using it for a while, just haven’t been uploading to a CDN. SHould I use W3 Total Cache or is everything I need contained within the plugin itself.
Many thanks.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [SharDB] How To Mount DB's On Another Server?Ron,
Thanks, much appreciated the email! Problem solved! Still using Shardb and only good things to say. Stay healthy!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [SharDB] How To Mount DB's On Another Server?Figured I might as well upload my entire settings file, so you could look.
<?php // If you have multiple datacenters you can come up with your own datacenter // detection logic (php_uname?). This helps ensure the web servers try to // connect to the nearest database servers first, then distant ones. define( 'DATACENTER', '' ); function add_slave($read, $host, $lhost = '', $user = DB_USER, $password = DB_PASSWORD) { global $slaves; $slaves[] = compact('read', 'host', 'lhost', 'user', 'password'); } /* Add your configuration here */ $shardb_hash_length = 1; $shardb_prefix = 'drip_'; $shardb_dataset = 'drip'; $enable_home_db = true; $shardb_local_db = false; //$num_vipdbs = 5; /* Use this configuration for a hexidecimal based hash Ex. you have 256 databases that follow the naming convention acct_wpmuXX where XX is the hexidecimal hash for the blog DB // how many characters of hexidecimal hash $shardb_hash_length = 2; // what is the prefix of your blog database shards (everything before the hexidecimal hash) $shardb_prefix = 'acct_wpmu'; // set a string to be used as an internal identifier for the dataset $shardb_dataset = 'abc'; // do you want to put your primary blog (blog_id 1) in its own 'home' database? $enable_home_db = true; // how many, if any, VIP databases do you have? $num_vipdbs = 5; // add this to set the write master read priority (default 1) $shardb_master_read = 99; // add this if all of your databases are on a local server $shardb_local_db = true; // use this function to add a read slave host add_slave($read_priority, $hostname, $local_hostname, $user, $password); // instructions for adding vip blogs at the bottom of this confg filei */ /* That's all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */ if ( !defined('SAVEQUERIES') ) define('SAVEQUERIES', false); /** * A trick used by is .lan hostnames mapped to local IPs. Not required. * * @param unknown_type $hostname * @return unknown */ function localize_hostname($hostname) { return str_replace('.com', '.lan', $hostname); } function localize_hostnames($array) { return array_map('localize_hostname', $array); } /** * This generates the array of servers. * * @param string $ds Dataset: the name of the dataset. Just use "global" if you don't need horizontal partitioning. * @param int $part Partition: the vertical partition number (1, 2, 3, etc.). Use "0" if you don't need vertical partitioning. * @param string $dc Datacenter: where the database server is located. Airport codes are convenient. Use whatever. * @param int $read Read order: lower number means use this for more reads. Zero means no reads (e.g. for masters). * @param bool $write Write flag: is this server writable? * @param string $host Internet address: host:port of server on internet. * @param string $lhost Local address: host:port of server for use when in same datacenter. Leave empty if no local address exists. * @param string $name Database name. * @param string $user Database user. * @param string $password Database password. */ function add_db_server($ds, $part, $dc, $read, $write, $host, $lhost, $name, $user, $password) { global $db_servers, $db_ds_parts; if ( empty( $lhost ) ) $lhost = $host; $server = compact('ds', 'part', 'dc', 'read', 'write', 'host', 'lhost', 'name', 'user', 'password'); $db_servers[$ds][$part][] = $server; $db_ds_parts[$name] = "{$ds}_{$part}"; } // Database servers grouped by dataset. (Totally tabular, dude!) // R can be 0 (no reads) or a positive integer indicating the order // in which to attempt communication (all locals, then all remotes) //dataset, partition, datacenter, R, W, internet host:port, internal network host:port, database, user, password //add_db_server( 'global', 0, '', 1, 1, DB_HOST, DB_HOST, $shardb_prefix . 'global', DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD ); // Next line populates 'global' dataset from wp-config.php for instant compatibility. Remove it when you put your settings here. // add_db_server('global', 0, '', 1, 1, DB_HOST, DB_HOST, DB_NAME, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD); // build the shard dataset $have_slaves = is_array($slaves) && (count($slaves) > 0); if(isset($shardb_hash_length) && $shardb_hash_length > 0 && $shardb_hash_length < 4 ) { $fmt = "{$shardb_prefix}%0{$shardb_hash_length}x"; $shardb_num_db = 1 << ($shardb_hash_length*4); if(!$have_slaves || !isset( $shardb_master_read )) { $shardb_master_read = 1; } for($d=0;$d<$shardb_num_db;$d++) { $db_name = sprintf($fmt, $d); add_db_server($shardb_dataset, $d, '', 1, $shardb_master_read, DB_HOST, DB_HOST, $db_name, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD); if($have_slaves) { foreach($slaves as $s) { add_db_server($shardb_dataset, $d, '', $s['read'], 0, $s['host'], $s['lhost'], $db_name, $s['user'], $s['password']); } } } $numdbs_added = $shardb_num_db; // Enable home db? if ($enable_home_db === true) { add_db_server($shardb_dataset, $numdbs_added, '', 1, $shardb_master_read, DB_HOST, DB_HOST, $shardb_prefix .'home', DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD); if($have_slaves) { foreach($slaves as $s) { add_db_server($shardb_dataset, $numdbs_added, '', $s['read'], 0, $s['host'], $s['lhost'], $shardb_prefix .'home', $s['user'], $s['password']); } } } $numdbs_added++; // VIP databases if ( is_numeric($num_vipdbs) and $num_vipdbs > 0 ) { for($d=1;$d<=$num_vipdbs;$d++) { add_db_server($shardb_dataset, $numdbs_added, '', 1, $shardb_master_read, DB_HOST, DB_HOST, $shardb_prefix .'vip'. $d, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD); if($have_slaves) { foreach($slaves as $s) { add_db_server($shardb_dataset, $numdbs_added, '', $s['read'], 0, $s['host'], $s['lhost'], $db_name, $s['user'], $s['password']); } } $numdbs_added++; } } } /* add_db_server( 'misc', 0, 'lax', 1, 1, '', 'misc.db.example.lan:3722', 'wp-misc', 'miscuser', 'miscpassword'); add_db_server('global', 0, 'nyc', 1, 1,'','global.mysql.example.lan:3509','global-db','globaluser','globalpassword'); */ /** * Map a table to a partition. * * @param string $table * @param string $part */ function add_db_table( $table, $db ) { global $db_tables, $shardb_prefix; $db_tables[$table] = $shardb_prefix . $db; } // ** NO DUPLICATE TABLE NAMES ALLOWED ** // If running with the home DB enabled & a WP 3.0 single install converted to a network add any main site plugin tables here // If you want tables to live in a specific database, you can add those here // add_db_table( 'wp_misc', 'home' ); // add_db_table( 'wp_etc', 'vip1' ); // add_db_table( 'wp_extra', 'vip1' ); /** * Map a blog to a custom database. AKA: VIP * * @param string $blog_id * @param string $db */ function add_vip_blog( $blog_id, $db ) { global $vip_db, $shardb_prefix; $vip_db[$blog_id] = $shardb_prefix . $db; } // Adding a blog to a VIP database is simple. // You can put it in whatever VIP DB you want, or even in // another user db (like for a penalty box for low traffic blogs. // Simply use this format: // add_vip_blog($blog_id, 'db_name'); // For example, lets say your buddy John needs some extra db love, // his blog_id is 24 and you want to put him in the vip3 database. // You would add a line below like this: //add_vip_blog(24,'vip3'); // John's blog // That's all there is to it. Plus a comment at the end reminds you of who is who! // VIP DB's if ( $enable_home_db === true ) add_vip_blog( 1, 'home' ); // home blog add_db_server( 'global', 0, '', 1, 1, DB_HOST, DB_HOST,$shardb_prefix .'global','User_Name','************'); add_db_server( $shardb_dataset, 1, '', 1, 1, '', '',$shardb_prefix .'1','User_Name','************'); add_db_server( $shardb_dataset, 2, '', 1, 1, '', '',$shardb_prefix .'2','User_Name','************'); add_db_server( $shardb_dataset, 3, '', 1, 1, '', '',$shardb_prefix .'3','User_Name','************'); add_db_server( $shardb_dataset, 4, '', 1, 1, '', '',$shardb_prefix .'4','User_Name','************'); add_db_server( $shardb_dataset, 5, '', 1, 1, '', '',$shardb_prefix .'5','User_Name','************'); add_db_server( $shardb_dataset, 6, '', 1, 1, '', '',$shardb_prefix .'6','User_Name','************'); add_db_server( $shardb_dataset, 7, '', 1, 1, '', '',$shardb_prefix .'7','User_Name','************'); add_db_server( $shardb_dataset, 8, '', 1, 1, '', '',$shardb_prefix .'8','User_Name','************'); add_db_server( $shardb_dataset, 9, '', 1, 1, '', '',$shardb_prefix .'9','User_Name','************'); add_db_server( $shardb_dataset, 10, '', 1, 1, '', '',$shardb_prefix .'a','User_Name','************'); add_db_server( $shardb_dataset, 11, '', 1, 1, '', '',$shardb_prefix .'b','User_Name','************'); add_db_server( $shardb_dataset, 12, '', 1, 1, '', '',$shardb_prefix .'c','User_Name','************'); add_db_server( $shardb_dataset, 13, '', 1, 1, '', '',$shardb_prefix .'d','User_Name','************'); add_db_server( $shardb_dataset, 14, '', 1, 1, '', '',$shardb_prefix .'e','User_Name','************'); add_db_server( $shardb_dataset, 15, '', 1, 1, '', '',$shardb_prefix .'f','User_Name','************'); add_db_server( $shardb_dataset, 16, '', 1, 1, '', '',$shardb_prefix .'home','User_Name','************'); add_db_server( $shardb_dataset, 17, '', 1, 1, '', '',$shardb_prefix .'0','User_Name','************'); ?>
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [SharDB] How to create and copy custom tables?Works great now, locally, thanks! Case closed.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [SharDB] Search across MU Shardb databasesGot it working. Thanks!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [SharDB] How To Mount DB's On Another Server?Hi Ron,
First I’ve had Shardb running successfully on WPMU for over a year locally. No problems. Have also made several setups of it, locally.
However, I am attempting to now move my databases to another server. I’m on DigitalOcean, so I just spun up a clone of my current server, renamed it, gave it a new IP, and SHAZAM I’m in business. All existing databases are now cloned and ready to connect, same everything, except the IP, right? Wrong!
First I’ll say, I run IDE PHP Storm and have no problem with connecting to the other server and corresponding databases. I’m at a loss.
Below are all my attempts, which have failed to work.
Any specific help would be appreciated.
add_db_server( 'drip_home', 0, '01.storm.', 1, 1,'','','home','username','*********'); add_db_server( 'drip_global', 0, '01.storm.', 1, 1,'','','global','username','*********'); add_db_server( 'drip_0', 0, '01.storm.', 1, 1,'','','0','username','*********'); add_db_server( 'drip_1', 0, '01.storm.', 1, 1,'','','1','username','*********'); add_db_server( 'drip_2', 0, '01.storm.', 1, 1,'','','2','username','*********'); add_db_server( 'drip_3', 0, '01.storm.', 1, 1,'','','3','username','*********'); add_db_server( 'drip_4', 0, '01.storm.', 1, 1,'','','4','username','*********'); add_db_server( 'drip_5', 0, '01.storm.', 1, 1,'','','5','username','*********'); add_db_server( 'drip_6', 0, '01.storm.', 1, 1,'','','6','username','*********'); add_db_server( 'drip_7', 0, '01.storm.', 1, 1,'','','7','username','*********'); add_db_server( 'drip_8', 0, '01.storm.', 1, 1,'','','8','username','*********'); add_db_server( 'drip_9', 0, '01.storm.', 1, 1,'','','9','username','*********'); add_db_server( 'drip_a', 0, '01.storm.', 1, 1,'','','a','username','*********'); add_db_server( 'drip_b', 0, '01.storm.', 1, 1,'','','b','username','*********'); add_db_server( 'drip_c', 0, '01.storm.', 1, 1,'','','c','username','*********'); add_db_server( 'drip_d', 0, '01.storm.', 1, 1,'','','d','username','*********'); add_db_server( 'drip_e', 0, '01.storm.', 1, 1,'','','e','username','*********'); add_db_server( 'drip_f', 0, '01.storm.', 1, 1,'','','f','username','*********');
error :
Unable to connect to : while querying table ‘dip_sitemeta’ (global_r)Unable to connect to : while querying table ‘dip_blogs’ (global_r)Unable to connect to : while querying table ‘dip_blogs’ (global_r)
Error establishing a database connectionOPTION 2
add_db_server( 'home', 0, '01.storm.', 1, 1,'','','home','username','*********'); add_db_server( 'global', 0, '01.storm.', 1, 1,'','','global','username','*********'); add_db_server( '0', 0, '01.storm.', 1, 1,'','','0','username','*********'); add_db_server( '1', 0, '01.storm.', 1, 1,'','','1','username','*********'); add_db_server( '2', 0, '01.storm.', 1, 1,'','','2','username','*********'); add_db_server( '3', 0, '01.storm.', 1, 1,'','','3','username','*********'); add_db_server( '4', 0, '01.storm.', 1, 1,'','','4','username','*********'); add_db_server( '5', 0, '01.storm.', 1, 1,'','','5','username','*********'); add_db_server( '6', 0, '01.storm.', 1, 1,'','','6','username','*********'); add_db_server( '7', 0, '01.storm.', 1, 1,'','','7','username','*********'); add_db_server( '8', 0, '01.storm.', 1, 1,'','','8','username','*********'); add_db_server( '9', 0, '01.storm.', 1, 1,'','','9','username','*********'); add_db_server( 'a', 0, '01.storm.', 1, 1,'','','a','username','*********'); add_db_server( 'b', 0, '01.storm.', 1, 1,'','','b','username','*********'); add_db_server( 'c', 0, '01.storm.', 1, 1,'','','c','username','*********'); add_db_server( 'd', 0, '01.storm.', 1, 1,'','','d','username','*********'); add_db_server( 'e', 0, '01.storm.', 1, 1,'','','e','username','*********'); add_db_server( 'f', 0, '01.storm.', 1, 1,'','','f','username','*********');
error :
Unable to connect to : while querying table ‘dip_sitemeta’ (global_r)Unable to connect to : while querying table ‘dip_blogs’ (global_r)Unable to connect to : while querying table ‘dip_blogs’ (global_r)
Error establishing a database connectionOPTION 3
add_db_server( 'home', 0, '01.storm.', 1, 1,'','','home','username','*********'); add_db_server( 'global', 0, '01.storm.', 1, 1,'','','global','username','*********'); add_db_server( '0', 0, '01.storm.', 1, 1,'','','0','username','*********'); add_db_server( '1', 0, '01.storm.', 1, 1,'','','1','username','*********'); add_db_server( '2', 0, '01.storm.', 1, 1,'','','2','username','*********'); add_db_server( '3', 0, '01.storm.', 1, 1,'','','3','username','*********'); add_db_server( '4', 0, '01.storm.', 1, 1,'','','4','username','*********'); add_db_server( '5', 0, '01.storm.', 1, 1,'','','5','username','*********'); add_db_server( '6', 0, '01.storm.', 1, 1,'','','6','username','*********'); add_db_server( '7', 0, '01.storm.', 1, 1,'','','7','username','*********'); add_db_server( '8', 0, '01.storm.', 1, 1,'','','8','username','*********'); add_db_server( '9', 0, '01.storm.', 1, 1,'','','9','username','*********'); add_db_server( 'a', 0, '01.storm.', 1, 1,'','','a','username','*********'); add_db_server( 'b', 0, '01.storm.', 1, 1,'','','b','username','*********'); add_db_server( 'c', 0, '01.storm.', 1, 1,'','','c','username','*********'); add_db_server( 'd', 0, '01.storm.', 1, 1,'','','d','username','*********'); add_db_server( 'e', 0, '01.storm.', 1, 1,'','','e','username','*********'); add_db_server( 'f', 0, '01.storm.', 1, 1,'','','f','username','*********');
error :
Unable to connect to : while querying table ‘dip_sitemeta’ (global_r)Unable to connect to : while querying table ‘dip_blogs’ (global_r)Unable to connect to : while querying table ‘dip_blogs’ (global_r)
Error establishing a database connectionOPTION 4
add_db_server( 'home', 0, '01.storm.', 1, 1,'','','drip_home','username','*********'); add_db_server( 'global', 0, '01.storm.', 1, 1,'','','drip_global','username','*********'); add_db_server( '0', 0, '01.storm.', 1, 1,'','','drip_0','username','*********'); add_db_server( '1', 0, '01.storm.', 1, 1,'','','drip_1','username','*********'); add_db_server( '2', 0, '01.storm.', 1, 1,'','','drip_2','username','*********'); add_db_server( '3', 0, '01.storm.', 1, 1,'','','drip_3','username','*********'); add_db_server( '4', 0, '01.storm.', 1, 1,'','','drip_4','username','*********'); add_db_server( '5', 0, '01.storm.', 1, 1,'','','drip_5','username','*********'); add_db_server( '6', 0, '01.storm.', 1, 1,'','','drip_6','username','*********'); add_db_server( '7', 0, '01.storm.', 1, 1,'','','drip_7','username','*********'); add_db_server( '8', 0, '01.storm.', 1, 1,'','','drip_8','username','*********'); add_db_server( '9', 0, '01.storm.', 1, 1,'','','drip_9','username','*********'); add_db_server( 'a', 0, '01.storm.', 1, 1,'','','drip_a','username','*********'); add_db_server( 'b', 0, '01.storm.', 1, 1,'','','drip_b','username','*********'); add_db_server( 'c', 0, '01.storm.', 1, 1,'','','drip_c','username','*********'); add_db_server( 'd', 0, '01.storm.', 1, 1,'','','drip_d','username','*********'); add_db_server( 'e', 0, '01.storm.', 1, 1,'','','drip_e','username','*********'); add_db_server( 'f', 0, '01.storm.', 1, 1,'','','drip_f','username','*********');
error :
add_db_server( 'global', 0, '', 1, 1, DB_HOST, DB_HOST,$shardb_prefix .'global','username','*********'); add_db_server( $shardb_dataset, 1, '', 1, 1, '', '',$shardb_prefix .'1','username','*********'); add_db_server( $shardb_dataset, 2, '', 1, 1, '', '',$shardb_prefix .'2','username','*********'); add_db_server( $shardb_dataset, 3, '', 1, 1, '', '',$shardb_prefix .'3','username','*********'); add_db_server( $shardb_dataset, 4, '', 1, 1, '', '',$shardb_prefix .'4','username','*********'); add_db_server( $shardb_dataset, 5, '', 1, 1, '', '',$shardb_prefix .'5','username','*********'); add_db_server( $shardb_dataset, 6, '', 1, 1, '', '',$shardb_prefix .'6','username','*********'); add_db_server( $shardb_dataset, 7, '', 1, 1, '', '',$shardb_prefix .'7','username','*********'); add_db_server( $shardb_dataset, 8, '', 1, 1, '', '',$shardb_prefix .'8','username','*********'); add_db_server( $shardb_dataset, 9, '', 1, 1, '', '',$shardb_prefix .'9','username','*********'); add_db_server( $shardb_dataset, 10, '', 1, 1, '', '',$shardb_prefix .'a','username','*********'); add_db_server( $shardb_dataset, 11, '', 1, 1, '', '',$shardb_prefix .'b','username','*********'); add_db_server( $shardb_dataset, 12, '', 1, 1, '', '',$shardb_prefix .'c','username','*********'); add_db_server( $shardb_dataset, 13, '', 1, 1, '', '',$shardb_prefix .'d','username','*********'); add_db_server( $shardb_dataset, 14, '', 1, 1, '', '',$shardb_prefix .'e','username','*********'); add_db_server( $shardb_dataset, 15, '', 1, 1, '', '',$shardb_prefix .'f','username','*********'); add_db_server( $shardb_dataset, 16, '', 1, 1, '', '',$shardb_prefix .'home','username','*********'); add_db_server( $shardb_dataset, 17, '', 1, 1, '', '',$shardb_prefix .'0','username','*********'); * NOTE $shardb_dataset = 'drip';
Observaton :
Array( [global] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [ds] => global [part] => 0 [dc] => [read] => 1 [write] => 1 [host] => localhost [lhost] => localhost [name] => drip_global [user] => username [password] => ********* ) ) ) [drip] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [ds] => drip [part] => 1 [dc] => [read] => 1 [write] => 1 [host] => [lhost] => [name] => drip_1 [user] => username [password] => ********* ) [1] => Array ( [ds] => drip [part] => 1 [dc] => [read] => 1 [write] => 1 [host] => localhost [lhost] => localhost [name] => drip_1 [user] => username [password] => ********* ) ) . . . ) )
[Moderator Note: Please post code & markup between backticks or use the code button. Your posted code may now have been damaged by the forum’s parser.]
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [SharDB] Search across MU Shardb databasesRon,
Seems I have run into another limitation. The limitation of only being able to search 61 tables with 1 query. Any suggestions on how to search across multiple database with multiple tables? And do it fast?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [SharDB] How to create and copy custom tables?Ron,
Maybe I am missing something. However, I have created a table in the Global DB and then created several new users. That table is ‘not’ created along with the new user. Is there something else I need to do?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [SharDB] Search across MU Shardb databasesRon,
I am going to write a parallel query to each of the databases. Creating one database with all posts such as Sitewide Tags seems to defeat the purpose of Shardb. I’ll let you know how it goes when finished.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [SharDB] Search across MU Shardb databasesRon, thanks for getting back. And, what would you suggest if the install is a large one?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [SharDB] Google App Engine move…Ron,
Thanks! Actually got it going with GAE. Works perfect. Slight patch that I will send little later. However, I will close this Topic because this issue has been resolved.
Anyone interested in running Sharedb on GAE please feel free to leaving a comment on this thread, I would be pleased to share our experience with you.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [SharDB] Google App Engine move…Ron,
Still working on setting up Shardb on GAE. Question, which specific lines in the db-setting.php file are for setting up multiple servers? Can you give me any tips on how that would be done on a 16 DB configuration?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [EWWW Image Optimizer] Problem with exec() errorNosilver4u,
Thanks for the great support. Prompt and fast. Got it working!
Stay in touch.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [EWWW Image Optimizer] Problem with exec() errorI am installing on another server complete now to see if I get the same error. It is a beta server, I can give you root access if you’d like to figure it out. Thanks, Loui
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [EWWW Image Optimizer] Problem with exec() errorHum… Getting a little discouraged. I removed the semi-colon as indicated and still same exact error appearing.
I removed the semi-colon and restarted http..
suhosin.executor.eval.whitelist =