Sandro Dzneladze
Forum Replies Created
8.8.1 seems to have done the trick, error 500 disappeared and no more excessive ram usage. But I will monitor this for a period of time.
I noticed Thank you message upon success is not displayed anymore! Why?
I was using v.0.8.6, but I also tried updating no difference…
Plugin to monitor usage:
As I said, on default wp install, activating plugin causes spike from 50mb to 100mb.
After 1 month, I started to receive out of memory errors. Disabling sendpress brought back memory usage to 50mb, enabling it made dashboard inaccessible with out of memory limit displayed.
3 month no reply… wow
Absolutely agree. Current implementation is not very user friendly.
Content in shortcode.php which is form.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [SendPress Newsletters] [Plugin: SendPress] Changes to subscription formWithout seeing your website I can’t tell. And I don’t really know what exactly you want to achieve, I think anything is possible with pure css without modifying actuall html output.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [SendPress Newsletters] [Plugin: SendPress] Deleting SubscribersYes this is bug I’m experiencing too, so Josh the only way is to manually delete entries from db?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [SendPress Newsletters] [Plugin: SendPress] Can't submitNevermind, figured it out, I was missing <?php wp_footer(); ?> in my custom theme, and required js was not loading. Works like charm now. Except that I cannot delete my test emails (I inserted few to test if it works…).
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [SendPress Newsletters] [Plugin: SendPress] Can't submitrazor4x4 I see it works on your site, how did you fix it?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [SendPress Newsletters] [Plugin: SendPress] Changes to subscription formHey,
I had to do the same thing, and you can find form here: inc/helpers/signup-shortcode.php
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [SendPress Newsletters] [Plugin: SendPress] Can't submitI’m having the same problem. Nothing appears under mailing list, I tried different combination of widget and custom hacks. No emails show up.
Looked promising though… any timeframe to resolve this?
Problem emerged with this way of doing things.
Even though I’ve cdn1 cdn2 and cdn3 –> 1css + 2js files still load from cdn1, despite the fact that in settings it states it will use cdn2 for js, and cdn3 for before body cdn.
why? is this a bug or a feature?
and I cannot see any difference in loading, under firebug I see familiar waterfall.
any thoughts?
figured it out, instead of subdomains pointing to different folders. I made them point to /cdn/ folder. So on all 4 mirrors I’ve same content same structure uploaded by wp-total-cache.
will test if it works.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: how to stop plugins from including js files in footer?anyone?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: weird problem trying to show random post?? like me… it’s very very interesting / frustrating… I will try ur suggestion and report back.