Okay, I’ve been trying the process of elimination.
Manually entering the shortcode [NextGEN id=1] just shows that text on the page/post.
Manually entering the shortcode [NextGEN_cooliris id=1] gives me the cooliris viewer properly embedded, but no gallery stream. It’s just blank.
If I use the handy “Add NextGEN Gallery” button, it inserts this:
[nngallery id=1] (I only have one gallery, which I’m using to test all this.)
When I go to view it, it’s there, a normal NextGEN gallery.
Above the gallery it has a link that says [View with PicLens]
I know PicLens became Cooliris. If I click on that link, it takes me to the Cooliris page, where it tries to load the gallery into Cooliris.
There’s that message again: “The feed has no items.”
I’m thinking that either NextGEN Gallery isn’t creating the Media RSS or that somehow the Cooliris plugin isn’t picking it up?
Any thoughts? I’m determined to get this working, but after 2 days of trying to troubleshoot it, I’m about to require pharmaceuticals. lol