Samir Bharadwaj
Forum Replies Created
And this is my account, if that helps narrow some factors down:, still no luck. All importing was done only using the right click method. Please bear with the detailed commentary. I’m just hoping it helps. Here’s everything I tried.
First deleted all posts, cleared trash and tried importing with date filter off. It imported only the last two Instagram posts.
Cleared posts again and used your debug plugin to clear user and options. Imported. Last two posts again.
Noticed that while the post body settings had been lost, the other options seemed to be remembered even after the debug-plugin based reset, so went into the database and deleted all Dsgnwrks options under wp_options. Cleared posts and tried again. Same result.
Now dropped all tables in the database, deleted all files in /wp-contents/uploads/ … installed WordPress again. Setup options. Imported. Same result. Just 2 posts, and nothing after.
Now it’s not even getting back the 41 or 70 I managed before, so could it be some sort of API throttling that’s getting applied? Perhaps my server triggers something?
One thing I did notice is that the URL in the dsgnwrks_next_url option in the database includes a “&count=2”, which is the number of posts it’s getting, though unfortunately not even 2 new ones every time. Still shows the “No new Instagram shots to import” message as soon as there’s the 2 imported posts in WordPress.
Any thoughts are welcome, and thanks for the help.
Justin, thank you for the prompt response.
I’m quite fine with some minor frustration, considering your plugin does exactly what I need. Thank you for putting the time into developing and supporting this. Much appreciated.
As an immediate experiment, I tried out the “Import+Open in new window” method you describe on my existing install, with the 41 existing posts. Tried this with various combinations of date filter being on and off, and also auto-import being on and off, which I found made a difference on a prior run a few days ago. Unfortunately it still came up with
No new Instagram shots to import
every time.
This is a new site, so I have the luxury of starting fresh. Will do a reset on this install of WordPress later today and see if I can get different results. Will report back.
Thanks again for the help.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Install ErrorI’m not sure what the specific error is, but it would seem it has something to do with trying to install in sub-folders or similar arrangement of files. It’s looking for admin.php in the root directory instead of under /wp-admin/admin.php
I came across similar errors elsewhere. Have a look in case it sheds any light on your specific problem:
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Installing WP on sub-domain to current posterous siteI’m not familiar with Posterous, so I’ll describe a more WordPress oriented solution that needs access to your own hosting server. (I assume you have this already since you want to install WordPress). From what I have understood, the steps would be as follows:
1) On your hosting space, set up a redirect using .htaccess, that will redirect visitors to your Posterous account or pages, except if you try to access a specific subdirectory. Don’t think you need a subdomain for this particular situation. Read up on how to do an .htaccess file, but specific instruction for this redirection trick can be found here: Get your domain to now point at your new hosting account instead of Posterous. If the .htaccess trick worked, all your old urls will continue to work as normal.
3) Setup WordPress in a subdirectory, the same one you set the .htaccess redirect rule to ignore. This way you can continue to setup and work on your new WordPress site at, while your Posterous site remains accessible.
4) Once all data has been moved to the WordPress install and you’re ready to switch, get rid of the .htaccess redirect, and follow the instructions to make WordPress work in the subdirectory. Make sure your Permalink structure in WordPress matches your old Posterous site and everything should work seamlessly, with no 404s or not-found errors from old links.
Hope this helps,
SamirForum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Install on root vs. subdirectoryIt would seem you need to understand some of the very basics of how WordPress works.
First off, installing in a subdirectory is helpful as a organisational thing for all those hundreds of files. The website can still appear to be at your main address, ( rather than the subdirectory ( using the instructions here: make your homepage be a static page and then your blog can be a link off it. Making the main page static can be accomplished in this way: the name of the url to show the name of the page is what is controlled by the Permalinks setting in WordPress. Get to know it well: me, none of this is as complicated as it might look if you’re new to this. Just try things out one at a time and you’ll figure it out.
Hope this gets you started,
SamirForum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: How to uninstall wordpress from the server“Un-installing” WordPress if you’re not worried about saving any of the data you might have entered (warning: you will lose everything, so backup if you’re not sure), is a simple 2-step matter:
1) Delete all WordPress files. If you installed into your root directory, delete all the files and directories installed by WordPress (wp-config.php, /wp-content/, /wp-admin/ etc). Be careful to not delete any other files you might have had there before WordPress. If WordPress is in a subdirectory, simply delete the subdirectory and all its contents.
2) Go into PHPMyadmin or whatever else you have on your server to edit MYSQL databases. Select the database used by your WordPress install and drop all the WordPress tables. Again, if this was a fresh database only used by WordPress, you can drop all tables. If the database had existing tables before, make sure you don’t lose them.
WordPress is now un-installed and you can use the same blank database with the old settings to install it again.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Site has problems on Windows/Apache serverI have never worked with this particular configuration before, but from the looks of it, it is a file permissions issue. On a Linux server, individual folders and sub-folders in the WordPress install will be given the appropriate permissions using CHMOD so that you are able to edit themes, or do automatic updates etc.
The equivalent on a Windows server is that your user account needs to be granted permission to those specific folders. That’s how I understand it anyway, your administrators should be able to shed more light on it.
This discussion might help learn some specifics to talk to them about: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Redirecting Home pageThere are actually several ways to do this, but I’ll mention two that should cover most of the possible scenarios.
If you have your WordPress install at the root directory of your domain, i.e. your home page is served by WordPress, you could just use a convenient WordPress plugin to handle the redirection cleanly, without having to tinker with any code. I suggest this one: WordPress is in a subdirectory and your root directory has a static page or other non-WordPress system serving it, you could use a PHP file to redirect from the root to the address you want. Use these instructions: this helps,
SamirForum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How to make a category filter pageThe Taxonomy Drill-Down plugin does what you need, if I understood you correctly, filtering posts based on multiple taxonomies.
I’m guessing you’re ultimate need to supply BuddyPress users with a filtered list of posts based on some of their details could also work by assigning them to groups. See:
and also the general list of related group plugins:
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Media Uploader not creating foldersTry the solution mentioned here: rest of the thread has a some pointers too.
Best of luck.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: HELP…How To Deactivate DomainStacy,
One solution is to put your WordPress site into maintenance mode so that the domain can remain active as it is, but the site shows a holding page until you’re ready to show it to the World.If you like tinkering with code, see these instructions: a simpler and prettier solution might be to use this Maintenance Mode plugin for WordPress: this helps,
SamirForum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Mysterious blank “Manage Pages” listThank you for the reply, Dan.
I did try to deactivate plugins one at a time and even deleted deactivated plugins. No change. Finally I renamed the plugins directory, but still no change. So, it would seem this is not quite the same issue.
Thanks for your help though. It was worth a shot. If nothing else I have filed away for future reference the fact that deactivated plugins can still affect WordPress functionality.
It would have been nice to solve this mystery, but I’m just going to move on and do a complete site re-install and re-creation from scratch. It is for a friend’s portfolio and she was having trouble wrapping her head around WordPress’s in-built media gallery system anyway.
A brand new 2.7 install with something like NextGen Gallery is now on my todo list.
Thanks again for your input,