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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [NextGEN Gallery Optimizer] Image Description Not Shown AgainWell, the strange thing is that the descriptions disappeared only when I open the site in Maxthon browser, while still visible in Chrome. But the thing is I always use Maxthon and I haven’t updated it in a long while, so it’s not like a new version of the browser changes things. Will try to figure it out.
I’d second the request to add VKontakte sharing capabilities to Jetpack. Practically no one uses Pinterest, StumbleUpon, Reddit and Digg (which are supported by Jetpack) in Russia, while VK is widely used.
After Pulicize again published a site visitors’ map instead of any of the two pictures attached to the latest post, I decided to turn the function off and publish links in FB directly. It worked with the very same post. So I am not sure if the problem is entirely with FB. There must be some kind of an issue with Jetpack’s Publisize too.
Thank you very much for looking into the problem. I guess, I’ll have to live with FB’s faults. ??
I’ve just seen the info about possible FB pic size requirements. But in most of my cases the pics are inserted into the post and are 700px by the longer side. And I don’t think it’s the size requirement as sometimes the correct images are displayed and sometimes no images are displayed at all. So this must be something else, not the size.
Site URL
FB scenarios.
1. Plugin works fine, choosing a pic from the post. Yet, sometimes it chooses an arbitrary pic from the post. Sometimes it even chooses a pic from the gallery (NGGallery) even if there are pics inserted in the post body before the gallery. The example of the latter is and
NB: If there are any pics inserted in the body of the post I do not set any featured image. I am not aware if the theme picks an image to be featured (in my theme the first picture of the post is featured in the blog’s homepage and other pages).2. When there is no picture in the post or featured image is not unique to the specific post (I insert certain category-specific featured images in some picture-less posts by just inserting a featured image from the WP media gallery), some random image from the blog (not the post, not this featured image) is featured in FB, usually site visitors’ map like here and
On the other hand other posts with featured images inserted in the same fashion display this image in FB like here and Sometimes there are images in the post (again, in the body of the post, not set as featured) but FB shows a pic from some other post (maybe this picture is taken from the NG gallery picture widget in the sidebar, then this case should be the same as No.4) like here and
4. There are images in the post, but but some random thing is displayed like site visitors’ map as in here and
5. The most frustrating and frequent case is when there are images in the post but FB doesn’t show any, not even some pic from another post. In this “broken” case you can see the post address with some “fb source” add-on instead of the post title in FB. The most recent example is and
Same here. When there is a pic (or several pics) in the post Publicize often picks some random pic from another post. Even more often it doesn’t attach any picture to a post with pics (and gives a strange looking title in the post box on Facebook with some link code). No matter how many times I re-connect it, it’s broken.
@vesat, @photocrati: I know that the original shortcode should work. The problem is that with the old version of NGG it was given to us on creating a new album and all I have to do is copy/paste the shortcode into the editor (Windows Live Writer) without remembering the exact shortcode and without having to dig deep in search of the id number.
With 2.0 on creating a new gallery you just upload pics (actually both actions are merged in one place in 2.0) and you are not given any code or even an id. In order to find the id you either have to remember the previous id or do 2-3 more clicks (1. Manange albums. 2. Last page (as the order is ascending rather than descending. There you get the gallery ID).
What I meant is that the new interface in this respect is user-unfriendly. That (and my other two issues) led me safely back to 1.9.13 and from what I am witnessing I have no intention of upgrading for another three or five versions in a row to avoid all the stress.
@photocrati: I have no Contact Form or MapPress plugins at all. I am with Bluehost and it says Linux as OS.
@erick: I finally had to figure out the FTP software and how to do it as I couldn’t wait for an indefinite amount of time for some plugin fixes. So now I am back on 1.9.13 and happy.
Issues with NGG 2.0, WP 3.6, Origin theme:
1. Interface. No more [nggallery id=x] shortcode on creating a gallery to be copy-pasted into the post, so a user has to click several times in the “manage galleries” list (which in itself is in the ascending order – not quite convenient) to find the gallery id and remember the shortcode template, typing it by hand every time.
2. Pagination (breadcrumbs) in Origin theme stopped working. (With 1.9.13 it is OK again.)
3. Images with file-names like “file” transformed into images with file-names like “file-jpg” after upload.Could you please make it possible to automatically downgrade to 1.9.13 from dashboard as I couldn’t figure out the whole FTP rollback thing no matter how hard I tried! Please make one decent and honest thing as a courtesy to all of us who are struggling with your “work”.
I should have learnt by now that nobody should trust new versions of NGG right away. In 2 years of having my standalone site this is the second time that a major NGG upgrade breaks things badly. Last time I had to ask a friend to restore the site from some serious “lost-all” condition. And now again I upgraded automatically (though waited for a day, not sure) and got a number of issues that make me stop posting to the site at all since I cannot add proper galleries.
Photocrati guys should really be cautious and slow in ruining things for so many users. And they still have 2.0 in automatic upgrades – this is unbelievable.
WordPress guys need to make NGG guys roll back automatically (and add the automatic rollback function available to all users) instead of making us lot figure out how to deal with manual rollback (I didn’t manage to FTP things).
WP 3.6, NG 2.0, theme Origin
NG Gallery plugin disables breadcrumbs function in Origin theme. If I deactivate NGG then pagination works again.
Same here. The new interface is very unhelpful in this respect.
One more big issue. I really liked the previous arrangement of creating a gallery and adding pictures interface. Firstly, on creation of a gallery I was given the shortlink which I just copied and pasted into the post. Now I am not given that and you don’t provide the template for that in plugin overview page so I have to google it now and every time I forget.
But what is worse I am not given the gallery ID number and so what do I insert into the shortcode now?!!! Yes, the number is in the galleries list which is the only thing you should have improved so that it would show galleries with the recent ones first. But the new interface means I have to open the galleries list page first, then open the last page with the latest galleries and then type the shortcode (instead of copy-pasting it).
Two issues (at least so far) with Next Gen 2.0 and WP 3.6, have Origin theme and NG Optimizer plugin.
1. As described here, pictures in galleries load as a single image instead of a usual way of darkening the page and showing images in a gallery in the middle of the page. But I enabled Aja[ pagination and this seems to have solved the problem. (I do not know if it was enabled or not before. Actually the big deal is that the NG update seems to have changed all the settings to “No”, and how should I remember which were Yes before?)
2. I created a gallery and uploaded pics, but the plugin added “-jpg” to file names. I cannot find any settings related to file names in plugin options. It never happened before and my pics do not have “-jpg” in their names. That’s real shit as I need to post a gallery right now and I don’t need my pics to have wrong names.