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  • Update and FYI
    I resolved my double duplicate path problem (IE.. /mypath/mypath), which was duplicating install path and not allowing me into site, by editing url path in wp-options table in sql database (was ending with mypath/mypath and changed to mypath) and then immediately logging in to site and updating permalinks. If you have problem accessing site due to this error, check and edit the sql database and then update permalinks inside site before doing anything else.

    Any host (not just this one or that one) that uses this (endurance cache) must use plugin is automatically creating a cache within the WordPress installation.

    On my host I noticed it because, I am already using a cache on some of my sites. When I installed a recent fresh clean copy of WordPress, with the hosting providers install script through a cpanel interface, the hosting provider used the endurance cache plugin.

    Unfortunately, every copy of a cloned site that I have recently created that uses the host provider’s new WP setup also contains my installed plugins that already do caching.

    And in every case, installing the cloned site on a fresh copy of a wp install created a duplicate folder of the installed folder.

    So because of the host providers configuration and the configuration I had in place in a clone, every in case, immediately after the clone roll out the new site install became inaccessible and unusable.

    That cost me about 8-12 hours of time to figure out what went wrong and how to fix that so it does not happen again.

    The solution is to access the server through ftp, or your providers interface (ie..cpanel) and delete the ‘must use’ folder and associated php files and possibly check and correct the htaccess file, that exist within the new WP install.

    This solution must be used before you attempt to install a cloned copy of a site (that uses caching) over a fresh copy of WP that by default is using caching, otherwise you may end up having a double caching problem.

    If you are not using any standard installed caching plugins in your WP installation, leaving the Endurance Caching in place may be beneficial. Just not sure on that yet…since I have not tested it without using other caching plugins.

    Thread Starter salz


    Resolved by adding the information as outlined in Lester ‘GaMerZ’ Chan usage instructions(add print to theme index).

    Now all I have left to do is remove the bad links appearing below each post in Myrna’s theme and the blog will be better!

    1 problem down…16,458 more left on my to do list!:)

    Time to tear into the custom.php!

    This site is Thyme and Impatiens

    Could someone please smear the absolute site ref in my first post for this topic?



    PS Great Stuff


    Started getting forbidden error (403) the other day.
    And additional (404) error only on certain posts and when attempting to readjust the theme. I had previously adjusted themes a few months ago with no problems and now I get this problem.

    Actually the other day I removed the one reference to update service…ie `pingomatic and today I decided I wanted to store all the update references in my blog somewhere and since I haven’t updated I decided to copy and paste all the update services links to a post….guess what…bingo…I get the errors above as mentioned.

    403 forbidden and additional 404 in that order

    I read up on the posts here and saw a lot of no resolution
    with reference to commenting code, which is exactly what I tried to do to trouble shoot problem, but could not do that in the post, according to what refed here.

    I deleted the update services info and was able to save the post. I saved the update services externally as an ascii file and removed all extra stuff from cut and paste, so only text. Pasted it back to post and still got 403 and 404 error.

    Based on this info so far, it is safe to assume the update services info in the post is somehow being screened and generating the 403 forbidden error as well as 404 error.

    The 403 forbidden could possibly be from one of the entries in the services list…but that sounds weird…possible and
    exactly how…I am not entirely sure…yet….and I was wondering if someone else could verify this.

    Just cut and paste the update services list for pinging and rpc into a new post…odds are it will give you the same error.

    I am using 2.0.2 and even but only tested err on 2 version and it does err every time the list is present in the post.


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