Sajid Manzoor
Forum Replies Created
I have the same issue and value is not syncing to Notes field. So I have created a new property in Contact Information and stored field value for Notes in newly created property.
Another issue, I have noticed is that New Hubspot Lists are not syncing in WordPress. I tried many times and Refreshing Lists does not works!.If this message can’t be removed/hidden then at least move this message inside <!doctype html>, <head> or <body> triggers Critical Error on this code.@bdkoder Issue is already posted here and no one helped me to fix this: Thx.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: WordPress new user email formatting issuesHello @bcworkz
Thank you for your suggestions. I have used this but it is not working as expected.
I have tried following:add_filter('wp_new_user_notification_email', 'kcss_welcome_email', 999, 3); function kcss_welcome_email($wp_new_user_notification_email, $user, $blogname) { //$wp_new_user_notification_email['headers'] = 'Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8'; $wp_new_user_notification_email['headers'] = array('Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8'); return $wp_new_user_notification_email; }
// Add content Type to emial template function kcss_set_content_type(){ return "text/html"; } add_filter( 'wp_mail_content_type','kcss_set_content_type' );
But both are not working and i am receiving a simple email without any formatting:
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP SAML Auth] 502 Bad Gateway on redirect after successful loginThis issue is now resolved. Issue is with some custom code in Theme’s functions.php
Hello @rifattariq007
This question is specific to Tutor LMS plugin. LMS Tutor Plugin allows us to modify forms or UI using hooks & actions. they have provided a list of available hooks & actions on their site but unfortunately they have not provided any examples or details of the hooks & action that what parameters or what data types these actions can accept. Reason of asking a question here is that their team shares an example on above scenario.If you are not willing to update your documentation with proper examples and details or you are not willing to help others in extending the capability of your plugin then believe me, there will be no positive and better use of GPL license. If you are not willing to update your documentation with proper examples then you should take your plugin outside this WordPress directory and then sell it somewhere else.
You are too late my friend.
Issue was with Woo Commerce and Database settings. I have fixed it. You took the screenshot when i was fixing the issue.Here are the details of the issue so you guys can reproduce and fix it later:
1- I have installed WordPress.
2- Installed Claue theme.
3- Installed Claue theme required plugins including WooCommerce.
4- WooCommerce Asked me to update Database.
5- I have click on Update Database button and it was completed successfully.
6- I have visited Website frontpage and it stopped showing any content. and it kept loading for 10-15 minutes.Now issue occurred at step 5. When i have updated database, it changed DB Engine for all tables from MyISAM to InnoDB. As a result, Queries were stuck in between and woocommerce was not getting timely response from DB after writing session to DB.
I have fixed this by changing DB Engine for tables to MyISAM again and it has fixed the issue.I hope that above observations and action items may help others with similar issues in future.
Now its for you guys to check why Woocommerce was changing DB engine for tables.Thanks for you time team.
I think no one is around to look into this right now.
I am disabling WooCommerce for now and hiding php info as well. Let me know, when someone in your team comes again and i will activate WooCommerce plugin and create php info file for you guys.Hello @dcka and thank you for your recommendations.
My Server details are:
PHP: 7.4
memory_limit: 1GB
HTTP Support: YEs
upload_max_filesize = 1GB
post_max_size = 1GB
max_input_time = 1500
max_input_vars = 2000You can check all server details at:
All PHP and server settings are optimal. Currently Woo Commerce is enabled and you can test site at
If i disable Woo Commerce, then site will work fine.Hello @rainfallnixfig
I can’t access system status because as soon as I enable WooCommerce, entire sites stops working. No page is loading. Both frontend and wp dashboard keeps loading if WooCommerce is enabled. I have to disable WooCommerce by changing directory name using cpanel or FTP and changing directory name from WooCommerce to something else, site starts working fine.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Advanced Database Cleaner] How to access DB CleanerI checked and ‘Tools’ menu item is not available in Network Dashboard.
However i can see tools item in each sub site but there is no option related to DB cleaner.@optimizingmatters
Yes i know and i am also using Autoptimize with divi or Astra theme on other sites.
But right now Autoptimize is having trouble with Divi Theme and Quad Menu.
I will try to arrange a test environment and will let you know, once it is ready.Thanks for your help
No this is not specific to our setup.
Autoptimize is having issues with Divi Theme.
I have created a local copy and found that Divi and Autoptimize current versions are not compatabileThis setting is already applied and still we are having issues.
I am disabling Autoptimize and i have decided not use Autoptimize for now. Will re check when a new update of Autoptimie is out. I hope you will fix it in your next update.Thanks
okay. let me check