I ran the Connectivity Test and everything passed.
I ran the Diagnostic Test and it produced the following:
OS: Linux pod-40734 3.13.0-77-generic #121-Ubuntu SMP Wed Jan 20 10:50:42 UTC 2016 x86_64
PHP: Linux 5.5.9-1ubuntu4.14 C
PHP Dependencies: iconv=Yes, spl_autoload=Yes, openssl=Yes, sockets=Yes, allow_url_fopen=Yes, mcrypt=Yes, zlib_encode=Yes
WordPress: 4.4.2 en_US UTF-8
WordPress Theme: Responsive
WordPress Plugins: Contact Form 7 – PayPal Add-on – Pro, Contact Form DB, Contact Form 7, Email Subscribers Advanced Form, Email Subscribers, Events Manager Pro, Events Manager, Header and Footer, Postman SMTP, Really Simple CAPTCHA, WP FullCalendar, WP User Avatar
WordPress wp_mail Filter(s): wp_staticize_emoji_for_email
WordPress phpmailer_init Action(s): wpcf7_phpmailer_init
Postman: 1.7.2
Postman Sender Domain (Envelope|Message): gmail.com | coudriet.com
Postman Prevent Message Sender Override (Email|Name): No | No
Postman Active Transport: SMTP (smtp:tls:oauth2://smtp.gmail.com:587)
Postman Active Transport Status (Ready|Connected): Yes | Yes
Postman Deliveries (Success|Fail): 648 | 8