Hi My friend I am also gone through this kind of issue like
Warning: require_once(N:\home\hhandswp\www\wp-content\plugins\events-manager-tickets-payments\inc\config/libs/HC_HTTP.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in N:\home\hhandswp\www\wp-content\plugins\events-manager-tickets-payments\inc\config\HC_Config.php on line 15
Solution Of :
change the path at wordpress-events-manager-tickets-payments-master\inc\config\HC_Config.php
file change the $dir variable replace with this constant EM_HYPECAL_DIR.’/inc.
For example :
Before :require_once( $dir .’libs/HC_HTTP.php’ );
after:require_once(EM_HYPECAL_DIR. ‘/inc/libs/HC_HTTP.php’ );
Do it this for all
issue will be resolved and What you Want ??