Forum Replies Created
Hi Ziophantus,
The only way around that is to use the WordPress plugin.
It is really hard to debug your issue as i cannot seem to recreate it everything works fine for us.
You need to have everything behind a secure payment gateway make them pay before they can view your content you could share that url but someone could also just screengrab your videos and share the key is to find the best setup for your business most people wont go to the extremes to steal content, S3Buuble make this process as hard as possible, i could just screengrab Netflix videos but i would rather pay $6 a month for less hassle and a good service just as a example.
This video may help.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O-bdy3RUJb4Best Regards
Hi ziophantus,
Yes apologies please send the information to [email protected] and i will take a look.
Do you get the same issues with this player https://s3bubble.com/rtmp-streaming-example-s3bubble-wordpress-plugin/
Best Regards
Hi ziophantus,
Also can you also send me a link to the player.
Best Regards
Hi ziophantus,
If the big bunny video worked this must be a encoding issue. which mobile browser are you experiencing the issues in.
Best Regards
Hi pswamis,
You will be able to add thumbnails to the soundcloud player but we do not have the option to add it to the standard player.
We actually first try and grab the tracks ID3 tag data which you should see in this video but if you do not want to use that you can use a custom thumbnail.
Best Regards
Hi ziophantus,
I would suggest using Youtubes encoders sounds crazy but its very useful.
Please watch this how to video.
Best Regards
Hi pswamis,
Unfortunately we do not have a rtmp setup for a audio playlist yet this is something we are working on.
We are hoping to integrate this into our SoundCloud WordPress plugin as well when its finished.
Best Regards
Hi @netjose,
I am not sure how they are adding that watermark but it just looks like a image/div floated over the top of a video player, if this is the case this would be really easy to just hide with css.
Do you know if they have a example of a video with a watermark anywhere so i can see how easy it is to remove if you could post a link here?
Hi @netojose
You can take a look at our how to watermark post here.
Also you can use Amazon piplines or lambda to watermark i will cover these in future videos.
RTMP streaming will effect the watremark as it is essential added to each frame of your video.
Hope this helps
Best Regards
Hi @baldarch
Still do not seem to have any response from you which i have to say i find slightly annoying the fact you can leave a 1star review and not even give any response to what your issue is.
What does. Not correctly handling Amazon files mean?
Our whole setup is run through the Official Amazon Web Services SDK and we handle files exactly as stated in the SDK.
Can you please inform me why you think this is wrong? and if there is something we can do to improve our service at least have the decency to give some constructive feedback instead of.
Not correctly handling Amazon files. Support@ email did not reply.
Which is no help what so ever look forward to your response.
Best Regards
Hi baldarch,
Any updates seeing as you have given us a one star review it would be good to understand what your issue was so we can fix?
Best Regards
Hi baldarch,
Apologies you did not get a reply via support your email may have gone into our spam filters.
Can you please elaborate on this???
Best Regards
Thank you Lorenzo i’ll give that a go.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Shopp] Hook to listen to coupon code appliedChris your a legend cheers
Full working code below.
function shopp_switch_product () { if($_REQUEST['discount'] == 'firstmonth'){ shopp_empty_cart(); // get my product $Product = shopp_product('Subscription First Month Half Price', 'name'); // Add quantity 2 of My Product to the cart shopp_add_cart_product($Product->id, 1); } } add_action('shopp_cart_request', 'shopp_switch_product');
Hi karimhassan,
Thanks for your enquiry, i have taken the time to do a quick video for you to explained how setting a expiry time will not help protect your content it will just prevent people from hot linking or redistributing your videos.
Please watch the video below
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xAGc8cxdiVMWe would suggest using RTMP streaming in conjunction with a Amazon Cloudfront Distribution. We have some more tutorials on https://s3bubble.com. I will also update this post with a new video tutorial on how to set everything up with s3bubble.
Hope this helps
Best Regards