15 years, 5 months ago
you are welcome!
Can you please mark this thread as resolved??
check your .htaccess file, if any changes you have made to it..
Also, if this is a sudden issue, you should consult your host..
I can give you an advise:
Export the posts from wordpress in XML format and then import them one by one to your new installation..
wp-config.php on new domain (, check this file. Is your database details correct ?
Open your header.php file in themes folder.
You will find wp_list_categories or something like this. Remove that function and save the file
search in your database, for the page slug.. and remove it
are you facing the issue with the same domain? Name servers properly propagated???
can you check the htaccess file? Try removing the htaccess file completely ..
check this:
URL please
Have you completed the installation? if not, complete them..
Also, check if your database is safe..
1) Do you have /tmp directory? Check that and check its permissions as well
2) Is your upload path correct? Check here:
go to admin panel, then go to settings –> Miscellaneous..
1) check your htaccess code. Is it correct? 2) Do you have suphp on your server? Consult your host 3) Check for proper permissions
URL please..