15 years ago
in your index page, you will fine something like this:
replace it by the_content()
See this article for more details
if this is a page, and will stay static, you can create table and td’s inside the page. Or you can go for a page template
have you changed your name servers or anything recently? or any changes in your DNS zone..
try to follow the feed in some widget or any feed client. not directly in the browser
15 years, 1 month ago
those are hardcoded in your sidebar.php. Open the file and remove functions for meta..
add a text widget to sidebar and leave it empty
if your navigation bar is in header, open header.php file and check which function is it calling for navigation. Along with that function, just add your own link, under the same div. You will need to play to maintain the design..
go to settings –> reading
html to sidebar ? You can use text widget If you want this to display for pages only, use conditional tags
is it statistic plugin? You need to activate it using the API key..
you can use custom fields
It will be something like this:
<a href="<?php the_permalink() ?>">Continue ...</a>
turn it to:
<a target="_blank" href="<?php the_permalink() ?>">Continue ...</a>
in same database? So you should have changed the prefix..
Check wp_options table and make sure the domain name is correct
yes, you should be able to login, but you didnt specify if you are receiving any error..