Ryan Fitzer
Forum Replies Created
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Just a little question on the blix themeYou’re right. The 500px 0px is the absolute position of the .gif. Adjust the 500px value to move it. Make sure your #container <div> is wide enough.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Just a little question on the blix themeYou need to make the #subcontent <div> narrower. Here is what it is by default:
/* subcontent
#subcontent {
padding:15px 0 0 15px;
}* html #subcontent {padding-top:32px;} /* dirty fix for IEWIN; temporary! */
#subcontent ul, #subcontent p {margin:0 10px;}
If you start by changing the width value little by little you will begin to get an idea of where to go from there. If it gets too narrow though, you will have problems based the margin and padding of the other elements in the sidebar.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: including dynamis info outside of directoryWell, crap! I guess I will have to change the paths until I figure out the php problem. I need to get this thing done. Thanks for the heads-up.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: including dynamis info outside of directoryOk, so I have given up trying to figure out a php solution. I think the best method will be to create a mini site and then put it in a wp page via an
. I’ve looked all over and this does everything I want and is much easier to maintain (I used it before on other sites and I have no idea why I didn’t think of it sooner). If anybody knows of any glitches this might cause, let me know. Thanks for everyone’s effort.Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Just a little question on the blix themeOk, I see it now. Boy that’s faint. Here it is
https://www.tvshowblogs.com/wp-content/themes/Blix/images/spring_flavour/subcontent_bg.gifDelete that sucker in the spring_flavour.css file. It would be in the #subcontent area. Good luck.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Just a little question on the blix themeThe only thing I can see to the left of the sidebar is the repeated .gif I linked to above. I can’t figure out what other line your talking about, sorry.
To move something horizontally one way or another would be done by altering the layout.css file accordingly. But backup the file before you start. Especially if your new to css.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: How Do You Add/Subtract Sidebars to/from a ThemeMisread that one, sorry. I agree, putting in or taking out the whole sidebar would be a big redesign depending on the theme.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Feedburner & Semiologic themeI use feedburner for a couple of sites and have changed the feed before. All you have to do is get the address of the feed you would like to use and then in the feedburner admin, edit the path that feedburner is currently using for your feed to whatever the new path is.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: How Do You Add/Subtract Sidebars to/from a ThemeA good start is to look at the code in your theme’s sidebar.php file and get familiar with it. For example, after the funtion
you can see what is included on your home page sidebar. The titles of which should (might) be contained between<h2></h2>
tags and the links or text contained between<ul></ul>
tags. If you would like to get rid of that section you can just delete everything between those tags (including the tags), or simply make it an HTML comment by putting<!--
at the beginning of the section and-->
at the end. This way you can always use it later if you change your mind. To add a section to the sidbar on another page, copy and paste the section’s code under the function that controls what shows up in the sidebar.Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Problem with custom themeI tried to navigate to your header img and your page backgroung by using the address in your code and both yield a 404 page. try it https://eve-sdslightstar.com/wp-content/themes/default/images/kubrickbg.jpg
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Just a little question on the blix themeDid you want to get rid of it? The path to that image is https://www.tvshowblogs.com/wp-content/themes/Blix/images/spring_flavour/container_bg.gif
If you go into this folder you will find it.
It is part of the theme and can be changed to whatever you want in the spring_flavor.css file.Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: embedding iframesSorry, the code on the second to last line should read
<iframe> </iframe>
.Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: embedding iframesJust tried the same thing and had the same problems. But I was adding an ending
tag. After reading this thread I checked my code and saw that the end tag was getting stripped out when I saved the page. My fix was to add a
between the tags `<iframe> </iframe>. It works now.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: random header glitch??Without having used the theme before I’m wondering if you need to delete the image in your images folder or find the rule in the css doc and change that. Does this make sense?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: including dynamis info outside of directoryThe path is /wordpress/wp-content/themes/Blix/2005/images. But I don’t want to change the path in the code because that would mean changing 48 lines of code everytime I create a new gallery. I’ve set this code up in a generic manner because it works well in production. It’s easier to set up the folder structure to use the code than the other way around. This has worked like a charm on this site. Navigate to the exhibitions page and choose one of the most recent exhibitions. This keeps everything organized beautifully. I name everything in a generic manner (1.jpg, 2.jpg, etc…) and then drop things in the correct folder structure, and violá. I hope you can see why I wouldn’t want to change such a good thing.