11 years ago
I was working in the visual editor and not the text mode. Problem solved for all the newbs like me. Thanks Fruitful Code!
For some reason that still doesn’t work. The link appears above the infobox (please see screen grab via Dropbox.
Hey Fruitful Code,
I’m trying to do the same thing to my site but it’s still not working. Here’s what I got:
[info_box icon_url=”” alt=”title-1″ id=”inb_1″ type_column=”alpha” title=”FAQs”][/info_box]
I’m trying to add “” so when you click on the 1column.png, it takes you there.
Where do I put it?
11 years, 6 months ago
Yep, it is the theme. I will warn all–Spotomoto by InkThemes does not currently work with displaying preview images when one inserts more than one wordpress media element.
WPyogi: thanks for all the help.
Yea, I realize it’s the theme now (it has to be).
I’ll try switching the theme and then renaming the plugins folder using FTP if that doesn’t work.
I’ll let you know when it’s resolved.
I have. It still doesn’t work with all plugins off.
Could you look at it for me? I could email you my UN and Credentials.