Forum Replies Created
After having to login and then login again it seems to work. The redirect send me to the login /registration page. Once I login there I get the dash board. If I come back to the main page the redirect does not work and I had to set up a link for the user to click on. The other links to the default pages do work so I guess this sort of fixes my problem.
Thank you- This reply was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by rwpett.
——————————————-Home Url:
Site Url:
Login Url:
Version: 5.5.3
Debug Mode: Yes
Debug Log: Yes
Debug Display: Yes
Locale: en_US
Multisite: No
Page For Posts: Not Set
Page On Front: View my course enrollments (#10) []
Permalink Structure: /%postname%
Show On Front: page
Wp Cron: YesSettings
——————————————-Version: 4.8.0
Db Version: 4.8.0
Course Catalog: Membership Catalog (#8) []
Membership Catalog: Membership Catalog (#8) []
Student Dashboard: View my course enrollments (#10) []
Checkout Page: Purchase (#9) []
Course Catalog Per Page: -1
Course Catalog Sorting: title,ASC
Membership Catalog Per Page: 9
Membership Catalog Sorting: menu_order
Site Membership: Not Set
Courses Endpoint: my-courses
Edit Endpoint: edit-account
Lost Password Endpoint: lost-password
Vouchers Endpoint: redeem-voucher
Autogenerate Username: no
Password Strength Meter: yes
Minimum Password Strength: strong
Terms Required: no
Terms Page: Not Set
Checkout Names: required
Checkout Address: optional
Checkout Phone: hidden
Checkout Email Confirmation: yes
Open Registration: yes
Registration Names: required
Registration Address: optional
Registration Phone: hidden
Registration Voucher: required
Registration Email Confirmation: yes
Account Names: required
Account Address: optional
Account Phone: optional
Account Email Confirmation: yes
Confirmation Endpoint: confirm-payment
Force Ssl Checkout: no
Country: CA
Currency: CAD
Currency Position: left
Thousand Separator: ,
Decimal Separator: .
Decimals: 2
Trim Zero Decimals: no
Recurring Payments: no
Email From Address: [email protected]
Email From Name: Rabbit Hill Training
Email Footer Text:
Email Header Image:
Cert Bg Width: 800
Cert Bg Height: 616
Cert Legacy Compat: yesGateways
——————————————-Manual: Disabled
Manual Logging:
Manual Order: 1Server
——————————————-Mysql Version: 5.5.60
Php Curl: Yes
Php Default Timezone: UTC
Php Fsockopen: Yes
Php Max Input Vars: 1000
Php Max Upload Size: 64 MB
Php Memory Limit: 268435456
Php Post Max Size: 67108864
Php Soap: Yes
Php Suhosin: No
Php Time Limt: 30
Php Version: 7.2.34
Software: Apache
Wp Memory Limit: 40MBrowser
——————————————-HTTP USER AGENT: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/87.0.4280.66 Safari/537.36
——————————————-Name: Adney
Version: 1.0.10
Child Theme: No
Llms Support: NoPlugins
——————————————-Activity Log: 2.6.0
Import and export users and customers:
LifterLMS: 4.8.0
PDF Embedder: 4.6.1
WP Crontrol: 1.8.5Integrations
——————————————-BbPress: No
BuddyPress: NoTemplate Overrides
——————————————-Thank you for the suggestion. I tried flushing the permalinks as per the instructions but it has not helped.
Here is the Lifter LMS system report.
——————————————-Home Url: https://……..
Site Url: https://……..
Login Url: https://………..
Version: 5.5.3
Debug Mode: Yes
Debug Log: Yes
Debug Display: Yes
Locale: en_US
Multisite: No
Page For Posts: Not Set
Page On Front: View my course enrollments (#10) []
Permalink Structure: /%postname%
Show On Front: page
Wp Cron: YesSettings
——————————————-Version: 4.7.1
Db Version: 4.7.1
Course Catalog: Membership Catalog (#8) [https://……../memberships]
Membership Catalog: Membership Catalog (#8) [https://……../memberships]
Student Dashboard: View my course enrollments (#10) [https://……../]
Checkout Page: Purchase (#9) [https://……../purchase]
Course Catalog Per Page: -1
Course Catalog Sorting: title,ASC
Membership Catalog Per Page: 9
Membership Catalog Sorting: menu_order
Site Membership: Not Set
Courses Endpoint: my-courses
Edit Endpoint: edit-account
Lost Password Endpoint: lost-password
Vouchers Endpoint: redeem-voucher
Autogenerate Username: no
Password Strength Meter: yes
Minimum Password Strength: strong
Terms Required: no
Terms Page: Not Set
Checkout Names: required
Checkout Address: optional
Checkout Phone: hidden
Checkout Email Confirmation: yes
Open Registration: yes
Registration Names: required
Registration Address: optional
Registration Phone: hidden
Registration Voucher: required
Registration Email Confirmation: yes
Account Names: required
Account Address: optional
Account Phone: optional
Account Email Confirmation: yes
Confirmation Endpoint: confirm-payment
Force Ssl Checkout: no
Country: CA
Currency: CAD
Currency Position: left
Thousand Separator: ,
Decimal Separator: .
Decimals: 2
Trim Zero Decimals: no
Recurring Payments: no
Email From Address: doug@……..
Email From Name: ……..
Email Footer Text:
Email Header Image:
Cert Bg Width: 800
Cert Bg Height: 616
Cert Legacy Compat: yesGateways
——————————————-Manual: Disabled
Manual Logging:
Manual Order: 1Server
——————————————-Mysql Version: 5.5.60
Php Curl: Yes
Php Default Timezone: UTC
Php Fsockopen: Yes
Php Max Input Vars: 1000
Php Max Upload Size: 64 MB
Php Memory Limit: 268435456
Php Post Max Size: 67108864
Php Soap: Yes
Php Suhosin: No
Php Time Limt: 30
Php Version: 7.2.34
Software: Apache
Wp Memory Limit: 40MBrowser
——————————————-HTTP USER AGENT: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/86.0.4240.193 Safari/537.36
——————————————-Name: Adney
Version: 1.0.10
Child Theme: No
Llms Support: NoPlugins
——————————————-1&1 WP Assistant: 4.0.0
Activity Log: 2.6.0
Import and export users and customers: 1.16.3
LifterLMS: 4.7.1
PDF Embedder: 4.6.1
WP Crontrol: 1.8.5
Xylus Toolkit: 1.1.0Integrations
——————————————-BbPress: No
BuddyPress: NoTemplate Overrides
——————————————-Hi Toyin,
We are using WordPress’s native block editor.
Thank you
RonThank you for considering this enhancement
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Warning: array_merge(): Argument #1 is not an array inForum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Warning: array_merge(): Argument #1 is not an array inThank. That makes good sense, I will give it that a try.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [LifterLMS - WP LMS for eLearning, Online Courses, & Quizzes] Database updateThat has resolved the issue. Thank you
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [LifterLMS - WP LMS for eLearning, Online Courses, & Quizzes] Database updateSorry, here you go:
[09-Feb-2018 23:53:32 UTC] PHP Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /homepages/3/d88752171/htdocs/clickandbuilds/RabbitHillTraining/wp-content/plugins/1and1-wordpress-assistant/inc/dashboard-widget.php on line 168
[09-Feb-2018 23:53:32 UTC] PHP Warning: array_merge(): Argument #2 is not an array in /homepages/3/d88752171/htdocs/clickandbuilds/RabbitHillTraining/wp-content/plugins/1and1-wordpress-assistant/inc/dashboard-widget.php on line 181Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [LifterLMS - WP LMS for eLearning, Online Courses, & Quizzes] Database updateI set the debug and debug_log to true, tried to update the database and got the following error
Error 500 – Internal server error
An internal server error has occured!
Please try again later.
Found debug log information this time It says in the last few lines:
02-07-2018 @ 22:48:03 – Running llms_update_3160_update_quiz_settings callback
02-07-2018 @ 22:48:03 – Finished llms_update_3160_update_quiz_settings callback
02-07-2018 @ 22:48:03 – Running llms_update_3160_attempt_migration callback
02-07-2018 @ 22:48:03 – Finished llms_update_3160_attempt_migration callback
02-07-2018 @ 22:48:03 – Running llms_update_3160_lesson_to_quiz_relationships_migration callback
02-07-2018 @ 22:48:03 – Finished llms_update_3160_lesson_to_quiz_relationships_migration callback
02-07-2018 @ 22:48:03 – Running llms_update_3160_ensure_no_dupe_question_rels callback
02-07-2018 @ 22:48:03 – Finished llms_update_3160_ensure_no_dupe_question_rels callback
02-07-2018 @ 22:48:03 – Running llms_update_3160_ensure_no_lesson_dupe_rels callback
02-07-2018 @ 22:48:03 – Finished llms_update_3160_ensure_no_lesson_dupe_rels callback
02-07-2018 @ 22:48:03 – Running llms_update_3160_update_question_data callback
02-07-2018 @ 22:48:04 – Finished llms_update_3160_update_question_data callback
02-07-2018 @ 22:48:04 – Running llms_update_3160_update_attempt_question_data callbackThe database update is stuck at 0%
tried removing and reinstalling the lifterlms plugin and no change.
Is there anything else I can do to help resolve this?INFO on setup
——————————————-Home Url:
Site Url:
Version: 4.9.4
Debug Mode: Yes
Locale: en_US
Multisite: No
Page For Posts: Not Set
Page On Front: Login Page (#127)
Permalink Structure: /%postname%
Show On Front: page
Wp Cron: YesSettings
——————————————-Version: 3.16.6
Db Version: 3.15.1
Course Catalog: Membership Catalog (#8)
Course Catalog Per Page: -1
Course Catalog Sorting: menu_order,ASC
Membership Catalog: Membership Catalog (#8)
Membership Catalog Per Page: 9
Membership Catalog Sorting: menu_order
Site Membership: Not Set
Student Dashboard: View my course enrollments (#10)
Courses Endpoint: my-courses
Edit Endpoint: edit-account
Lost Password Endpoint: lost-password
Vouchers Endpoint: redeem-voucher
Autogenerate Username: no
Password Strength Meter: yes
Minimum Password Strength: strong
Terms Required: no
Terms Page: Not Set
Checkout Names: required
Checkout Address: optional
Checkout Phone: hidden
Checkout Email Confirmation: yes
Open Registration: yes
Registration Names: required
Registration Address: optional
Registration Phone: hidden
Registration Voucher: required
Registration Email Confirmation: yes
Account Names: required
Account Address: optional
Account Phone: optional
Account Email Confirmation: yes
Checkout Page: Purchase (#9)
Confirmation Endpoint: confirm-payment
Force Ssl Checkout: no
Country: CA
Currency: CAD
Currency Position: left
Thousand Separator: ,
Decimal Separator: .
Decimals: 2
Trim Zero Decimals: no
Recurring Payments: no
Email From Address: [email protected]
Email From Name: Rabbit Hill Training
Email Footer Text:
Email Header Image:
Cert Bg Width: 800
Cert Bg Height: 616
Cert Legacy Compat: yesGateways
——————————————-Manual: Disabled
Manual Logging:
Manual Order: 1Server
——————————————-Mysql Version: 5.5.58
Php Curl: Yes
Php Default Timezone: UTC
Php Fsockopen: Yes
Php Max Input Vars: 1000
Php Max Upload Size: 64 MB
Php Memory Limit: 268435456
Php Post Max Size: 67108864
Php Soap: Yes
Php Suhosin: No
Php Time Limt: 30
Php Version: 7.0.27
Software: Apache
Wp Memory Limit: 40MTheme
——————————————-Name: Twenty Seventeen
Version: 1.4
Child Theme: No
Llms Support: NoPlugins
——————————————-1&1 WP Assistant: 4.0.0
Activity Log: 2.4.0
Import users from CSV with meta:
LifterLMS: 3.16.6
PDF Embedder: 3.1.8Integrations
——————————————-BbPress: No
BuddyPress: NoTemplate Overrides
——————————————-I am having a problem with password resets for students who forget their password. LifterLMS does not seem to be sending out the email to the student when they click on the “Lost your password” on the student logon screen. Has anyone else experienced this issue?
——————————————-Home Url:
Site Url:
Version: 4.8.1
Debug Mode: No
Locale: en_US
Multisite: No
Page For Posts: Not Set
Page On Front: Login Page (#127)
Permalink Structure: /%postname%
Show On Front: page
Wp Cron: YesSettings
——————————————-Version: 3.12.0
Db Version: 3.12.0
Course Catalog: Membership Catalog (#8)
Course Catalog Per Page: -1
Course Catalog Sorting: menu_order,ASC
Membership Catalog: Membership Catalog (#8)
Membership Catalog Per Page: 9
Membership Catalog Sorting: menu_order
Site Membership: Not Set
Student Dashboard: View my course enrollments (#10)
Courses Endpoint: my-courses
Edit Endpoint: edit-account
Lost Password Endpoint: lost-password
Vouchers Endpoint: redeem-voucher
Autogenerate Username: no
Password Strength Meter: yes
Minimum Password Strength: strong
Terms Required: no
Terms Page: Not Set
Checkout Names: required
Checkout Address: optional
Checkout Phone: hidden
Checkout Email Confirmation: yes
Open Registration: no
Registration Names: required
Registration Address: optional
Registration Phone: hidden
Registration Voucher: hidden
Registration Email Confirmation: yes
Account Names: required
Account Address: optional
Account Phone: optional
Account Email Confirmation: yes
Checkout Page: Purchase (#9)
Confirmation Endpoint: confirm-payment
Force Ssl Checkout: no
Country: CA
Currency: CAD
Currency Position: left
Thousand Separator: ,
Decimal Separator: .
Decimals: 2
Trim Zero Decimals: no
Recurring Payments: no
Email From Address: [email protected]
Email From Name: Rabbit Hill Training
Email Footer Text:
Email Header Image:
Cert Bg Width: 800
Cert Bg Height: 616
Cert Legacy Compat: yesGateways
——————————————-Manual: Disabled
Manual Logging:
Manual Order: 1Server
——————————————-Mysql Version: 5.5.57
Php Curl: Yes
Php Default Timezone: UTC
Php Fsockopen: Yes
Php Max Input Vars: 1000
Php Max Upload Size: 64 MB
Php Memory Limit: 268435456
Php Post Max Size: 67108864
Php Soap: Yes
Php Suhosin: No
Php Time Limt: 30
Php Version: 7.0.22
Software: Apache
Wp Memory Limit: 40MTheme
——————————————-Name: Twenty Seventeen
Version: 1.3
Child Theme: No
Llms Support: NoPlugins
——————————————-1&1 WP Assistant: 4.0.0
Import users from CSV with meta:
LifterLMS: 3.12.0
PDF Embedder: 3.0.1Integrations
——————————————-BbPress: No
BuddyPress: NoTemplate Overrides