Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Server Info] plugin inforamation across multiple web siteI have one hosting service account, with 30 different WordPress websites each in their own sub-directory under the main directory. Also there are a couple of these sub-directories of the main site that have several Word Press web sites. i.e there are some sites two levels down.
I would like to get your server report for all of these sites with one click. It would take some code maybe like
LookInDire("/home"); function LookInDire($dire) { $msg = ""; foreach (new DirectoryIterator($dire) as $fileInfo) { $fileName = $fileInfo->getFileName() if (is_dir("$dire$filename")) { $msg .= LookInDire("$dire$fileName"); } if ("wp-content" == $fileName) $msg .= ProduceReport($dire); } return $msg; }
There are two obvious solutions:
The first just hides the error message,
The second fixes it, but may not stick after an update.
Roy1) In the wp_config.php file change “wp_debug = ture” to “wp_debug=false”
2) try changing the line on 881 from:
add_action(‘widgets_init’, create_function(”, ‘return register_widget(“ELISQLREPORTS_Widget_Class”);’));to:
add_action(‘widgets_init’, function() {return register_widget(“ELISQLREPORTS_Widget_Class”); } );Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How to request that a completly dead plugin be removedAlan
I am making the request since I just wasted a half-hour figuring out why it did not work
I wrote a review that will probably prevent others from wasting their time.
I will try [email protected]
PS. Plugins that do not work give WordPress a negative reputation.
I have a long menu list.
I added a new page. which auto-added the page to the end of the menu.
I then moved it to a third-level entry
and got this error,
Using the above test, I added some debugging, here is the result
Hope this helpsRoy
———————————————————————Notice: Undefined index: in /home/pillowan/www-shaw-weil-edit/wp-content/plugins/if-menu/if-menu.php on line 109 index = 0 if_conditions = Array ( [0] => ) conditions = Array ( [user-is-administrator] => Array ( [id] => user-is-administrator [name] => Is Administrator [alias] => User is Administrator [condition] => Closure Object ( [static] => Array ( [roleId] => administrator ) ) [group] => User ) [Is Administrator] => Array ( [id] => user-is-administrator [name] => Is Administrator [alias] => User is Administrator [condition] => Closure Object ( [static] => Array ( [roleId] => administrator ) ) [group] => User ) [User is Administrator] => Array ( [id] => user-is-administrator [name] => Is Administrator [alias] => User is Administrator [condition] => Closure Object ( [static] => Array ( [roleId] => administrator ) ) [group] => User ) [user-is-editor] => Array ( [id] => user-is-editor [name] => Is Editor [alias] => User is Editor [condition] => Closure Object ( [static] => Array ( [roleId] => editor ) ) [group] => User ) [Is Editor] => Array ( [id] => user-is-editor [name] => Is Editor [alias] => User is Editor [condition] => Closure Object ( [static] => Array ( [roleId] => editor ) ) [group] => User ) [User is Editor] => Array ( [id] => user-is-editor [name] => Is Editor [alias] => User is Editor [condition] => Closure Object ( [static] => Array ( [roleId] => editor ) ) [group] => User ) [user-is-author] => Array ( [id] => user-is-author [name] => Is Author [alias] => User is Author [condition] => Closure Object ( [static] => Array ( [roleId] => author ) ) [group] => User ) [Is Author] => Array ( [id] => user-is-author [name] => Is Author [alias] => User is Author [condition] => Closure Object ( [static] => Array ( [roleId] => author ) ) [group] => User ) [User is Author] => Array ( [id] => user-is-author [name] => Is Author [alias] => User is Author [condition] => Closure Object ( [static] => Array ( [roleId] => author ) ) [group] => User ) [user-is-contributor] => Array ( [id] => user-is-contributor [name] => Is Contributor [alias] => User is Contributor [condition] => Closure Object ( [static] => Array ( [roleId] => contributor ) ) [group] => User ) [Is Contributor] => Array ( [id] => user-is-contributor [name] => Is Contributor [alias] => User is Contributor [condition] => Closure Object ( [static] => Array ( [roleId] => contributor ) ) [group] => User ) [User is Contributor] => Array ( [id] => user-is-contributor [name] => Is Contributor [alias] => User is Contributor [condition] => Closure Object ( [static] => Array ( [roleId] => contributor ) ) [group] => User ) [user-is-subscriber] => Array ( [id] => user-is-subscriber [name] => Is Subscriber [alias] => User is Subscriber [condition] => Closure Object ( [static] => Array ( [roleId] => subscriber ) ) [group] => User ) [Is Subscriber] => Array ( [id] => user-is-subscriber [name] => Is Subscriber [alias] => User is Subscriber [condition] => Closure Object ( [static] => Array ( [roleId] => subscriber ) ) [group] => User ) [User is Subscriber] => Array ( [id] => user-is-subscriber [name] => Is Subscriber [alias] => User is Subscriber [condition] => Closure Object ( [static] => Array ( [roleId] => subscriber ) ) [group] => User ) [user-logged-in] => Array ( [id] => user-logged-in [name] => Is logged in [alias] => User is logged in [condition] => is_user_logged_in [group] => User ) [Is logged in] => Array ( [id] => user-logged-in [name] => Is logged in [alias] => User is logged in [condition] => is_user_logged_in [group] => User ) [User is logged in] => Array ( [id] => user-logged-in [name] => Is logged in [alias] => User is logged in [condition] => is_user_logged_in [group] => User ) [users-can-register] => Array ( [id] => users-can-register [name] => User registration is allowed [condition] => Closure Object ( ) [group] => User ) [User registration is allowed] => Array ( [id] => users-can-register [name] => User registration is allowed [condition] => Closure Object ( ) [group] => User ) [front-page] => Array ( [id] => front-page [name] => Front Page [condition] => is_front_page [group] => Page type ) [Front Page] => Array ( [id] => front-page [name] => Front Page [condition] => is_front_page [group] => Page type ) [single-post] => Array ( [id] => single-post [name] => Single Post [condition] => is_single [group] => Page type ) [Single Post] => Array ( [id] => single-post [name] => Single Post [condition] => is_single [group] => Page type ) [is-page] => Array ( [id] => is-page [name] => Page [condition] => is_page [group] => Page type ) [Page] => Array ( [id] => is-page [name] => Page [condition] => is_page [group] => Page type ) [page-archive] => Array ( [id] => page-archive [name] => Is Archive page [condition] => is_archive [group] => Page type ) [Is Archive page] => Array ( [id] => page-archive [name] => Is Archive page [condition] => is_archive [group] => Page type ) [is-mobile] => Array ( [id] => is-mobile [name] => Mobile [condition] => wp_is_mobile [group] => Device ) [Mobile] => Array ( [id] => is-mobile [name] => Mobile [condition] => wp_is_mobile [group] => Device ) [language-is-rtl] => Array ( [id] => language-is-rtl [name] => Is RTL [condition] => is_rtl [group] => Language ) [Is RTL] => Array ( [id] => language-is-rtl [name] => Is RTL [condition] => is_rtl [group] => Language ) [user-location] => Array ( [id] => user-location [type] => multiple [name] => From country [options] => Array ( [AF] => Afghanistan [AX] => ?land Islands [AL] => Albania [DZ] => Algeria [AS] => American Samoa [AD] => Andorra [AO] => Angola [AI] => Anguilla [AQ] => Antarctica [AG] => Antigua and Barbuda [AR] => Argentina [AM] => Armenia [AW] => Aruba [AU] => Australia [AT] => Austria [AZ] => Azerbaijan [BS] => Bahamas [BH] => Bahrain [BD] => Bangladesh [BB] => Barbados [BY] => Belarus [BE] => Belgium [PW] => Belau [BZ] => Belize [BJ] => Benin [BM] => Bermuda [BT] => Bhutan [BO] => Bolivia [BQ] => Bonaire, Saint Eustatius and Saba [BA] => Bosnia and Herzegovina [BW] => Botswana [BV] => Bouvet Island [BR] => Brazil [IO] => British Indian Ocean Territory [VG] => British Virgin Islands [BN] => Brunei [BG] => Bulgaria [BF] => Burkina Faso [BI] => Burundi [KH] => Cambodia [CM] => Cameroon [CA] => Canada [CV] => Cape Verde [KY] => Cayman Islands [CF] => Central African Republic [TD] => Chad [CL] => Chile [CN] => China [CX] => Christmas Island [CC] => Cocos (Keeling) Islands [CO] => Colombia [KM] => Comoros [CG] => Congo (Brazzaville) [CD] => Congo (Kinshasa) [CK] => Cook Islands [CR] => Costa Rica [HR] => Croatia [CU] => Cuba [CW] => Cura?ao [CY] => Cyprus [CZ] => Czech Republic [DK] => Denmark [DJ] => Djibouti [DM] => Dominica [DO] => Dominican Republic [EC] => Ecuador [EG] => Egypt [SV] => El Salvador [GQ] => Equatorial Guinea [ER] => Eritrea [EE] => Estonia [ET] => Ethiopia [FK] => Falkland Islands [FO] => Faroe Islands [FJ] => Fiji [FI] => Finland [FR] => France [GF] => French Guiana [PF] => French Polynesia [TF] => French Southern Territories [GA] => Gabon [GM] => Gambia [GE] => Georgia [DE] => Germany [GH] => Ghana [GI] => Gibraltar [GR] => Greece [GL] => Greenland [GD] => Grenada [GP] => Guadeloupe [GU] => Guam [GT] => Guatemala [GG] => Guernsey [GN] => Guinea [GW] => Guinea-Bissau [GY] => Guyana [HT] => Haiti [HM] => Heard Island and McDonald Islands [HN] => Honduras [HK] => Hong Kong [HU] => Hungary [IS] => Iceland [IN] => India [ID] => Indonesia [IR] => Iran [IQ] => Iraq [IE] => Ireland [IM] => Isle of Man [IL] => Israel [IT] => Italy [CI] => Ivory Coast [JM] => Jamaica [JP] => Japan [JE] => Jersey [JO] => Jordan [KZ] => Kazakhstan [KE] => Kenya [KI] => Kiribati [KW] => Kuwait [KG] => Kyrgyzstan [LA] => Laos [LV] => Latvia [LB] => Lebanon [LS] => Lesotho [LR] => Liberia [LY] => Libya [LI] => Liechtenstein [LT] => Lithuania [LU] => Luxembourg [MO] => Macao S.A.R., China [MK] => Macedonia [MG] => Madagascar [MW] => Malawi [MY] => Malaysia [MV] => Maldives [ML] => Mali [MT] => Malta [MH] => Marshall Islands [MQ] => Martinique [MR] => Mauritania [MU] => Mauritius [YT] => Mayotte [MX] => Mexico [FM] => Micronesia [MD] => Moldova [MC] => Monaco [MN] => Mongolia [ME] => Montenegro [MS] => Montserrat [MA] => Morocco [MZ] => Mozambique [MM] => Myanmar [NA] => Namibia [NR] => Nauru [NP] => Nepal [NL] => Netherlands [NC] => New Caledonia [NZ] => New Zealand [NI] => Nicaragua [NE] => Niger [NG] => Nigeria [NU] => Niue [NF] => Norfolk Island [MP] => Northern Mariana Islands [KP] => North Korea [NO] => Norway [OM] => Oman [PK] => Pakistan [PS] => Palestinian Territory [PA] => Panama [PG] => Papua New Guinea [PY] => Paraguay [PE] => Peru [PH] => Philippines [PN] => Pitcairn [PL] => Poland [PT] => Portugal [PR] => Puerto Rico [QA] => Qatar [RE] => Reunion [RO] => Romania [RU] => Russia [RW] => Rwanda [BL] => Saint Barthélemy [SH] => Saint Helena [KN] => Saint Kitts and Nevis [LC] => Saint Lucia [MF] => Saint Martin (French part) [SX] => Saint Martin (Dutch part) [PM] => Saint Pierre and Miquelon [VC] => Saint Vincent and the Grenadines [SM] => San Marino [ST] => S?o Tomé and Príncipe [SA] => Saudi Arabia [SN] => Senegal [RS] => Serbia [SC] => Seychelles [SL] => Sierra Leone [SG] => Singapore [SK] => Slovakia [SI] => Slovenia [SB] => Solomon Islands [SO] => Somalia [ZA] => South Africa [GS] => South Georgia/Sandwich Islands [KR] => South Korea [SS] => South Sudan [ES] => Spain [LK] => Sri Lanka [SD] => Sudan [SR] => Suriname [SJ] => Svalbard and Jan Mayen [SZ] => Swaziland [SE] => Sweden [CH] => Switzerland [SY] => Syria [TW] => Taiwan [TJ] => Tajikistan [TZ] => Tanzania [TH] => Thailand [TL] => Timor-Leste [TG] => Togo [TK] => Tokelau [TO] => Tonga [TT] => Trinidad and Tobago [TN] => Tunisia [TR] => Turkey [TM] => Turkmenistan [TC] => Turks and Caicos Islands [TV] => Tuvalu [UG] => Uganda [UA] => Ukraine [AE] => United Arab Emirates [GB] => United Kingdom (UK) [US] => United States (US) [UM] => United States (US) Minor Outlying Islands [VI] => United States (US) Virgin Islands [UY] => Uruguay [UZ] => Uzbekistan [VU] => Vanuatu [VA] => Vatican [VE] => Venezuela [VN] => Vietnam [WF] => Wallis and Futuna [EH] => Western Sahara [WS] => Samoa [YE] => Yemen [ZM] => Zambia [ZW] => Zimbabwe ) [condition] => Closure Object ( [parameter] => Array ( [$item] => [$selectedOptions] => ) ) [group] => User ) [From country] => Array ( [id] => user-location [type] => multiple [name] => From country [options] => Array ( [AF] => Afghanistan [AX] => ?land Islands [AL] => Albania [DZ] => Algeria [AS] => American Samoa [AD] => Andorra [AO] => Angola [AI] => Anguilla [AQ] => Antarctica [AG] => Antigua and Barbuda [AR] => Argentina [AM] => Armenia [AW] => Aruba [AU] => Australia [AT] => Austria [AZ] => Azerbaijan [BS] => Bahamas [BH] => Bahrain [BD] => Bangladesh [BB] => Barbados [BY] => Belarus [BE] => Belgium [PW] => Belau [BZ] => Belize [BJ] => Benin [BM] => Bermuda [BT] => Bhutan [BO] => Bolivia [BQ] => Bonaire, Saint Eustatius and Saba [BA] => Bosnia and Herzegovina [BW] => Botswana [BV] => Bouvet Island [BR] => Brazil [IO] => British Indian Ocean Territory [VG] => British Virgin Islands [BN] => Brunei [BG] => Bulgaria [BF] => Burkina Faso [BI] => Burundi [KH] => Cambodia [CM] => Cameroon [CA] => Canada [CV] => Cape Verde [KY] => Cayman Islands [CF] => Central African Republic [TD] => Chad [CL] => Chile [CN] => China [CX] => Christmas Island [CC] => Cocos (Keeling) Islands [CO] => Colombia [KM] => Comoros [CG] => Congo (Brazzaville) [CD] => Congo (Kinshasa) [CK] => Cook Islands [CR] => Costa Rica [HR] => Croatia [CU] => Cuba [CW] => Cura?ao [CY] => Cyprus [CZ] => Czech Republic [DK] => Denmark [DJ] => Djibouti [DM] => Dominica [DO] => Dominican Republic [EC] => Ecuador [EG] => Egypt [SV] => El Salvador [GQ] => Equatorial Guinea [ER] => Eritrea [EE] => Estonia [ET] => Ethiopia [FK] => Falkland Islands [FO] => Faroe Islands [FJ] => Fiji [FI] => Finland [FR] => France [GF] => French Guiana [PF] => French Polynesia [TF] => French Southern Territories [GA] => Gabon [GM] => Gambia [GE] => Georgia [DE] => Germany [GH] => Ghana [GI] => Gibraltar [GR] => Greece [GL] => Greenland [GD] => Grenada [GP] => Guadeloupe [GU] => Guam [GT] => Guatemala [GG] => Guernsey [GN] => Guinea [GW] => Guinea-Bissau [GY] => Guyana [HT] => Haiti [HM] => Heard Island and McDonald Islands [HN] => Honduras [HK] => Hong Kong [HU] => Hungary [IS] => Iceland [IN] => India [ID] => Indonesia [IR] => Iran [IQ] => Iraq [IE] => Ireland [IM] => Isle of Man [IL] => Israel [IT] => Italy [CI] => Ivory Coast [JM] => Jamaica [JP] => Japan [JE] => Jersey [JO] => Jordan [KZ] => Kazakhstan [KE] => Kenya [KI] => Kiribati [KW] => Kuwait [KG] => Kyrgyzstan [LA] => Laos [LV] => Latvia [LB] => Lebanon [LS] => Lesotho [LR] => Liberia [LY] => Libya [LI] => Liechtenstein [LT] => Lithuania [LU] => Luxembourg [MO] => Macao S.A.R., China [MK] => Macedonia [MG] => Madagascar [MW] => Malawi [MY] => Malaysia [MV] => Maldives [ML] => Mali [MT] => Malta [MH] => Marshall Islands [MQ] => Martinique [MR] => Mauritania [MU] => Mauritius [YT] => Mayotte [MX] => Mexico [FM] => Micronesia [MD] => Moldova [MC] => Monaco [MN] => Mongolia [ME] => Montenegro [MS] => Montserrat [MA] => Morocco [MZ] => Mozambique [MM] => Myanmar [NA] => Namibia [NR] => Nauru [NP] => Nepal [NL] => Netherlands [NC] => New Caledonia [NZ] => New Zealand [NI] => Nicaragua [NE] => Niger [NG] => Nigeria [NU] => Niue [NF] => Norfolk Island [MP] => Northern Mariana Islands [KP] => North Korea [NO] => Norway [OM] => Oman [PK] => Pakistan [PS] => Palestinian Territory [PA] => Panama [PG] => Papua New Guinea [PY] => Paraguay [PE] => Peru [PH] => Philippines [PN] => Pitcairn [PL] => Poland [PT] => Portugal [PR] => Puerto Rico [QA] => Qatar [RE] => Reunion [RO] => Romania [RU] => Russia [RW] => Rwanda [BL] => Saint Barthélemy [SH] => Saint Helena [KN] => Saint Kitts and Nevis [LC] => Saint Lucia [MF] => Saint Martin (French part) [SX] => Saint Martin (Dutch part) [PM] => Saint Pierre and Miquelon [VC] => Saint Vincent and the Grenadines [SM] => San Marino [ST] => S?o Tomé and Príncipe [SA] => Saudi Arabia [SN] => Senegal [RS] => Serbia [SC] => Seychelles [SL] => Sierra Leone [SG] => Singapore [SK] => Slovakia [SI] => Slovenia [SB] => Solomon Islands [SO] => Somalia [ZA] => South Africa [GS] => South Georgia/Sandwich Islands [KR] => South Korea [SS] => South Sudan [ES] => Spain [LK] => Sri Lanka [SD] => Sudan [SR] => Suriname [SJ] => Svalbard and Jan Mayen [SZ] => Swaziland [SE] => Sweden [CH] => Switzerland [SY] => Syria [TW] => Taiwan [TJ] => Tajikistan [TZ] => Tanzania [TH] => Thailand [TL] => Timor-Leste [TG] => Togo [TK] => Tokelau [TO] => Tonga [TT] => Trinidad and Tobago [TN] => Tunisia [TR] => Turkey [TM] => Turkmenistan [TC] => Turks and Caicos Islands [TV] => Tuvalu [UG] => Uganda [UA] => Ukraine [AE] => United Arab Emirates [GB] => United Kingdom (UK) [US] => United States (US) [UM] => United States (US) Minor Outlying Islands [VI] => United States (US) Virgin Islands [UY] => Uruguay [UZ] => Uzbekistan [VU] => Vanuatu [VA] => Vatican [VE] => Venezuela [VN] => Vietnam [WF] => Wallis and Futuna [EH] => Western Sahara [WS] => Samoa [YE] => Yemen [ZM] => Zambia [ZW] => Zimbabwe ) [condition] => Closure Object ( [parameter] => Array ( [$item] => [$selectedOptions] => ) ) [group] => User ) [languages] => Array ( [id] => languages [type] => multiple [name] => Language [options] => Array ( [en_US] => English (US) ) [condition] => Closure Object ( [parameter] => Array ( [$item] => [$selectedLanguages] => ) ) [group] => Language ) [Language] => Array ( [id] => languages [type] => multiple [name] => Language [options] => Array ( [en_US] => English (US) ) [condition] => Closure Object ( [parameter] => Array ( [$item] => [$selectedLanguages] => ) ) [group] => Language ) )
reinstall fixed the issue
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin Report] find plugin across several websitesThanks for the suggestions.
RoyForum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Moving wordpress homepage to simple php/html to improve speedThe way that I did it was to write a plugin that had a parameter of a file name. The plugin would return the contents of the file. The files resided in a subdirectory on the web site.
The file contained the main content of the original word press file and the header data that loaded the necessary scripts and css.
The content on the original page was replaced with a shortcode of the plugin with the file parameter.
In my case, the file content was generated by either
1) A PHP scripts that accessed internal database tables and wrote the files.
2) A VB script that reads HTML output generated by InDesign, and extracted the content, as well as loading some database tables from the HTML contentDepending on the content of your files, the editing might be a pain.
- This reply was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by rweil55.
Yes, I could do that, but given the number of them, it would be a big pain.
See to delete and reinstall.
But the question remains, how did they get scrambled.
I did not see this option.
What worked for me was to delete the A3 credentials, the manual backup then worked..Thanks for looking. The plugin has already helped me clean up several sites.
where can I find the previous release?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Social Media Share Buttons & Social Sharing Icons] missing icon top_aroThanks.
This will eliminate a line from my link checker.
Yes I understand I could add a gallery module to a page and select a random image , but I would like to do this in the header with access to a gallery that is not on this site. I would like fime control over placement, size, etc.
What I have is a number of bicycle trail sites (different organizations) and a common pool of photos that I would like to pull from. My thought would be to insert a tag