For those having issues with inserting pictures in Posts this basic javascript tweak may help:-
The window box goes blank/white as it seems unable to reference the parent window object. So:-
1) Open the file wp-admin/js/media-upload.js in a text editor
2) Comment out line 4 so you end up with:-
// send html to the post editor
function send_to_editor(h) {
var win = window.opener ? window.opener : window.dialogArguments;
// hide this line if ( !win )
win = top;
tinyMCE = win.tinyMCE;
if ( typeof tinyMCE != 'undefined' && ( ed = tinyMCE.getInstanceById('content') ) && !ed.isHidden() ) {
tinyMCE.execCommand('mceInsertContent', false, h);
} else
win.edInsertContent(win.edCanvas, h);
Hope this helps a few folk.