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Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Broken header, missing files. Help!So, Sucuri said it was a mess the other day. But now, it comes back as being ok. Wordfence is installed and found a lot of random things, like themes and plugins that needed to be updated so we were in the process of doing that.
Then this happened.
I just reinstalled WordPress and it got some of the missing files back but how do I get the rest back???This is what it says now.
Warning: include(/var/chroot/home/content/95/8549795/html/wp-includes/certificates/ini.php) [function.include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/content/95/8549795/html/wp-config.php on line 4
Warning: include() [function.include]: Failed opening ‘/var/chroot/home/content/95/8549795/html/wp-includes/certificates/ini.php’ for inclusion (include_path=’.:/usr/local/php5/lib/php’) in /home/content/95/8549795/html/wp-config.php on line 4
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Files are in file managerHmmm. Weird. Bluehost did something but I guess it took a while to propagate.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Moved server, having major issuesIt seems that a combination of renaming the plugin folder, deleting some themes (except the default and the one I had before), and changing the wp-config worked.
The only thing now is that a plugin that places a link to my podcast on every entry is not working, but at least the site is back and I can deal with the plugins later.Thanks for all your help!!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Moved server, having major issuesMy host is back on the old one (I got the message about leaving it on bluehost after I changed the DNS back)
I have renamed the plugins folder and that did not work.
I have deleted all the random themes including the thesis one I activated when all this business started.I am about to change the wp-config as suggested (I haven’t access to FTP because everything was propagating.
Hopefully that will work.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Moved server, having major issues@knut- the actual login for it is RIght now, I get a 404 because the nameservers are still with the new host. I am waiting for the DNS to go back to the old host so I can monkey around with this.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Moved server, having major issuesI have changed the nameservers back to the original ones but they have not propagated yet.
You keep telling me to login to the dashboard. One of the first things I said was
“1) I couldn’t login to the WP dashboard. When I went to the site, all it had was a blank screen whether I went to or No error messages, no nothing, just white.”How do I login when I can’t see anything?
I have tried to import the database (my friend sent it to me) and uploaded the wp-content folder, but it didn’t do anything either. So now, I am waiting to get a backup of the database from before Friday.
Is there a way to change to to the twentyeleven theme without having access to login via
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Moved server, having major issuesCan I change this via FTP? I am in the process of waiting for my nameservers to switch back to the old ones so I can’t login to FTP yet (I never had c panel access).
I’m really freaking out as the prospect of manually getting every cached page from the last 7 years from google sounds like the most painful thing ever (none of the download widgets are working for me because I have spent the morning trying them all).
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Moved server, having major issuesThere are some issues with changing the theme back…
1) I couldn’t login to the WP dashboard. When I went to the site, all it had was a blank screen whether I went to or No error messages, no nothing, just white.
2) I moved my nameservers (I can move them back to the old nameserver if you think that would help) and I was going to import all the things I had. Under wp-content, the old theme wasn’t listed in there. I didn’t delete anything so I am not sure how activating thesis made everything get fubared. I’ve activated thesis on several blogs, and never had an issue.This is kind of a disaster for me and yeah, considering I work in IT, I should know better about backups. ??
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Moving to new server with no access to myphp or cpanelOk. so, I cannot access the dashboard of rubyfruitradio at all. Before I moved nameservers, you would go there and it was completely white, no 404, 500 errors or anything, just a big white page.
My friend (really my ex’s old boss) told me at one point he didn’t crap about WP and wouldn’t help me install it (this was years ago). Should phpmyadmin be available to anyone? I don’t know what he’s running his servers on (but since he’s a mac guy, I’m guessing it’s either osc or linux). Is this the absolute only way to get the database? If he doesn’t have myphpadmin is there another way for him to get it?
I’m really nervous he’s going to eff me over.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Question about pages, ability to make sub pages.The theme is complex. I tried to get them to use Thesis (which I’m more adept at) but they wanted to use this one. :\
The about etc are pages not posts. I will see if I missed a <?php comments_template( somewhere.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Question about pages, ability to make sub pages.@ christine, I tried to remove <?php comments_template( ”, true ); ?> from page.php but nothing happened. Everything stayed the same.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Question about pages, ability to make sub pages.The theme is wisdom of life by Themebazaar (got from themeforest).
The person that this is for really doesn’t want the pages to have a blog look at all so to elaborate, basically, she wants comments and all the various sharing options gone.
I know just enough about WP to be dangerous and have contacted the maker of the theme but you know how that goes sometimes…
thanks for all the suggestions. I will try some of them and see if I can get it looking a little more how the director wants it to look.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Warning: POST Content-Length errorIn theory, can’t I edit the php.ini file? It seems that this is a php memory error revolving around WP.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Warning: POST Content-Length errorWell, except they stopped making it and supporting it. :\
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Warning: POST Content-Length errorI got it from themeforest a while ago (several months ago), but just now got around to installing it.
The zip file when extracts has several extra files in it and includes a lot of .psd files that are making it a little big and lots of files called things like blue.css, green.css etc.