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  • Hi Zara, I just installed, but can’t get the upload CSV to work?

    Thread Starter rtysmith


    Its not the widget, its the entire widget areas

    Thread Starter rtysmith


    What would I be looking for? When I turn cache on and visit the page, the sidebar is there. If I go to that page again, the sidebar is gone?

    Glad it worked out for you too!

    Hey, I did find a nifty solution for this: install plugin: pagemash and use that to navigate your pages

    I’m having similiar issues. Looks like from rsch that wp is not happy with huge number of pages, huge number of posts, no issue, but for pages looks like it tries to load them all from db to figure out structure, which if you have a lot will crush the query.

    Any one have any solutions? this is not solved by upping memory…I have 4500+ pages…

    I’m having similiar issues, only with pages. Runs out of memory, I have about 5k pages. Works with no plugins, but as I activate them (doesn’t seem to care which ones) it will break. Was actually working better on shared server then dedicated. Any one have any ideas to fix?

    Has to do with a change on /media/JWShortcode.php.

    Some changes at line 282 ish.

    Old JWShortcode.php still works. Code is below.
    (replace yours with below)

     * @file This file contains the necessary functions for parsing the jwplayer
     * shortcode.  Re-implementation of the WordPress functionality was necessary
     * as it did not support '.'
     * @param string $the_content
     * @return string
    function jwplayer_tag_excerpt_callback($the_content = "") {
      if (get_option(LONGTAIL_KEY . "show_archive") && (is_archive() || is_search())) {
        $tag_regex = '/(.?)\[(jwplayer)\b(.*?)(?:(\/))?\](?:(.+?)\[\/\2\])?(.?)/s';
        $the_content = preg_replace_callback($tag_regex, "jwplayer_tag_parser", $the_content);
      return $the_content;
    function jwplayer_tag_widget_callback($the_content = "") {
      $tag_regex = '/(.?)\[(jwplayer)\b(.*?)(?:(\/))?\](?:(.+?)\[\/\2\])?(.?)/s';
      $the_content = preg_replace_callback($tag_regex, "jwplayer_tag_parser", $the_content);
      return $the_content;
     * Callback for locating [jwplayer] tag instances.
     * @param string $the_content The content to be parsed.
     * @return string The parsed and replaced [jwplayer] tag.
    function jwplayer_tag_callback($the_content = "") {
      if (!get_option(LONGTAIL_KEY . "show_archive") || (!is_archive() && !is_search())) {
        $tag_regex = '/(.?)\[(jwplayer)\b(.*?)(?:(\/))?\](?:(.+?)\[\/\2\])?(.?)/s';
        $the_content = preg_replace_callback($tag_regex, "jwplayer_tag_parser", $the_content);
      return $the_content;
     * Parses the attributes of the [jwplayer] tag.
     * @param array $matches The match array
     * @return string The code that should replace the tag.
    function jwplayer_tag_parser($matches) {
      if ($matches[1] == "[" && $matches[6] == "]") {
        return substr($matches[0], 1, -1);
      $param_regex = '/([\w.]+)\s*=\s*"([^"]*)"(?:\s|$)|([\w.]+)\s*=\s*\'([^\']*)\'(?:\s|$)|([\w.]+)\s*=\s*([^\s\'"]+)(?:\s|$)|"([^"]*)"(?:\s|$)|(\S+)(?:\s|$)/';
      $players = array();
      $text = preg_replace("/[\x{00a0}\x{200b}]+/u", " ", $matches[3]);
      $atts = array();
      if (preg_match_all($param_regex, $text, $match, PREG_SET_ORDER)) {
        foreach ($match as $p_match) {
          if (!empty($p_match[1]))
            $atts[$p_match[1]] = stripcslashes($p_match[2]);
          elseif (!empty($p_match[3]))
            $atts[$p_match[3]] = stripcslashes($p_match[4]);
          elseif (!empty($p_match[5]))
            $atts[$p_match[5]] = stripcslashes($p_match[6]);
          elseif (isset($p_match[7]) and strlen($p_match[7]))
            $atts[] = stripcslashes($p_match[7]);
          elseif (isset($p_match[8]))
            $atts[] = stripcslashes($p_match[8]);
      } else {
        $atts = ltrim($text);
      $player = jwplayer_handler($atts);
      return $matches[1] . $player . $matches[6];
     * The handler for replacing the [jwplayer] shortcode.
     * @global undefined $wpdb Reference to the WordPress database.
     * @param array $atts The parsed attributes.
     * @return string The script to replace the tag.
    function jwplayer_handler($atts) {
      $version = version_compare(get_option(LONGTAIL_KEY . "version"), "5.3", ">=");
      $embedder = file_exists(LongTailFramework::getEmbedderPath());
      $test = $atts;
      global $wpdb;
      $config = "";
      $default = get_option(LONGTAIL_KEY . "default");
      $image = "";
      if (LongTailFramework::configExists($atts["config"])) {
        $config = $atts["config"];
      } else if (LongTailFramework::configExists($default)) {
        $config = $default;
      } else {
      if (isset($atts["mediaid"])) {
      if (empty($image)) {
        $image = $atts["image"];
      if (isset($atts["playlistid"])) {
        $id = $atts["playlistid"];
        if (is_numeric($id)) {
          $playlist = get_post($id);
        if (($playlist)) {
          if ($version && $embedder) {
            $atts["playlist"] = generate_playlist($id);
          } else {
            $atts["file"] = urlencode(get_option('siteurl') . '/' . 'index.php?xspf=true&id=' . $id);
        } else {
          return __("[PLAYLIST not found]");
      $loaded_config = LongTailFramework::getConfigValues();
      if ($loaded_config["wmode"] && !$atts["wmode"]) $atts["wmode"] = $loaded_config["wmode"];
      if (is_feed()) {
        $out = '';
        // remove media file from RSS feed
        if (!empty($image)) {
          $width = isset($atts["width"]) ? $atts["width"] : $loaded_config["width"];
          $height = isset($atts["height"]) ? $atts["height"] : $loaded_config["height"];
          $out .= '<br /><img src="' . $image . '" width="' . $width . '" height="' . $height . '" alt="media" /><br />' . "\n";
        return $out;
      return generate_embed_code($config, $atts);
    function resolve_media_id(&$atts) {
      $id = $atts["mediaid"];
      $post = get_post($id);
      if (!isset($atts["image"])) {
        $thumbnail = get_post_meta($id, LONGTAIL_KEY . "thumbnail_url", true);
        if (!isset($thumbnail) || $thumbnail == null || $thumbnail == "") {
          $image_id = get_post_meta($id, LONGTAIL_KEY . "thumbnail", true);
          if (isset($image_id)) {
            $image_attachment = get_post($image_id);
            $atts["image"] = $image_attachment->guid;
        } else {
          $atts["image"] = $thumbnail;
      $mime_type = substr($post->post_mime_type, 0, 5);
      if ($mime_type == "image") {
        $duration = get_post_meta($id, LONGTAIL_KEY . "duration", true);
        $atts["duration"] = $duration ? $duration : 10;
        $atts["image"] = $post->guid;
      } else if ($mime_type == "audio") {
        if (empty($atts["image"]) && empty($atts["width"]) && empty($atts["height"])) {
          $atts["playerReady"] = "function(obj) { document.getElementById(obj['id']).height = document.getElementById(obj['id']).getPluginConfig('controlbar')['height']}";
          $atts["icons"] = false;
          $atts["controlbar"] = "bottom";
      $rtmp = get_post_meta($id, LONGTAIL_KEY . "rtmp");
      if (isset($rtmp) && $rtmp) {
        $atts["streamer"] = get_post_meta($id, LONGTAIL_KEY . "streamer", true);
        $atts["file"] = get_post_meta($id, LONGTAIL_KEY . "file", true);
      } else {
        $atts["file"] = $post->guid;
      generateModeString($atts, $id);
    function generate_embed_code($config, $atts) {
      $version = version_compare(get_option(LONGTAIL_KEY . "version"), "5.3", ">=");
      $embedder = file_exists(LongTailFramework::getEmbedderPath());
      if (!$embedder && !$version && preg_match("/iP(od|hone|ad)/i", $_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"])) {
        $youtube_pattern = "/\/watch\?v=([0-9a-zA-Z_-]*)/i";
        $loaded_config = LongTailFramework::getConfigValues();
        $width = isset($atts["width"]) ? $atts["width"] : $loaded_config["width"];
        $height = isset($atts["height"]) ? $atts["height"] : $loaded_config["height"];
        $output = "";
        if (preg_match($youtube_pattern, $atts["file"], $match)) {
          $output = '<object width="' . $width . '" height="' . $height . '"><param name="movie" value="' . $match[1] . '&hl=en_US&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="' . $match[1] . '&hl=en_US&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="' . $width . '" height="' . $height . '"></embed></object>';
        } else {
          $output = '<video src="' . $atts["file"] . '" width="' . $width . '" height="' . $height . '" controls="controls"></video>';
        return $output;
      } else {
        $swf = LongTailFramework::generateSWFObject($atts, $version && $embedder);
        return $swf->generateEmbedScript();
    function generate_playlist($playlist_id) {
      $output = array();
      $playlist = get_post($playlist_id);
      if ($playlist) {
        $playlist_items = explode(",", get_post_meta($playlist_id, LONGTAIL_KEY . "playlist_items", true));
      if (is_array($playlist_items)) {
        foreach ($playlist_items as $playlist_item_id) {
          $p_item = array();
          $playlist_item = get_post($playlist_item_id);
          $image_id = get_post_meta($playlist_item_id, LONGTAIL_KEY . "thumbnail", true);
          $creator = get_post_meta($playlist_item_id, LONGTAIL_KEY . "creator", true);
          $thumbnail = get_post_meta($playlist_item_id, LONGTAIL_KEY . "thumbnail_url", true);
          $streamer = get_post_meta($playlist_item_id, LONGTAIL_KEY . "streamer", true);
          $file = get_post_meta($playlist_item_id, LONGTAIL_KEY . "file", true);
          if (empty($thumbnail)) {
            $temp = get_post($image_id);
            $image = $temp->guid;
          } else {
            $image = $thumbnail;
          $p_item[] = "\"title\": " . json_encode($playlist_item->post_title);
          $p_item[] = "\"creator\": \"" . esc_attr($creator) . "\"";
          if (!empty($streamer)) {
            $p_item[] = "\"streamer\": \"" . esc_attr($streamer) . "\"";
            $p_item[] = "\"file\": \"" . esc_attr($file) . "\"";
          } else {
            $p_item[] = "\"file\": \"" . esc_attr($playlist_item->guid) . "\"";
          if (substr($playlist_item->post_mime_type, 0, 5) == "image") {
            $duration = get_post_meta($playlist_item_id, LONGTAIL_KEY . "duration", true);
            $p_item[] = "\"duration\": \"" . ($duration ? $duration : 10) . "\"";
            $p_item[] = "\"image\": \"" . esc_attr($playlist_item->guid) . "\"";
          } else {
            $p_item[] = "\"image\": \"" . esc_attr($image) . "\"";
          $p_item[] = "\"description\": " . json_encode($playlist_item->post_content);
          $p_item[] = "\"mediaid\": \"" . $playlist_item_id . "\"";
          $p_item[] = "\"id\": \"" . $playlist_item_id . "\"";
          $output[] = "{" . implode(", ", $p_item) . "}";
      return "[" . implode(",\n", $output) . "]";
    function generateModeString(&$atts, $id) {
      $html5 = $atts["html5_file"];
      if (!isset($html5) || $html5 == null || $html5 == "") {
        $html5 = get_post_meta($id, LONGTAIL_KEY . "html5_file", true);
      if (!isset($html5) || $html5 == null || $html5 == "") {
        $html5_id = get_post_meta($id, LONGTAIL_KEY . "html5_file_selector", true);
        if (isset($html5_id) && $html5_id > -1) {
          $html5_attachment = get_post($html5_id);
          $html5 = $html5_attachment->guid;
      $download = $atts["download_file"];
      if (!isset($download) || $download == null || $download == "") {
        $download = get_post_meta($id, LONGTAIL_KEY . "download_file", true);
      if (!isset($download) || $download == null || $download == "") {
        $download_id = get_post_meta($id, LONGTAIL_KEY . "download_file_selector", true);
        if (isset($download_id) && $download_id > -1) {
          $download_attachment = get_post($download_id);
          $download = $download_attachment->guid;
      if (!empty($html5) || !empty($download)) {
        $mode = "[{type: \"flash\", src: \"" . LongTailFramework::getPlayerURL() . "\"}";
        if (!empty($html5)) {
          $mode .= ", {type: \"html5\", config: {\"file\": \"$html5\", \"streamer\": \"\", \"provider\": \"\"}}";
        if (!empty($download)) {
          $mode .= ", {type: \"download\", config: {\"file\": \"$download\", \"streamer\": \"\", \"provider\": \"\"}}";
        $mode .= "]";
        $atts["modes"] = $mode;

    I’m having the same issue

    do a search for noindex,follow in the text of plugin file:


    replace with just follow and you’ll be good to go. Its on two lines, so make sure to change both.

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: [Postie] install error?
    Thread Starter rtysmith


    I want postie to work, any way to figure out what is the conflict?

    Thread Starter rtysmith


    To add to this strangeness – it is uploading images into uploads/2011/04 – even though it should be /07?

    Thread Starter rtysmith


    I ended up figuring it out – bluehost did not like that my to (or from, can’t remember now) was the same as the domain. Once I changed that all is well.

    Thread Starter rtysmith


    Right, I’d like to copy the minified content to CDN, but doing it via W3TC is a total pain, I was hoping BMW could help with automating

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