Forum Replies Created

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  • Plugin Author rsingel



    Can you write us at support AT contextly ? We no longer do support on this forum, but happy to help get this looking right.



    Plugin Author rsingel


    Thanks for letting us know Valério.

    We are shipping 5.0.6. which fixes some of the issues with Yoast today or tomorrow. Hopefully, this will fix all of your issues.

    For ACF, can you send us an email at [email protected] detailing a bit more about ACF (e.g. a screenshot or an explanation of how you use it so we can replicate it?).

    We don’t use this forum, so I’m going to close this issue.



    Plugin Author rsingel


    Hi Manpreet,

    This sounds like something we can do, but we’d need some details.

    Can you email us at [email protected] with your website address and a little longer explanation of what you are looking to do.

    Are you wanting to show relevant video recommendations at the end of posts? Are these video pages on your site? How do you host the videos?

    A concrete example would be helpful: On this page (https://exampleurlonyoursite), I would like recommmendations to (https://examplevideoURL) and (https://examplevideoURL2)



    Plugin Author rsingel


    Thanks for the kind words, Doc! Keep staying glitchy!


    Plugin Author rsingel



    If you are still having an issue, please drop a note to [email protected].



    Plugin Author rsingel


    Hi Florian,

    Yes, you can do this. When you install Contextly and get the API key, go to Settings->Contextly->Advanced. This lets you select Custom Post types. Simply check the one that corresponds to your product posts. This will include products in the related section and show recommendations on your product pages.

    Additionally, if you’d like a standalone product section/product siderail, you can get the RSS feed for the products, add it as a Custom feed, and then assign it to one of the display modules or module sections.

    If you have other questions, drop us a line at [email protected].



    Plugin Author rsingel


    Hi Janomix,

    I’m sorry to hear you think our payment model is an issue.

    Our plugin page and our pricing page say that we are a premium service. We give customers up to a week after their free trial to subscribe.

    Jetpack is a fine, basic related posts service. It’s not fancy – their related tech is what we use as our fallback if our machine learning system goes down.

    By comparison, we also include personalized, trending, and evergreen content, with multiple modules, curation tools and analytics reports.

    If you would like to talk more, feel free to write me at ryan @ contextly com.


    Plugin Author rsingel



    Plugin Author rsingel


    Hi Sumit,

    I’m happy to see if we can help with your requirements. Can you send a more detailed explanation of what you are looking to do to [email protected]?

    It sounds like you are trying to do something very specific, but you do already have full CSS control. You can download the display CSS from the control panel (WP->Settings->Contextly->Big Settings Button -> Main Module (scroll down.).


    Ryan Singel

    Plugin Author rsingel



    Most Contextly settings live on our servers. To get there, go to WP->Settings->Contextly->Big Settings Button. Then look for the Siderail tab.

    Just as an FYI, the current siderail only supports showing Evergreen and Popular content. We’ll be adding more content recommendation options in the future.

    Also in the future, you can write us directly at [email protected].



    Plugin Author rsingel


    Hi Bottegapazza,

    Thanks for the kind words about Contextly.

    1) There’s not an option for this right now, but it’s something we will add at some point. Most users these days seem to know to right click or open in another tab on mobile. But we understand why you would like it.

    2) The answer this question depends.

    a) If you change the theme or structure of the website, the links should remain. We connect the links you choose to the post you chose them from using the post ID, not the url. So you can change an individual url and we’ll pick that up. You can change all the urls or the url structure, and we’ll still show the right chosen web resources.

    b) If you add web resources by adding links into the body of the story, those are normal hyperlinks. They will exist even if you uninstall Contextly.

    c) However, we do not have an export function. However if you wanted something like post ID -> chosen urls, we would be able to do that for a paying customer who was leaving us, with a few weeks notice to schedule it.

    One important thing to note is that the web resources section will *only* show if you are using the Text display, due to limitations on the horizontal displays with images.


    Ryan Singel

    Plugin Author rsingel


    Hi Rachel,

    I’m sorry to hear you felt surprised about our payment model.

    Our plugin page and our pricing page say that we are a premium service. We give customers up to a week after their free trial to subscribe.

    Unlike many services, we don’t mine/sell/repurpose your readers data in order to sell ads elsewhere. We also use our own servers to compute all your recommendations and analytics and use a CDN to serve images.

    We put a lot of effort — both human and machine — into helping our publishers build their audience. To keep the lights on and to keep building new features, we rely on our customers paying for value.

    If you would like to talk more, feel free to write me at ryan @ contextly com.



    Plugin Author rsingel


    “We used Contextly for free quite happily while they developed and tested. Undoubtedly Contextly received some benefit from the data they gathered from our users.”

    FALSE: We do not engage in traffic arbitrage, sell user data, or inject 3rd party data trackers. We take reader privacy seriously. Here is our privacy policy.

    “We were sent a bill two months ago and had the service suddenly cut off. When we signed up to use Contextly it was free, and this was the first time we had ever heard about paying for their service. I switched to the WordPress Jetpack built in related posts plug-in.

    Contextly contacted us and enquired why we had switched off their plug-in. I explaining that it was no longer working, and they had sent us a bill, and also that I would be happy to pay for their service if they in some way added some value to our site, particularly that I would be happy to use it if they brought new traffic to us.
    I was assured that the bill was an error, and that we were part of their free tier, they would indeed be bringing more and better services in the near future, and they re-activated the service.

    A month later we were cut off again. This time there was no explanation, no response to our emails, just the message that our API key was no longer valid, and when I clicked on the button to get a new API code, I received the message “Ooops, it looks like something went wrong. We’re working on it right now.”
    Poor show from Contextly. No communication about this issue, cut off without explanation. After trying for several times over the next few days to get a response from Contextly and to get an new valid API key, we gave up.”

    This client was aware we operated a freemium/premium service for more than 10 months.

    Here is the timeline of emails to this client from our admin system:

    07/22/2015 – API issue
    06/16/2015 – Contextly Suspension in 24 hours – Act Now!
    11/16/2014 – Nerdalicious hasn’t signed up for Personal Plus after 45 days notice
    11/16/2014 – 45-day Contextly Trial expiration notice
    11/01/2014 – Your Contextly trial won’t last much longer
    10/17/2014 – Subscribe to keep Contextly from expiring
    10/01/2014 – Your Contextly Trial Is Expiring Soon
    09/20/2013 – Nerdalicious, welcome to Contextly!

    The client had multiple opportunities to make payment and was never shut off without notice. The client was not at the free-tier traffic level when payment was requested.

    In the final set of correspondence, the client complained that the service was broken without mentioning he’d gotten a invoice/notice of suspension . We said we’d look into it and saw that the client needed to subscribe to re-start service. We sent an email on 7/22 with a subscription link.

    We heard nothing back until this review.

    Plugin Author rsingel



    Plugin Author rsingel


    Hi Blair,

    There are a few settings in the Advanced Tab that may help.

    The buttons are all optional, but we don’t have controls to turn them off. Perhaps that’s something we’ll add at some future point, but we’ll likely need to do that on a per-author basis.

    Thanks for letting us know.



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