11 years, 11 months ago
I take it you can change currency, etc? I’m in the States.
12 years ago
Hi esmi
Just wondering if you needed anything else from me to sort this out!
That’s the fresh upload. The sidebar should be on the right but since the posts aren’t appearing, the sidebar is going to the left. – child theme removed.
When I use Safari’s “inspect element” on the live preview, there’s no sign of the posts anywhere – they’re not hidden off to one side or anything like that.
would a screen shot be helpful? I’ve put one here:
I’ve done that and no go :(. When I live preview the parent theme, the posts disappear there too.
The posts disappear in the parent theme too. [thank you endless amounts for your help and fast response here!]
Although my sidebar goes missing in 2012 theme…
The posts appear. Gah, why???