Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Tradetracker-Store] Products are not showing but filter isHi,
Did you also import the items (you can see if the import has run on the top of the ttstore admin page in the yellow bar) if there is no amount of items imported you can press the update now link. This will than manually import the items.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Tradetracker-Store] Price filter widgetHi
There is no widget for the price filter. You will have to make it manually or use css to show it on a different location.
This page shows what all the short codes in the post mean when you place a store in the post:
https://wpaffiliatefeed.com/296/frequently-asked-questions/how-do-i-add-the-store-to-my-site/You can also see which short codes you can remove if you don’t want to show that details
I hope that helps.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Tradetracker-Store] Autoupdate deleting items from databaseHi,
When all feeds are on Autoupdate = yes it will truncate the tables. But when 1 is on “no” it will query’s to remove those items. If the queries get stuck it was not continuing.
I now released 4.6.2 which will check if it got stuck and tries to continue afterwords.
Could you let me know if that solves your issue?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Tradetracker-Store] change layout pluginHi,
You have to add this to the style.css of your template (so not in the plugin itself)
.store-description { Display: none; } .store-outerbox { min-height: 280px !important; } .store-footer { min-height: 50px !important; }
The full explanation can be found on the forum: https://wpaffiliatefeed.com/forums/?vasthtmlaction=viewtopic&t=135
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Tradetracker-Store] Price filter and search doesn't seem to workHi,
The thing that MorgenWeg most likely did was to disable his plugins one by one until the price slider started working.
Most of the times it is because there is a plugin that does not use the native wordpress jquery but something from another source which causes conflicts in the wordpress jquery.
I hope this helps a bit
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Tradetracker-Store] Plugin nog workingI’m glad to hear it is solved now.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Tradetracker-Store] Plugin nog workingDid you enable the use of a css file on the plugin settings? Because it is best to disable that if you don’t have any css created for the store.
How it looks like on debesteschoenen is the default look without any changes to the settings.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Tradetracker-Store] Plugin nog workingIt sounds like no css is used. Could it be you enabled the use of a css file but did not fill in a file?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Tradetracker-Store] Plugin nog workingHi,
how do you mean that the plugin isn’t loading? Are you unable to download and install it or is it not loading the settings menu?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Tradetracker-Store] showlayout.phpHoi
De weergave voor je bezoekers wordt volledig in front.php gedaan. Hou er alleen rekening mee dat bij een update alle wijzigingen overschreven worden. Het is beter om te kijken of je het gewoon met alleen css kan doen.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Tradetracker-Store] version 4.5.52 Price is emptyHoi,
Ik heb de feed getest en over het algemeen importeert hij correctly (soms krijg ik een timeout omdat de feed langer dan 30 seconden duurt om te openen)
krijg je de < not found melding voor elke feed of zijn er ook feeds die wel werken?
Als het voor elke feed is dan ziet het er naar uit dat de rechten voor de map cache of de map splits het veroorzaakt.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Tradetracker-Store] version 4.5.52 Price is emptyHoi,
Als je me de link naar de feed stuurt kan ik testen of het aan de feed zelf ligt. Mocht het niet aan de feed liggen is het aan te raden om contact op te nemen met Versio. Bij meerdere mensen hebben ze het probleem kunnen verhelpen tot nu toe.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Tradetracker-Store] version 4.5.52 Price is emptyHier is een persoon die ook bij Versio zit en het zelfde probleem had: https://wpaffiliatefeed.com/forums/?vasthtmlaction=viewtopic&t=125.1 Mogelijk verhelpt de oplossing jouw probleem ook.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Tradetracker-Store] version 4.5.52 Price is emptyHi,
In 4.5.53 this is fixed. I don’t know how I missed it so thank you for reporting it.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Tradetracker-Store] Issue on Android browser