Forum Replies Created
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Gallery pagination and searchI found this thread while looking up the subject. I need a way to paginate native galleries–much more manageable load times. Les us know!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Remove <p> tag from excerptNice. Just what I was looking for. Remember to tell folks to replace the excerpt call in index.php with this code. I commented out the old code and made a comment noting this new code and what it does. Thanks!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: I can’t activated wp-cache, help pleaseI’m having the same problem.
I just re-installed 2.8.4 and restored from a backup and now the wp cache manager seems to be broken. The message that I get is:
ln -s /blog/wp-content/plugins/wp-cache/wp-cache-phase1.php /blog/wp-content/advanced-cache.php
I don’t know how to execute this remotely. I don’t even think my host allows SFTP. I don’t even think it can be done with plain FTP.
I’ve tried deleting the plugin entirely and re-installing it from within WP but that didn’t work.
I’ve also tried copying wp-cache-phase1.php to blog/wp-content/ and changing its name to advanced-cache.php–but that hasn’t worked. As a matter of fact, every time I tried it and wend to the cache manager (and got the same error message) the file advanced-cache.php was gone again when I refreshed the directory in the FTP client.
Any tips?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How can I move my local WP installation and content to my domain?I think I did it!
The video is right.
But I had to experiment on my own because it seemed like I was halfway there.
The content was showing–but no theme.
I could see the login page, but after entering my credentials I went to a 404 page not found page.
What I had to do:
When I opened the exported database in a text editor (as the video says–and reversed) I had to run a Find & Replace. I had to replace “https://localhost:8888” with (in my case) “/blog”.
Let me repeat. “/blog”
I started by replacing the string in question with “https://www.domain.com”. Of course that didn’t work. I kept trying several things until I found the right replacement for the string.
Others may need to do this as well if their WP installation is in “domain.com/blog”. Who know what else if it’s in root or another folder.
Just wanted to post this so others know how to do it.
I spent some hours stumbling through it, but still not as much time as if I had to re-upload the content and set up all my pages, install plugins, etc.
Oh, and BTW, I had to go to the Yahoo web hosting control panel and install the php myAdmin utility. It wasn’t set up by default. Just FYI for others.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How can I move my local WP installation and content to my domain?Not having such great luck.
+ I can see my site.
– No themes applied
– Images are broken (they don’t show up.
– Worst of all, I lose access to the dashboard.
+ I can get to domain.com/blog/wp-login.php. I enter my information.
– I get to a not found page at domain.com/wp-login.php
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How can I move my local WP installation and content to my domain?Looks very doable.
If I reverse the process, It would mean that I would have to use the PHP myAdmin control panel remotely.
How can I set that up? manually or through Yahoo?