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Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Twenty Fourteen] Need help to fix couple CSS issuesThe more I live the more I learn!
Thank you!
Now I see that I can use .home and .single to control post and post previews on main page.
I’ll try to proceed this evening. Yesterday went to sleep too early! :))
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Twenty Fourteen] Need help to fix couple CSS issuesJanet, it helped. But on main page there is still gap.
I just see that entry-header on main page is way below same entry-header inside post.
Regarding Author – the thing is that I manually move “Comments-link” to the right. But I’d like to see it always right aligned to the right end. When I start play with that in CSS then that “red comments pic” always goes to the second line. I don’t know how to fix that. Simply I’d like to see Comments with that red pic always on the right side.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Twenty Fourteen] Need help to fix couple CSS issuesJanet, sorry didn’t see your message. Let me try your suggestion.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Twenty Fourteen] Need help to fix couple CSS issuesI just modified CSS and this code:
#masthead { margin-bottom: 50px; }
The problem is that on main page there is a huge gap between blog title ( id “masthead”) and post title. But if you open a post then that same gap is much smaller. I don’t know how to fix that.
I also added this code:
.site-content .comments-link a { margin-left: 235px; margin-bottom: 33px; }
This moved “Comments link” a bit left, but still problem is not solved, because I need it to be aligned to the right side of thumbnail.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Twenty Fourteen] How to move entry title on top of every post?I did it. After some reading here I went to my parent theme and found index.php. Though I didn’t clearly understand it’s structure I moved to content.php.
1) Inside content.php I found some code and I thought that it should be related to thumbnails.
2) I wrapped this code into HTML comment tag thus :<?php twentyfourteen_post_thumbnail(); ?>
3) I uploaded that content.php to my FTP and after I refreshed my home page all thumbnails disappeared.
4) Then I moved that code below and placed if right after this code:<?php endif; if ( is_single() ) : the_title( '<h1 class="entry-title">', '</h1>' ); else : the_title( '<h1 class="entry-title"><a href="' . esc_url( get_permalink() ) . '" rel="bookmark">', '</a></h1>' ); endif; ?>
5) After uploading content.php and refreshing page all thumbnails moved below entry header and categories. Win!
Now I’ll try to quickly make another easy change and replace “Leave a comment” with “Add a comment”. So far it’s fun!
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Twenty Fourteen] How to move entry title on top of every post?Searched for “entry title”, but didn’t find anything useful. Searched for “post structure” and recently found this article:
I hope it will help me to modify content structure…
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: How to fix slow Disqus?I see, but since Disqus is slow then someone should step up it’s game! ??
I’m not even a web developer, I’m just learning CSS and testing my private blog. So I’m not going to test every plugin.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: How to fix slow Disqus?MacManX (James Huff)
Thank you! I just installed LiveFyre and it’s much faster updating actual comments amount. Though I think Disqus looks nicer. I’ll keep LiveFyre for now.
The thing is that trying many commenting plugins take a lot of time. I wish that WP could have nice default comment system which could allow you same features as Disqus and LiveFyre offer.
I will mark this thread as resolved.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: How to fix slow Disqus?I tried several times to post a thread on their support forum, but first they have to verify and approve such thread. They never did. So I don’t know how to contact them.
I just activated Jetpack, but I didn’t like it’s look, thus switched back to Disqus.
I just tried to test Disqus on another gaming website and same problem happened there. I posted a comment TEN Minutes ago, but on their main page it still shows 18 comments while there are actually 19 comments. And I believe their hosting should be really better than my cheap “GoDaddy WP Hosting”.
So Disqus looks good, but fails at real time updating comments number.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Twenty Fourteen] How to change fonts?I think it is solved.
I used this code in my child CSS:
.entry-content { font: 14px Arial, sans-serif; line-height: 20px; } .entry-title { font: 26px Arial, sans-serif; padding-left: 5px; }
– My post text is readable. I noticed that some websites use 12px Arial, but when I made the same then post text looked smaller, so I increased it’s size to 14px.
– My post title is readable. I also increased padding, because before text was too close to the left side.Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Twenty Fourteen] Five noob questions (part 1)I grouped all TODO items into 4 groups:
1) Unreadable fonts. On the pic below you can see what I mean. Simply, I need to make text fonts same as on As you can see on that site fonts are clear, readable and regular size. In my blog fonts look different in Firefox and Chrome, plus in Chrome fonts are TOO smooth and in Firefox are sharp. Plus size is different. And I think type too.
2) Post preview structure. I need to change structure of all posts previews, so that all posts previews in my blog should be created with a new structure. I described that structure in a pic below.
3) Post structure. Same thing as with post previews.
4) Slow comments. I noticed that either Disqus is SLOW or my hosting is slow, but when I add a new comment then the number of comments stays the same for a LONG time. A attached a pic that shows 4 comments in Disqus frame and 3 comments on top.
When you open each link you need to click on a pic to magnify it.
I understand that all my TODO items may take long time, but I need to do that.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Twenty Fourteen] Five noob questions (part 1)Great! Thank you Mika!
So I will post my list soon. With screenshots.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Twenty Fourteen] Five noob questions (part 1)CrouchingBruin
Thank you for your help!
I tried to edit my post containing list, but after couple minutes I got a message that “it’s too late to edit”. So my last post just destroyed this thread.
I wonder how can it be fixed? I really don’t see any option here in Support section to report a bug.
Oh, I just found “trac” servive. Let’s see how it works. Next time I will manually create a list using text, but not list tags…
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Twenty Fourteen] Five noob questions (part 1)Here is a list of changes that I need to make:
<li>test1</li> <li>test2</li>
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Twenty Fourteen] Five noob questions (part 1)Hmm.. This PAGE gave me some explanation about “.class1.class2” and “.class1 .class2”. So the first style is for elements with 2 classes: class1 and class2 and the second style is for element with class2 that is a direct child of class1.
I guess that this code
.full-width.home .site-content .hentry.has-post-thumbnail
Means that:
Some elements with 2 classes (.hentry and .has-post-thumbnail) which are children of an element with 1 class (.site-content) which is a child of an element with 2 classes (.full-width and .home).
But the problem is that I don’t understand all this classes in style.css. I wonder where can I get an explanation regarding what each class means and what is a purpose of each class. I just scrolled through Twenty Fourteen style.css and it’s huge and not clear.