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  • Thread Starter kikiosid


    It’s been so much time (4 days) without it working and I have no idea why …

    It generated like 5000 photos without problem then doesn’t work anymore.

    I tried to add a proxy from the panel and from the wp.config file reading a tutorial without success.

    I used Google Scraping but Flickr is not even working either so unless it is my server that does strange things then the plugin is KO …

    I’ll have to look for another plugin if it doesn’t fix in a few days more.

    Thread Starter kikiosid


    By the way, I am not using SG-Optimizer plugin so i think many things can be removed in case they are duplicated

    Thread Starter kikiosid


    I tried both without success.

    I have spoken with someone for the hosting again and they have told me this is the way Cloudfare work and if I want to have HSTS I can’t use cloudfare at the same time so I have to choose.

    Do you think this might be the reason?

    They told me better not install HSTS and it won’t improve the speed of my site at all so better leave it like it is.

    Thread Starter kikiosid


    Here u got it. I just changed the domain because I don’t like the fact this wp forums provides 0 privacy and does not allow you to remove any topic.

    If you provide me your details I can tell u exactly the website i am working on and anything.

    Thanks for your time again Mark.

    text/x-generic .htaccess
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    application/javascript \
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    RedirectMatch 403 (?i)(=\’|=\%27|/\’/?)\.
    RedirectMatch 403 (?i)/(\$(\&)?|\*|\”|\.|,|&|&?)/?$
    RedirectMatch 403 (?i)(\{0\}|\(/\(|\.\.\.|\+\+\+|\\”\\”)
    RedirectMatch 403 (?i)(~|`|<|>|:|;|,|%|\|\s|\{|\}|\[|\]|\|)
    RedirectMatch 403 (?i)/(=|\$&|_mm|cgi-|etc/passwd|muieblack)
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    # Las directivas (líneas) entre BEGIN WordPress y END WordPress se generan dinámicamente
    # , y solo se deberían modificar mediante filtros de WordPress.
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    Thread Starter kikiosid


    Hey Mark,

    Thanks for your answer.

    The settings have been always like this:

    This feature you tell me is activated so I have no idea what to do because I am not a coder and I expected it to work automatically.

    Thanks for your time :))

    Thread Starter kikiosid


    solved thanks ??

    Thread Starter kikiosid


    solved thanks !!!

    Thread Starter kikiosid


    Hey you @gn_themes ,

    I will have to purchase that then I didn’t know, first time I am using it.

    By the way, is there a way to reduce the padding or space between 2 blocks or below a shortcode in Guternberg?

    I created a “su_note” shortcode block and now when I write below, there is a lot of space between the shortcode box and my text.

    This is how it looks like:

    I would like to be able to write a text right below the shortcode I did ??

    Thanks in advance !

    Thread Starter kikiosid


    Yeah, I get it.

    Is there a way to do it graphically for those like me that basically like writing and have no idea about coding?

    I guess it is quite easy and maybe someone else might help but I will try to look also a code by myself and hopefully find it.

    Gracias Enrique !!!

    Thread Starter kikiosid


    Hi again Gemini Labs,

    Thanks for the prompt answer.

    1- I have done this already. Every time I type an exact sentence from the plugin to the white search box I get the message that it doesn’t find anything.

    If I type a random text and save changes it says successfully done but I see nothing happening.

    I don’t have a multilingual site.

    2- I am using RankMath which works for my page Schema. I have it like article.

    For Site Reviews plugins I expected the plugin would detect the stars automatically like KKstar Ratings plugin or similar ones.

    Can I use this Schema types?

    Right now I am basically using these shortcodes:

    [site_reviews_summary hide=”bars,summary” schema=”true”]: number and stars
    [site_reviews_summary hide=”stars,rating,summary” schema=”true”]: show the bars
    [site_reviews assigned_to=”post_id” schema=”true”]: show reviews of people

    Many thanks !

    I do have the same problem. That’s the problem of free plugins I guess, you do not have any support when something fails. Maybe on the next update they fix it but I am not sure …

Viewing 11 replies - 1 through 11 (of 11 total)