Thanks, but I’m not FTP savvy at this point. Can you direct me to a FTP for Dummies place so I can pick up on it. This gets difficult when I’m the graphics guy and someone else if the CSS, HTML, FTP guy and he ain’t here! Thanks
Thanks, but I’m not FTP savvy at this point. Can you direct me to a FTP for Dummies place so I can pick up on it. This gets difficult when I’m the graphics guy and someone else if the CSS, HTML, FTP guy and he ain’t here! Thanks
Our Dashboard is hosed. It isn’t formatted and will not do upgrade or installation of new plugins. Server is MacHighway, this only applies to ONE website! Our programmer has 4 other sites through MacHighway and none of his other sites are affected.
Oh yeah, the side color bars reflect the Liturgical season, I have to tone down the purple yet but at this moment I’m having issue with formatting in Dashboard… ~)