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Seems like this has solved my problem! taxonomy-event-categories.php was the template that was missing. Thanks! ??
Thanks guys. Knew I wasn’t going insane! I’ll let you know how I get on. Thanks again! ??
Hi Marcus,
I appreciated you taking time to reply to me but I am a developer and have already customised this plugin greatly. I have rewritten a lot of the views but this one is just boggling my mind. It makes no sense that the template file is not being noticed by the categories.
Hi Marcus,
Thanks for replying. I have just tried your solution. I can’t get anything to be displayed if I name my template name: archive-event-categories.php
Currently my permalink looks like this (to give you an idea)
events/regions/british-columbiaWhere Region is categories rewritten slug.
Still haven’t found a solution to make a template for my event categories archive. I disabled the page formatting and I’m trying to override the default usage of archive.php which it is now using. Any advice?
I have rewrote the slug of categories to regions could this be a conflicting problem?
Hi Angelo,
I followed those links you suggested. I disabled the formatting on the categories page. So it is now no longer using a page.
I know that by default my event categories are using the archives.php template, but I can’t override this, I think I may be doing something wrong with the template hierarchy.
Could it be that I have rewrote my category slug to Regions that when I try to create archieve-events.php it my Event categories do not show up in this template?
I have also tried taxonomy-events_categories.php and a few other variations.
Any help would be appreciated.
Ah maybe the first thing I need to do is disable formatting? I’m reading through these links now thanks angelo.
Hi, thanks for the response.
I’ve just tried creating an archive-event.php, refreshed cache and resaved permalinks. My formatting from the admin panel is still showing unfortunately.
Hi Marcus, thanks for the swift response.
The layout mostly, specifically I want a sidebar which I can extend, it needs to have some custom stuff relating to the category. Maybe there is another way to go about this, I’m not particularly great with extending themes.
Hi Phil,
All fixed, I had some a plugin conflict with Shortcodes Ultimate plugin. I disabled “Custom Formatting” in the options page of that plugin. Everything works like a charm now.
Thanks for getting back to me, your reply made me to go back through the troubleshooting process!
Thank you!
Will do, I’ll report back with my findings!
I’m the WordPress theme author, so I’m really confused about the output of this page. Can i create a new events template landing page to overwrite the html for this?
I have already created a new single-events.php, but I’m unsure how to do the main event landing page.
Any guidance would be appreciated!
@bettercallsaul, thanks for that. They worked perfectly for me. I didn’t know I could call {has_time} through the $EM_Event->output. But works like a charm!
@caimin_nwl – thanks buddy! I already saw this page I just had a lack of knowledge utilising them ??
Thanks I’ll give it a shot. Is this documented anywhere on their docs? Apologies if I missed it.
I actually got this working after reading through the docs. I created a custom attribute
I then added to my formatting, I was definitely over thinking things, I didn’t think it would be as simple as that, great plugin! ??