Morten Ross
Forum Replies Created
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: localhost install: http error on image uploadThe Http error is no longer displayed, and has never been displayed when using browser uploader.
The browser uploader simply displays a blank after upload is finished.
Adding the “ini_set”* in .htaccess resulted in server error, and unable to load uploader gui.
From php.ini:
; Log errors to specified file. PHP’s default behavior is to leave this value
; empty.
; Example:
error_log = D:\Data\mowes_portable\www\wordpress\php_errors.log
; Log errors to syslog (Event Log on NT, not valid in Windows 95).
error_log = syslogAs for the logging to file – it never works – but does work in Windows Eventvwr (syslog entry). But there is no sign of entries during any of the times I upload using the flash or browser uploader.
The only PHP error I get is during startup:
PHP Notice: Undefined index: target in D:\Data\mowes_portable\www\start\index.php on line 97“Start”-directory does not exist, nor does it exist on live site where all uploads work.
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: localhost install: http error on image uploadWell, I can verify that PHP messages are logged to screen in other areas (Dashboard incoming links for one), but not using the image uploader.
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: localhost install: http error on image uploadHi,
I have logging to screen enabled via php.ini (display_errors), but no errors are displayed. The HTTP Error is also no longer being displayed, and the “Crunching” completes and “Save changes is displayed, but of course no image has been processed.
Adding your suggestion to the D:\Data\mowes_portable\www\wordpress\.htaccess didn’t change logging, perhaps the destination path is wrong?
In example it’s /home/domain/public_html/php_errors.log, but this is on Windows host, and that would have been /home/wordpress/php_errors.log, or am I wrong?
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: localhost install: http error on image uploadHi Jocke,
1: no https.
2: no MU mode – it’s just one copy of live site.
3: sure done allreadyThere seems to quite a few with this problem, and here is another unresolved thread: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: HTTP Error using Image Uploader (WP 3.1/3.2)What happened to me was that if I enter link using the link-button and place it before text – all the remaining text is made clickable.
If I insert the link at the end of the post – no text following, the url is not visible.
I tried maaaany times, until my post was classified too old to edit. I then then resorted to simply pasting the link itself as text. Fortunately this was made an active link, so the link-button is not needed.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: HTTP Error using Image Uploader (WP 3.1/3.2)What’s with the “link” button here anyway? It doesn’t work!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: HTTP Error using Image Uploader (WP 3.1/3.2)I have another thread on this opened som time ago: am using Mowes Portable to run live site on localhost for testing upgrades – just like maorb with Xampp.
And just like him, I am unable to upload – both upoladers!
There seems to be some sort of location mismatch, so the files are unable to be saved, and thus the failed upload.
My environment is running on Win7 x64, btw.
I’m happy to see there are more with the same issue, so perhaps someone comes along with a solution…?
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: localhost install: http error on image uploadLucky you!
#6 didn’t do it for me, unfortunately.
#1 is not applicaple, as this is not an upgrade, but localhost mirror of live site.
#2 not applicaple/not resolving the issue.
#3 not applicable, as problem is with both uploaders, and they work on live site
#4 not applicaple – all buttons are available/works on live site.
#5 not applicable – plugin not installed
#7 not applicable – image is just 300K/works on live site
#8/9 not applicable as it works on live site.Pheeew ??
I thought I was the only one, as the author hasn’t commented in over a week and nobody else commented on having issues.
Thanks for letting me/us know and hinting what might be the cause ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Drop Down Links] [Plugin: Drop Down Links] Ideas on the pluginThis plugin would be really useful if it had check box for Link Category to include in drop-down. To include all links simply bypasses Categories grouping .
I would for one not need “About” included, as it’s placed in main menu.
This would also make it possible to even have more than one drop-down in sidebar – each with its own title to better inform the user of what is in the list.
The second thing is that the “Description” field should also be included, so that when the user mouse over the link in the dropdown, they will see this information to help choose.
I have searched in vain for a sidebar links drop down, and you are definitely getting there. If you add this I am definitely going to install it!
Anyone here using Yarpp 3.3.1 with WordPress 3.2.1 that are able to select templates from the drop-down list in the settings?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [YARPP - Yet Another Related Posts Plugin] Related posts by titleI didn’t fin the “Relatedness” as it’s hidden by default.
Another poster that had upgraded also didn’t find it, but got the answer – it’s in “Screen Options” dropdown in upper right.
My matching now works OK.
I will deal with missing templates in another thread.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WordPress Popular Posts] "No thumbnail" displayed on some postsI found out the cause – for some reason the post had no image in “Gallery” of the post. The Post’s image was a direct URL, and perhaps not uploaded using WP admin “Add an image”.
Forum: Requests and Feedback
In reply to: My forum profile does not display my ID as clickableThen I should also see the URL when I view the profile as logged in – I don’t.
When I view my profile as logged in I only see the blog URI – not the web page:
Member Since May 28, 2009 (2 years)
# of WordPress Sites I Run 1
Blog 1 Address entered the blog info yesterday, and can see it when logged in – so why not also the web page?
When I’m not logged in, my profile only displays my Gravatar – nothing else!
Forum: Requests and Feedback
In reply to: My forum profile does not display my ID as clickableI added my website to the profile a couple of days ago. I changed my Id display name earlier today from rosmo01, and that was updated shortly after I changed it.