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Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: JPEG Upload Blowing Me Out of WP!Sounds like you should re-install your core files. It’s likely not an issue with WordPress per se, but rather a corrupt file, or a plugin that is causing your grief.
The WordPress core is very stable and bug-free as a whole. Plugins however, caveat emptor!
Forum: Developing with WordPress
In reply to: jQuery : modern best practices in custom themesAs a technical note, moving the jQuery to the footer doesn’t improve actual page loading speed, it improves the perceived page loading speed.
When a browser loads a page, it can generally open about 4 connections at a time to the same domain to download files. It starts loading the files at the top of the page first, as the jQuery generally isn’t needed until most of the other parts of the page are loaded, this allows the base HTML and images, CSS etc to load quicker and the browser to begin to render the page quicker. This is also why putting JS for Google Analytics, Disqus, Twitter, Facebook, etc at the bottom of the page is also a good idea. The bottom line is however, the entirety of the page will load at the same speed, the user will just think it’s loading faster.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Remove HTML tags and attributesNo worries, yup, you can add it anywhere. Right at the bottom, might be a good plan so you don’t break any other code by accident.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: disable password auto-complete?You can enqueue the JQuery on the page MickeyRoush suggested by:
in functions.php:
function kill_autocomplete() { wp_register_script('kill-ac', get_template_directory_uri() . '/js/autocompleteoff.js', array('jquery'), '1.0' ); wp_enqueue_script('kill-ac'); } add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'kill_autocomplete');
in /js/autocompleteoff.js:
You can move autocompleteoff.js to another location in your theme, just update the reference to it in the functions.php entry.
It’s unlikely that GoDaddy will pick up the JQuery and it probably will still throw the warning, but the problem should be resolved despite the warning.
There’s no filter in the core to attack the problem directly with the HTML tag, and autocomplete is a non-valid tag, if it’s in the HTML, it’ll throw validator errors.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Remove HTML tags and attributesAdd the first block to functions.php
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Remove HTML tags and attributesOr the easier path esmi suggested, search your theme files for comment_form() – at line 75 in comments.php in TwentyEleven and change it to
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Remove HTML tags and attributesAdding this to functions.php should do the trick:
/** * Remove the text - 'You may use these <abbr title="HyperText Markup * Language">HTML</abbr> tags ...' * from below the comment entry box. */ add_filter('comment_form_defaults', 'remove_comment_styling_prompt'); function remove_comment_styling_prompt($defaults) { $defaults['comment_notes_after'] = ''; return $defaults; }
Forum: Developing with WordPress
In reply to: how to delete runaway post from databaseBefore you start, backup your DB ??
The extra rows in wp_posts are most likely revisions, child posts or attachments.
SELECT ID, post_status WHERE post_parent = (ID of current published post)
will give you the list of everything. I’d first kill the revisions with:
DELETE FROM wp_post WHERE post_parent = (ID of current post) AND post_status = ‘revision’;
If you’re OK ditching the attachments you can run:
DELETE FROM wp_post WHERE post_parent = (ID of current post) AND post_status = ‘attachment’;
If you’re OK ditching the child posts you can run:
DELETE FROM wp_post WHERE post_parent = (ID of current post) AND post_status = ‘publish’ or post_status=’draft’;
That should clean up the wp_post table. The entries in the other tables will just become orphans, they’ll do no harm, but to rid them run:
DELETE FROM wp_postmeta WHERE post_id = (ID of current post);
DELETE FROM wp_term_relationships WHERE object_id = (ID of current post);It’s probably best just to leave the orphans in wp_term_taxonomy be.
Again, back up your DB before you start! (I haven’t tested any of the SQL above against a live DB, it’s just from my head – which sometimes contains dust and lint…)
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Sidebar widgetsSounds like there may be a problem with the your HTML in the HTML code widgets that is causing the HTML for the other widgets to break. Look for a rogue unclosed ” or ‘ in the HTML code widget, they can often be pesky. Do a view source on the page to see if the HTML for the other widgets is on the page.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: blank white screenWhite screens usually are a result of a PHP error (PHP is the scripting language that runs WordPress). You can find out what the error is by enabling error logging on your Yahoo account: This will be the fastest way to track down the problem (be sure to enable password protection of your error logs as described on the page).
A lot of white screens are caused by PHP running out of memory. These instructions tell you how to increase the PHP memory in your install:
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How do I add custom stylesheets to TinyMCE?Out of interest, here are the default TinyMCE init values in my current install of WordPress 3.0 (not certain if any are set via options page)
array( ['mode'] => 'specific_textareas' ... ['editor_selector'] => 'theEditor' ... ['width'] => '100%' ... ['theme'] => 'advanced' ... ['skin'] => 'wp_theme' ... ['theme_advanced_buttons1'] => 'bold,italic,strikethrough,|,bullist,numlist,blockquote,|,justifyleft,justifycenter,justifyright,|,link,unlink,wp_more,|,spellchecker,fullscreen,wp_adv' ... ['theme_advanced_buttons2'] => 'formatselect,underline,justifyfull,forecolor,|,pastetext,pasteword,removeformat,|,media,charmap,|,outdent,indent,|,undo,redo,wp_help' ... ['theme_advanced_buttons3'] => ... ['theme_advanced_buttons4'] => ... ['language'] => 'en' ... ['spellchecker_languages'] => '+English=en,Danish=da,Dutch=nl,Finnish=fi,French=fr,German=de,Italian=it,Polish=pl,Portuguese=pt,Spanish=es,Swedish=sv' ... ['theme_advanced_toolbar_location'] => 'top' ... ['theme_advanced_toolbar_align'] => 'left' ... ['theme_advanced_statusbar_location'] => 'bottom' ... ['theme_advanced_resizing'] => TRUE ... ['theme_advanced_resize_horizontal'] => FALSE ... ['dialog_type'] => 'modal' ... ['relative_urls'] => FALSE ... ['remove_script_host'] => FALSE ... ['convert_urls'] => FALSE ... ['apply_source_formatting'] => FALSE ... ['remove_linebreaks'] => TRUE ... ['gecko_spellcheck'] => TRUE ... ['entities'] => '38,amp,60,lt,62,gt' ... ['accessibility_focus'] => TRUE ... ['tabfocus_elements'] => 'major-publishing-actions' ... ['media_strict'] => FALSE ... ['paste_remove_styles'] => TRUE ... ['paste_remove_spans'] => TRUE ... ['paste_strip_class_attributes'] => 'all' ... ['wpeditimage_disable_captions'] => FALSE ... ['plugins'] => 'safari,inlinepopups,spellchecker,paste,wordpress,media,fullscreen,wpeditimage,wpgallery,tabfocus' ... ['content_css'] => '' ... )
You should be able to override any of them (at your own risk!!!) via zotsf’s function above.