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Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: how to place images side by side in the sidebarDepends on your comfort with HTML and CSS. You can place the images using raw HTML in the text widget. There isn’t a built in widget to do this in twenty ten, but may be a plugin out there that achieves what you are looking for.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Some image links broken after import even though images are uploadedThe error arose because WordPress creates thumbnails of uploaded images based on the settings of the theme in use when you upload the image. When you switch themes, the new theme may use different thumbnail sizes which haven’t been created for images uploaded prior to when you switched themes.
WordPress doesn’t create different sized images on the fly, but rather creates them on image upload, which allows the web server to better handle traffic and reduces overall server load.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Some image links broken after import even though images are uploadedReally depends on the web host and what ownership is set on the directory, there is no one answer for that question. If the thumbnails are regenerating without errors, you should be fine as is.
The web server needs to be able to write to the directory. The web server will be running as a different user than the user you log in to the server as, 777 is generally considered by be insecure, but could work, as could 755.
Safest plan is to contact your web host and find out what user name the web server runs as and then chown (change owner) of the uploads directory to that user. You can then set the permissions to 755 in most cases.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: JPEG Upload Blowing Me Out of WP!No worries. Always ready to stand up for the quality of the main WordPress code ?? !!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: how to place images side by side in the sidebarReally depends on the theme, but this may be what you’re looking for:
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Some image links broken after import even though images are uploadedNote, your uploads directory has to be writable by the user the web server is running as, not just the user you use to ftp back and forth from the site with.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Some image links broken after import even though images are uploadedAs well did you switch themes at the same time? This could also have caused the issue.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Some image links broken after import even though images are uploadedIt’s because you need to regenerate the thumbnails. If you go to:
You’ll see that the base image is there, the link above is to a thumbnail (you can tell by the 322×484 at the end of the link for the image that is missing on the page above).
This is the link to the missing image:
The the regenerate thumbnails plugin will fix this, but if it’s throwing errors, it’s most likely because you have a file permissions problem. Post the errors that the plugin is making and I may be able to help further.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Some image links broken after import even though images are uploadedYou you most likely have a permissions issue with your wp-content/uploads directory:
When you move the site and re-import it, you also have to move the uploads directory.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: JPEG Upload Blowing Me Out of WP!Sorry you’re having grief.
Re-installing the core files, really just means blowing away WordPress and starting again with a fresh install.
However, I’d lay odds that you have a plugin issue. Plugins can be written by everyone and their mother and can sometimes be buggy. Of course there are also many, many wonderful well written plugins out there as well!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: ERROR UPLOAD : The uploaded file could not be moved toAlso as a site note, some web server configurations don’t allow 777, and allow a maximum of 755 as a security issue (ie group and other users can’t ever write, they can only read).
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: ERROR UPLOAD : The uploaded file could not be moved toReally depends on the configuration of your web server. There is no ‘correct’ answer.
The uploads directory needs to be writable by the user that your web server runs under (even this assumes that you are running a LAMP web server, IIS will be different).
For 755,
The first number 7, means that the owner of the directory can read, write and browse the contents of the directory. The second number is the group of the directory, and the third number is everyone else.
You should be able to ask your web host what user the web server is running as and then change the ownership of the uploads directory to that user. Then as long as your permissions on the directory are set to 7** you’ll be good.
Your web host should help you if you tell them you need the uploads directory to be writable by the user the web server is running as. If they can’t, change hosts, because any good host will do this for you.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Need Help With the_content<?php echo preg_replace("/<img[^>]+\>/i", "", the_content('<p class="serif">Read the rest of this entry ?</p>')) ?>
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Some image links broken after import even though images are uploadedThe plugin: might help.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Where do I edit the title of my post?Depends on what theme you are using, but I’d start by looking for the_title(); in single.php in the theme directory.