and svn got nothing to do with bleeding edge alpha versions
its the simplest fastest method of installing and updating WP.
of course you don’t like anyone telling u anything.
just hang on lol
u keep talking about “opening” it
wp got to be installed in htdocs
what u will end up opening are the theme files…………
u are doing so well
but hold yr breath
u might stumble
its not a 1 min job
but u doing great so far
now u need to find yr way to phpmyadmin
create a database
add a user
oh cool
now swithch into yr file manager/explorer
go and see the file structure
look for htdocs
thats where u install stuff/set up web sites
u need to navigate there
u can put a shortcut in mydocuments
i am here
but getting xampp up n running may not be a 2 minute job………
depends on yr comp and skill set but omg it is worth perservering……..
everything wp is so much easier in a good local environment