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Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: HTML being processed?Look at what is in the database itself to see if your posts have the HTML content you expect. I found that the WP processing done for export to the blog can have unfortunate side-effects. My trials were documented in this thread: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: WP is invalidating my XHTML Strict valid postI agree it happens. The question is where and should it. To my eye, the problem is that WP processing is creating the comment-within-a-comment condition on that entry. My post data is valid. But WP processing is creating invalid page for display.
The “Coordinates” post is a different example where I have the CR in the middle of an img tag, between attributes (nothing wrong with that with respect to valid XML). WP processing inserts a br tag in the middle of the tag, which definitely breaks the link. I won’t try and reproduce the code here in the forum, but that entry is short and you can see the problem readily if you look at the source of the following, the error is just the second line in the story content.
What I gave WP to work with:
What WP produces: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: WP is invalidating my XHTML Strict valid postBeel, I’m unclear on what you are saying. Are you saying that I have a comment within a comment in my post data? (What do you mean be ‘script comment’ — you say we are back to it but I don’t see ‘script comment’ mentioned earlier in this forum thread? We did have the trouble in this thread with trying to capture XHTML snippets, but I don’t see that now. So I’m just flummoxed trying to understand what you are saying.)
I agree that nested comments in my post data would be invalid. I don’t see it. And’s and WDG’s validators are apparently both missing it as well if that’s the case. I’m thus disinclined to believe that I’m posting invalid data.
After WP processes my valid input, then all manner of things are wrong and invalid. That’s what I’m pointing out.
I do think there should be a mode where one can post valid data and not have WP make it invalid.Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: WP is invalidating my XHTML Strict valid postI’ve put the six posts that demonstrate problems into a new WP installation without any modifications that aren’t done simply via the admin panels:
Not only are the pagest generated by WP invalid, but some are corrupted such that the post content gets cut-off and is not displayed.
The links in the sidebar include links to pages with the uncorrupted post content for each of the six posts in question.Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: WP is invalidating my XHTML Strict valid postOops, forgot to login for that previous post. I wrote it (as is probably clear).
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: PostgreSQLI’ll follow the previous post to respond to the same comment: “Database independence isn’t a terribly high priority at the moment because there really isn’t that demand for it. (You’re the first to even mention it.)”
I’m using WP with MySQL, which is all that my current public hosting solution supports at the moment. But I personally prefer PostgreSQL which I use quite a bit at work. If given the choice, I’d definitely choose PostgreSQL over other database choices. So, because it appears you are counting mentioned resquests. +1 for more db independence/choices. ??Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: WP is invalidating my XHTML Strict valid postI suppose it’s worth noting that if I leave my WP as modified, there is no error. Replicating should be easy though since if you were to cut-and-paste the story_content into a default WP setup.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: WP is invalidating my XHTML Strict valid postThanks to all for suggestions thus far. I had some coding work to do to make a good controlled experiment here. I wrote a script that verifies that all 58 of my posts is valid XHTML 1.0 Strict. So I’m starting clean here.
I then checked the validity of all 58 posts by having the validator check each individual post archive page. It is then checking for XHTML 1.0 Transitional. Six failed.
So I commented out these lines in wp-includes/template-functions-post.php :
//add_filter('the_content', 'convert_smilies');
//add_filter('the_content', 'convert_chars');
//add_filter('the_content', 'wpautop');
//add_filter('the_excerpt', 'convert_smilies');
//add_filter('the_excerpt', 'convert_chars');
//add_filter('the_excerpt', 'wpautop');
(commenting out the_excerpt filters probably wasn’t necessary)
Only one of the six is now valid. The other five are still invalid because of WP processing.
All five are good testcases because they have no comments. So, they only have what WordPress produces plus my valid posts.
I then commented out the two commented-out statements shown below in the same file:
function the_content($more_link_text = '(more...)', $stripteaser = 0, $more_file = '') {
$content = get_the_content($more_link_text, $stripteaser, $more_file);
//$content = apply_filters('the_content', $content);
//$content = str_replace(']]>', ']]>', $content);
echo $content;
Now all my archive pages are valid. So there appears to be more filters than thoseadd_filters
at the top of template-functions-post.php which affectthe_content
.Forum: Requests and Feedback
In reply to: I broke the formatting in a forum topicOops, yes, the dyslexic il was in the index.php and thus on all pages. It was a result of a change made too quickly today because it related to another forum topic. Fixed now. The Onion post is now valid.
I can also confirm that the invalid RSS feed was because of the particular way you were writing the comment tags. Now that you’ve removed them, the feed works.
This all is orthogonal to the blockquote validity problem. It still exists. As a workaround, I think I can mess around with having the automatic filters removed that act on the_content(), but I’ll try that tomorrow (I’m guessing “autop” adds those paragraph markers in an unfortunate way that is not smart enough to avoid breaking my post.)Forum: Requests and Feedback
In reply to: I broke the formatting in a forum topicHmm, for some reason when you and now I post to this thread, I’m not seeing the updates in my newsreader (which happens to be NetNewsWire). I’m guessing it might be because the feed to this forum thread doesn’t validate: Requests and Feedback
In reply to: I broke the formatting in a forum topicThanks Beel. I just realized I could edit comments, so I deleted the problematic code in the forum postings that were causing the trouble.
The problem is still fully documented for the moment on my own website to which I posted the link on the blockquote forum thread in question. It was the only reasonable way for me to be able to demonstrate the exact code in question — plus on that page, I linked to a full set of post data that would have been far too large for a forum post.Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: WP is invalidating my XHTML Strict valid postAnonymous asked:
And can you have blockquote and cite together ?
Yes. Cite is an attribute on blockquote in XHTML 1.0 Strict.
Any Javascript I have came with WP. I’ve made very little customization.
Not sure what #4 is about. I attempted to put a relevant clips from a post that demonstrated the problem. I copy-and-pasted and then tried to get suitable markup for these forums, which I wasn’t able to do. Copy-and-paste is very valuable in revealing all details of a problem including subtle ones that otherwise might not be noticed. For example, Lane’s suggestion that I put two things on the same line that were on separate lines — had I abstracted the problem, that detail might have disappeared because that CR should be irrelevant.Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: Are There Actually ANY XHTML Compliant Blogs?Oh yes, and in case my indirect sentiment wasn’t clear enough: if the vast majority of web sites were valid, then web renderers would be much faster and smaller and the developers would have time to implement the emerging standards that much more quickly.
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: Are There Actually ANY XHTML Compliant Blogs?Dave Hyatt works for Apple on the renderer WebCore that Apple uses for Safari (and shares with Konquerer). He has a blog in which he discusses various interesting aspects of his work:
In particular, as I recall, he has expressed the idea that the hard part isn’t handling standard compliant markup, but gracefully handling uncompliant markup. Here’s a relevant post from him (in the context of discussing how XML error failure is different from HTML error failure):Fully half of the bugs I receive in WebCore are not bugs at all, but are essentially differences in error handling and error recovery between Safari and the dominant Web browser, WinIE. None of these issues occur with XML.
If we lived in a world where browsers could refuse to display malformed content (with useful error notification of course so that authors could easily repair their content), then all of these “bugs” would simply disappear. I could focus my efforts on real DOM and CSS bugs, and not have to waste my time emulating the behavior of WinIE.So, as previous posters have said, if you have clean markup, you know what to expect and can reasonably be unhappy at browsers that don’t comply. If you have erronious markup, then you have to just hope that every browser deals with the error in the same way the Author’s browser dealt with it.
Forum: Requests and Feedback
In reply to: “About user” page should obfuscateThanks. That’s a good suggestion. It does defeat the purpose a bit, but is an adequate workaround.