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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Autoptimize] loading issuerespected sir,
i am facing 2 kinds of error my site
2. when my html files load it show me broken website for a fraction of section when i use Inline and Defer CSS and rest is good
i used sitelocity for generating critical css because my website have more tha 800000 css . in sitelocity they generate 2 file critical css and javascript file but i can’t find any option to add javascript file .i tried adding that file in head of my website but i was getting error so i removed that
any kind of help will appreciatedi think so you are using cloudflare thats why you might be facing this issue you need to pause cloudflare . don’t disconnect it just pause cloudflare because cloudflare is already caching your static content
rahulForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Autoptimize] loading issuerespected sir ,
i really appreciate your reply . but i checked that option where you have mentioned if your js files is not loading or theme break you might want to try this . i am not using any lazy loading ok no issue with images thats ok i can manage with image late loading . now i will try load images via lazy loading i hope that will help me. i love everything about autoptimise . only problem i am facing is with post grid i tried all possibility but still all my post grid loads after complete loading of website . i found this in github add_filter(‘vc_grid_get_grid_data_access’,’__return_true’); for visual composer . could you please figure for divi post grid for late loading . i created post grid in both plugins divi as well as visual composer i really don’t know why its not workingThanks for giving reply I am not expert in php. my work is to scan malware in website . As per my observation I am asking this question I am not blaming anyone . It was just a simple question over security . It may be because of some other issues . Even I am using this plugin in my website . There is no doubt this plugin is awesome by work .
RahulForum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: someone entered my website through wp-content@jdembowski thanks that you answer my question . i got your answer but still i have one doubt . again he will try to enter into my website through that wp-content/cache path how do i make that path strong ? .
i will delete my wordpress completely and will reinstall WordPress but again if he again gets successful in hacking then what should i do in that case?Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: someone entered my website through wp-content@swansonphotos thanks for giving reply if i will delete that folder wp-content/cache then you mean to say that i can make my blog post free from that harmful codes? if yes than i will export all my post and i will relaunch my website again with more security / i will more thankful if you will reply. i just want my blog post back
can you exactly tell me how i can block anyone from entering inside my wp-content sub folders ?Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: someone entered my website through wp-content@jdembowski can you please answer my question in simple words. i am using hostgator and he is changing the files through wp-content/cache path . he have already added so many coeds to my website even he have added codes to my pages and post . so my 1st question is how i can stop him to enter into wp-content/cache or wp-content path next i want to all my blogs post back is it possible i don’t have any backup .@lancehowell i am really sorry for my misunderstanding
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: someone entered my website through wp-content@lancehowell i asked for help . i don’t want to to hire you . i am smart enough to read to read this blog and i can follow all these steps for future security . i asked this question because that hacker he added so mnany codes inside my pages and post . and i can’t write all blogs again . if you could suggested how i can get my post free from bugs i will appreciate . and i will be more thankful if you will answer how to exactly block hacker to enter inside wp-content
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Coupons and Deals - WordPress Coupon Plugin] coupon link not working@imtiazrayhan you are great i wish you all the best for the your future lots of blessing for you it started working
rahulForum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Coupons and Deals - WordPress Coupon Plugin] coupon link not workingthanks a lot for your work . i hope it will work . still i didn’t deleted your your plugin kindly please update as soon as possible .
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Coupons and Deals - WordPress Coupon Plugin] coupon link not workingbut your plugins is not working with my theme can’t you find solution so that even after minifyting java script we can run that plugins
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Coupons and Deals - WordPress Coupon Plugin] coupon link not workingif you don’t mind an you tell me how i can create click to revel buttons using visual composer rest border and all i can create. its because i can’t remove that plugin i have already remove slider from my website to optimize even i have remove so many things which is creating trouble in loading but i didn’t remove that minifier could you please help me in making just a coupon button with visual composer which will revel when clicked i will be very thankful to you for this act of kindness
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Coupons and Deals - WordPress Coupon Plugin] coupon link not workingdid you tried with my problem all my links are still broken how i can fix it i even tried unminifying the javascript plugins i am still getting error
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Coupons and Deals - WordPress Coupon Plugin] coupon link not workingi tried removing that minify javascript but it wan’t working please help me . as per i concern minifying is important for seo you i can’t remove such plugins from my dashboard however i am able to reduce my website loading time to 7-9 sec although i am using shared web hosting if i will use wordpress or any other specific hosting for sure it will be maximum 5 sec . please help and reply as soon as possible because i have to look for alternative . can help me in making same type of buttons in visual composer which will revel codes when someone click on that and new link popups please if could help me with visual composer it wil be more helpful for me
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP YouTube Lyte] unable to work with visual composerthanks lots sir its working like a rocket
i have just a small doubt who ever comming to my he is looking into this “
style sheet from my website view source kindly please suggest how i can hide this style sheet if you don’t mind i have tried alot to search but couldn’t got the solution
Because i feel like they are hackers and trying access my websiteRegards ,