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Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How To Assign specific categories to displayOK I’ve read through the codex pages and they all refer to changing functions that have changed with the release of 3.0 and of course the new Twenty Ten. The loop changes ther retrieval process. I can’t even find a query_posts line in the functions or loop php. Wanna give this another shot?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Defining the default categoryYEAH THANKS FOR ALL THE HELP FOLKS!!!!!! NOT!!!!!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Defining the default categoryI tried the insertion of the line in several different files to no avail. Exactly which file should this go in? page.php, loop.php attachment.php? No place like that in index. Anyway the loop may also have something to do with it not working too. any extending info you can provide is appreciated.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Defining the default categoryoh yeah, using 2010 RC3 theme.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Altering Motion ThemeOk, I altered the first line and deleted the second. There is still a panel and I believe the display on that panel changes it’s link based on the status of contents being turned on for that post. If comments are off it displays an aroow pointing right and Permalink. If comments are on it diplays the # of comments status. I’m looking for something like that in the index. could it ne I have to change metabottom maybe. If it weren’t for comments status I’d just as soon remove that panel all together. Your thoughts?
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Altering Motion ThemeOk, here’s the pristine index.php of the motion template. Will you also need the style.css?
Thanks again
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Altering Motion Theme
Here’s a link to the the pastebin but I can only paste code there right? There no attachment tool for a whole them and I couldn’t paste it from all the pages involved. The only “code” I can paste would be what I got when I “view source” from IE. This give’s me code that doesn’t look like any code on any page I can edit from the dashboad. The theme is Motion 1.06. I’ve just started running the blog theme as the whole site so you could see it at As an added thing, I’m gonna have to put AdSense on my pages so I gotta start knowing where I’m going in editting this theme. Anyway anything else I can give ya to help, just lemme know. BTW, is there a good GUI styled drag and drop website software that makes PHP and CSS pages? Thanks again!
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Altering Motion ThemeHere’s the link…probably best to go to as I have a different setup running on the main page while I work out these other little things. Gotta do it quickly though because the Motion Theme is actually running in a HTML object with frames which is part of what I’m tryig to get away from. If you can provide any assistance that would be great! Thanks in advance.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Yahoo Butchering My Theme?Just a thought from a newbie who’s had unusual display problems. You may wanna check the what the setup of the Yahoo sever is. It may require a .htaccess file or php.ini file in the root directory of the website files in order to properly display. Then again if you already have one of those files in your uploaded content it may be the wrong translation for the server at Yahoo. It could get cleared up by removing those files if they exist. Just a thought of something you might look into and check out.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Browser display differencesThanks for the validator info. I have quite a few errors but that’s probably due to the fact that I wasn’t loading the header.php file. Once I reinput the code to get the page it calls the style sheet to properly display. That’s brings up a new question that I’ll post separately. Thanks for the assistance!
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: need template modification helpI appreciate your assistance. Making the change on the link attribute took care of the first part of the business. Had to load the header and then had some control over the font size for the post title which is indeed an h2. I still want to remove that graphic for the header and just display the actual posts so would I edit the header.php to get rid of that. Starting to get the hang of this but still have a ways to go. I really really mean it when I says thanks for the help! If anybody wants to play “online tutor”, lemme know!