Forum Replies Created
@sayontan @dobbler31 Thanks a lot!!!! ??
Thanks @sayontan.
I have found the way through .photonic-more-button class.
Thanks a lot for your support.Wow, @sayontan THANKS A LOT for all the explanations!!! You’ve really made my day.
About the “Tile size”, I haven’t tried what you are telling me before. I tried right now and it works great: THANKS!!!!
About “caching”, after reading your explanation, I think you are right: it’s ok the way it is now.
About the button style, I would really appreciate if you could help me with the code. I would like the button “dark blue” in normal state, and “light blue” on hover state. Once I see your CSS code I will manege to personalize the way I need.
Again, THANKS a lot for your time & wonderful plugin!!!
Hi @sayontan,
Thanks for your fast reply.When you talk about “define a ‘Tile size’, do you mean “Random Justified Gallery – Minimum Tile height”?
What it really works for many photos is to use the “More” option. Is there any place where to change the button style to show more photos?
I have tried other similar plugins that have “cache” feature to go faster. Any planning to add “cache” to your plugin?
All in all I can only say THANKS for your great plugin. It works very nice!!!
Hi again, Sayontan (@sayontan).
I have realised right now that there is the same problem with safari in your website:
I see a huge blank space after masonry layoutu using picasa. Just to let people using the plugin that their galleries will have problem when using “masonry” in safari.
Thanks and I wish the problem is solved in future.
Thanks for your help but it appears the same. It may be something with Elementor. I will use “random” layout that it works ok. Thanks for your time, and agagin, contratulations for your wonderful plugin.
I was using it with “Elementor shortcode”. Now I have put the code using “Elementor Text
I have use the shortcode inside a normal text, but still an Elementor element… because the page is made with elementor…
Using “random” layout it works perfectly.
Hi @sayontan. Thanks for your fast reply. Here you can see it:
Thank you very much! ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Featured Image from URL (FIFU)] Version: 1.9.2 BUG!! DON”T LOAD IMAGESHi @marceljm and @magneto664.
Same problem here. I never used “Fake Internal Featured Image” and it was working great, but uptating to version 1.9.3, I have to toggle from on to off or vice versa to make it work. Returning to version 1.9.1 everything goes perfect. Any help?
Marcel, THANKS for your great plugin!!!
I’m having the same problem since adjustment to summer time. Everything seems to be ok but posts publish 1 hour later… any help?
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [External Featured Image Plus] still working fine@arsenalemusica. First of all, thanks a lot for your very fast reply. Secondly, I’m very happy because finally I have managed to get what I needed with the plugin “Featured Image From URL” from Marcel Jacques Machado.
I tried this plugin and it didn’t work at the beginning because I didn’t realize that it was necessary to activate the option. I thought it was just to install it and I not even realize that it come out a new menu with several options, among them “use the first image as featured image” that it is off by default.
I’m using it with normal posts and it works perfectly, although I import my posts from another wordpress site that I own (that is why images get url) and to get the automatic featured I have to edit and press update and it works. It seems the autor will add bulk edit in a nearby future… which would make the plugin just perfect for me.
I have write a new post inserting and image from url and it get it automatically.
I think you are using “custom posts”; I don’t know if it will work on those…
Good luck and again, THANKS for your answer ??
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [External Featured Image Plus] still working fineHi @arsenalemusica. I also need an automaticall solution to get external featured image from my post. Did you find any plugin or any solution? All my post have an external image and it is to much work to add it manually… Thanks a lot.