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  • Helo Steven,

    If you mean that you want pages for a specific category and it lists all the posts with that category, probably the easiest way for that is you create a Menu item, but instead of selecting pages, you select categories.

    To do that, go to your Dashboard > Appearance > Menus, on your selected menu where you want your category page will appear, click the “Category” on the LEFT PANEL (Under Page and Links), the Category Section will expand, there, you can choose the category you want to show in your menu.

    If you don’t want a menu, and need a page that lists the posts with a specific category, you can create a page template, inside the page template, you can add a query filter
    query_posts(cat=<ID OF THE CATEGORY>);
    then use that page template in one of your pages.

    query_posts parameters:

    Hello Helle,

    I think I got my CSS wrong in my first reply, try this:

    1.) Try inspecting your .header-wrapper class, I can see a margin-left: 50px; applied to it.

    2.) .home #main { max-width: 1200px; width: 100%; } – I got it inverted, that’s why it doesn’t work on mobile

    3.) in your article element ( #main > #primary > #content > article ), there are some margin left or right applied, try to replace that with margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;

    and if you wanted to center the logo for all pages/posts, you can remove the .home class in the code I posted.

    Hello Helle Naia,

    To center your #main content area, you need to apply a fixed width or width less than 100%, so that the margin: 0 auto property will work. The theme you were using currently has it’s width set to 100%. Targeting that element and setting it’s width to less than 100% of the browser width will center the circles including the widget area below.

    To target the home page / front page only, you can add a preceding selector .home

    Here’s the code:
    .home #main { max-width: 100%; width: 1200px; }

    Change the width value as you like. You need to add the max-width property if you’re using fixed values in the width, so that the content area won’t exceed the browser’s width on smaller devices.

    I hope this helps ??

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Layot problem

    Hello CapraBianca,

    If you want to remove the white bar completely, you can target the element and set it’s display property to none, or remove that block of code in your single.php file.

    Here’s the CSS code:
    #nav-single { display: none; }

    Place that code inside your style.css file, preferably, at the bottom of the file, so you would know the codes you added. To locate the file, either edit it via FTP, or go to Dashboard > Appearance > Editor, and select your style.css file (labeled Stylesheet).


    I have inspected your site’s pages, and I cannot find #mailchimp ID anywhere, maybe that’s the reason why the changes do not apply.

    I somehow find IDs like #mc_embed_signup, #mc-embedded-subscribe-form in which I think is the ID for mailchimp’s elements.

    I’m using Chrome by the way.

    Yes style.css is a cascading style sheet file.

    Is your site hosted locally? Or online?

    If locally, navigate through your site: <site name>/wp-content/themes/iribbon/ then copy and paste the style.css from your desktop.

    If online, you need to have ftp access on your site and navigate to the themes folder inside <site name>/wp-content/themes/, there you can find all the themes installed on your wordpress site, if you can find the “iribbon” folder there, go inside it, and upload the style.css from your desktop there.

    There’s an error on your site when I try to access the link to your single.php. You may want to check your single.php template file on line 20, specifically on “sharing_display()” function where PHP reports that the function doesn’t exist.

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function sharing_display() in /home/daisymar/public_html/wp-content/themes/thirteen/single.php on line 20

    Also, if you have two post queries in a single template file, to be safe, end each query with <?php wp_reset_query(); ?>. In your case, paste the code after the endif; of the first query:

    <?php if(have_posts()):while(have_posts()):the_post();?>
    	<h2><?php the_title(); ?></h2>
    	<p><?php the_date(); ?></p>
    	<?php the_excerpt(); ?>
    <?php sharing_display(); ?>
    <?php endwhile; else: ?>
    Sorry, no posts
    <?php endif; ?>
    <!-- ########### PASTE CODE HERE ######### -->

    Good day!

    Add this code somewhere in your site.
    <a href="<?php echo wp_logout_url(); ?>" title="Logout">Logout</a>

    Or if you are using widgets in your theme, you can add a “Meta” widget, the meta widget adds a log-in and log out link.

    Have you in any way modified the style.css from the iRibbon theme? because if not, you can redownload the theme on your computer and get the style.css, or if you already have the theme in a zip file, you can extract the zip file somewhere easily located, and locate the style.css and upload it back to your server where the theme is installed.

    If you already have modified a great amount of code in your css, I’m afraid you’ll reset back to the default iRibbon styling if you can get a way to download back its style.css.

    If the text “Call Now To Schedule Service (866)-626-4989” is found in header.php, you can do this by creating blocks of if else functions for each page like:

    if( is_page(2) ) {
        echo '<h1>First page text</h1>';
    else {
        echo '<h1>Second page text</h1>'

    You can also do this by using custom fields. Create custom fields for your pages, and for each page you can set the text you want that will show in the header, like this:

    	global $post;
    	$id = $post->ID;
    	if( get_post_meta($id, 'sub_title', true) != 'no-sub' ) : ?>
    	<div class="sub-title">
    		<div class="inner-sub-title container">
    				    if ( 'post' == get_post_type() ) {
    						echo 'This will appear on blog page';
    					} else {
    				    	echo get_post_meta($id, 'sub_title', true);
    <?php endif; ?>

    In the example above, the custom field name I used is “sub_title”, I used this code to set sub titles for each of my page differently.

    You can see a similar example I used for my site, where the banner changes image and titles for each page: My website

    That’s it for header.php

    Are you using any starter themes or blank themes? It is USUALLY found under search.php and looks something like this:

    <h1 class="page-title"><?php printf( __( 'Search Results for: %s', 'domain' ), '<span>' . get_search_query() . '</span>' ); ?></h1>

    by removing archive.php, WordPress defaults to index.php, try removing archive.php or changing its file name, and see if it shows the sidebar and footer, in that way, the posts page and the category page has the same template, then you can determine if there’s something wrong with your templates, or if the problem lies in a different area other than the template files.

    <?php endwhile; endif ?>
    <?php get_sidebar() ?>
    <?php get_footer() ?>

    is there any difference when putting semi-colons after the codes above? (e.g. get_sidebar();, get_footer();)

    What happens when you remove your category.php file? Making WordPress choose index.php when showing categories.

    Yes it is possible, can you post your index.php and category.php here?

    index.php and archive.php is the default for category.php if you don’t have one, and it means that category.php is somewhat similar to archive.php and index.php, unless if you changed the structure.

    are you using any grid system (e.g. skeleton grid, twitter bootstrap grid, etc)? If yes, please specify.

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