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I have similar problem. I found that there is a conflict between Popup Maker and Q Translate X.
If I try to edit my menus(Appearance -> Menus)- I get “This site can’t be reached The connection was reset.”
I found that if I comment out class PUM_Modules_Menu init(PUM_Modules_Menu::init(); in wp-content/plugins/popup-maker/includes/modules/menus.php)- I can open Menus page.
I’m not sure if it’s safe to comment out that last line. Anyone ever had similar problem and what was the best solution? ??
I got same problem with window.pum_popup_settings_editor = ;
I deleted everything from my debug.log and reloaded Edit Popup admin page. Here is what I got.
[10-Apr-2018 16:41:14 Europe/Vilnius] PHP Notice: wpseo_pre_analysis_post_content filter/action is deprecated since version WPSEO 3.0! Use javascript instead. in C:\laragon\www\vikingegaarden\wp-includes\functions.php on line 3828
Please let me know if you need any more info.
Option 1 helped me, in case anyone is looking for solution: I have same problem.
Was it resolved and how?Thanks
I found how to fix this ??
In file wp-content\plugins\cookie-law-info\admin\cli-admin.php, line 318 you have this:
case 'button_2_url': $ret = esc_url( $value ); break;
change to:
case 'button_2_url': $ret = $value; break;
You’ll be able to save url with q translatex syntax.
But this will get deleted on next plugin update, so watch out ??
I have same problem. Has anyone found solution to this one? ??
Thanks ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [W3 Total Cache] Automatically prime the page cache not workingAnyone? ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [ACF qTranslate] Fatal error when saving postI have same problem.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [ACF qTranslate] WYSIWYG editor and image fields not workingAfter further investigation I found that content is displayed ok when switching to different languages. There’s a problem in admin part, where you enter content- it does not change languages when I switch them. What could be wrong?
This should be coming from Events(admin) -> Bookings (tab at the top) -> Customize Feedback Messages -> Bookings disabled.
Thanks for your reply.
How can I do it manually? I believe I have to change code below, that’s in rw-top-rated-widget.php file<p> <label for="rss-items-<?php echo $values["{$type}_order"]; ?>"><?php _e( "Order", WP_RW__ID ); ?> : <select id="<?php echo $this->get_field_id( "{$type}_order" ); ?>" name="<?php echo $this->get_field_name( "{$type}_order" ); ?>"> <option value="DESC"<?php echo( $values["{$type}_order"] == "DESC" ? "selected='selected'" : '' ); ?>> BEST (Descending) </option> <option value="ASC"<?php echo( $values["{$type}_order"] == "ASC" ? "selected='selected'" : '' ); ?>> WORST (Ascending) </option> </select> </label> </p>
Thanks a lot ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [qTranslate] qtranslate and Paypal gatewayI got same problem, any help is very welcome!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: wp-admin shows a blank screenMy client had same problem- white wp-admin screen and there was nothing in page source.
What I did was-define('WP_DEBUG', true);
, for a second, so I could see what an error was (the website is live and I couldn’t take my time with errors visible to visitors). Error said that there was an error with onerequire
, so I traced that and found that one file is missing in one of the plug-ins. Luckily I had a back up! Uploaded file to that directory and that is it!
Peace of advice- ALWAYS make back-ups for WP sites! ??